Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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pabzi said:
But no one is sure?

Everyone has signed one for season 8, except for Jorja (at least it hasn't been made public). I haven't heard on Wallace thoughor any of the recurring cast. There's a thread on this that might have more details.
Well, Hodges does have something heavy doing to do with the MCSK (in 720) and he is a series regular but not in the opening credits. So whether he is in signed next season, it's anyone's guess. I'm sure he'll be back though, he's been with CSI since s3 and done numerous episodes since.
AHHHH! Ok, you had me worried there! I may not be a fanatic, but I do like Greg very much and would not want him gone.

Unless of course Hodges is the killer or a victim, both of which worry me
Hahaha, that is one sucky typo... haha its cool though.

Yeah, I don't think this will be a Cath-drama... definitely feeling a Greg-centered. Which, I like very much.

I'm just not sure if they will use the mom as a part of the finale. I mean, I'm not trying to be pessimistic or anything, its just that... I don't know. They have just given us so much Greg this season already, it just seems too good to be true to have him in the finale as well.

So, I don't know. I'll cross my fingers for it and some spoilers to give us a hint!!

And did anyone else pick up on some Warrick... saddness(?) in EE. I know this isn't the discussion for EE, but it could be in future episodes. Well, probably not because the whole "Burn out" thing has already been done.. but Warrick does need something. Oh I don't know what I'm saying anymore.
im so looking forward to the next episode. though i'll probably watch it the next day instead and watch scrubs. this whole thing with that kids family is just messy. im just glad greg doesnt have to pay that money himself!
eszmanda_luver said:
And did anyone else pick up on some Warrick... saddness(?) in EE. I know this isn't the discussion for EE, but it could be in future episodes. Well, probably not because the whole "Burn out" thing has already been done.. but Warrick does need something. Oh I don't know what I'm saying anymore.

I agree that Warrick needs scenes longer than 40 seconds. Perhaps he will find solace in the arms of one red-haired, collagen-filled lipped, fellow CSI. That's what I'm predicting anyway. Could happen.

I'm so stoked about the upcoming episode involving Greg's story. Poor guy can't seem to catch a break. He's much too polite to tell Demetrius James' mother to shove it. I wonder if Demetrius James' brother, Aaron, getting into trouble will cause the DA to rethink the civil lawsuit, and maybe revoke the cash payout to the family? That would be my hope.

Let's hope Grissom shows a tiny bit of sympathy for his youngest CSI. I don't expect that he will wipe away a tear from Greg's face like he did his girlfriend, but some bit of support would be nice.
I cannot wait to see this week's episode with Greg either. I wonder how Aaron's getting involved in a murder case will affect that court outcome too. And I too would like Grissom to show a little more sympathy for Greg, but at least Sara looks like she will be around for some support. At least Greg has her as a good friend still.
I would love to see Greg show some anger, I mean we've never seem him pissed off before. If he finally decides he's not going to take any more crap I can see him explode like a bomb when he lets loose. Maybe if his life is threatened in the finale he won't need anyone else to rescue him...he'll do it himself. (maybe he'll use his kick boxing skills)

I agree what you'er all saying about Warrick, he's been in the background way too much. He needs some action, maybe from Catherine but TPTB are too busy with GSR to care about anything else. But we can hope someone else gets some much needed attention.
I like both of your ideas, Wojo. I think Greg needs to get angry too. I would love to see him be pissed off for once. That would be some interesting stuff to see. Kickboxing skills. :lol: Would love to see that!

And Warrick does need to be seen some more. He does get screen time every week but it has not been a lot compated to others. I agree too much focus this season on Grissom and Sara stuff.
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