Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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Thanks vegaslights. I don't know wether to be excited, or upset with the finale spoilers. I am very happy with the outline so far, but I wish everyone could have it their way and be happy with the show/episode :(
and then his love saves her and luv puppies bunnies ducklings babies, etc etc.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks, that made my afternoon...

You think somebody on the staff reads :D
(Saw this comment on another forum, thought it was funny, had to share)

I'm sure Sara will pop up at the end proclaiming she was stuck in traffic the whole time and all the fuss was for nothing...:lol: :lol:

ok my thoughts are:

I am looking forward to the MCSK finally being revealed and the story arc coming to an end. Sara is not my fave but her turning up missing might be fun. No offense.

Can you see Grissom running around the lab quoting Shakespear "Oh Sara, Sara, where for art thou Sara!!"

As long as Greg lives, I don't care!! :D
LOL!! and someone said that the MCSK storyline of the relationship...please! This will probably be the final nail on the coffin for vegas with this cornball story.
I'm sure those fans that dislike Sara will be happy to see the episode, since there is still no information on her contract status.. This could be her last season... And Sara could die. Ah, gosh.

Re-write. Re-write, oh please Re-write. Change Sara to Warrick.

Make the relationship forced out be Nick and Catherine. *crys*
I don't like Sara, but I would rather her stay...I like her when she works with anyone but Grissom. Her character drives me bonkers when she is around Grissom...
I'm nervous/exicted for that episode. I'm nervous that Sara is going to die but I'm excited to see how the team reacts to GSR. As long as it doesn't turn into some typical fanfict or they load on the GSR, then I'm good. I just sort of miss when they didn't have to have finales including someone's life being in danger or it being something mayjor for GSR. *sigh*
I can't wait to see this episode. Sara will be kidnapped by this mystery person who killed innoence people. Whoever does the killing? He or she will be revealed.

I told my mom, what if it was Sara's big brother? She hasn't mention him since 2nd, 3rd or 4th season.

I don't think Sara is going anywhere anytime soon.

Remember Graves Danger, we thought the writer will killed Nick off, but they didn't. He still alive.

Way to go- We thought Brass get killed, but he didn't, he is still alive also.

Now Sara, I don't she will get killed off, I think she will be hurt.

I was thinking, what if this killer buried Sara alive, like they did the same thing to Nick. That will make Nick go over the edge. Grissom will be really upset to see his Sara buried alive.
sandersidle said:
I'm nervous/exicted for that episode. I'm nervous that Sara is going to die but I'm excited to see how the team reacts to GSR. As long as it doesn't turn into some typical fanfict or they load on the GSR, then I'm good. I just sort of miss when they didn't have to have finales including someone's life being in danger or it being something mayjor for GSR. *sigh*

Amen, sister. ( :lol:)

They need to get a new storyline here. What's next, Sara turning up pregnant :rolleyes: I am totally against a geekbaby btw.

Ugh, I love Sara, I love GSR, but I'm hating this finale already.

It could be exciting yes, but the more I keep thinking about it, the less happy I get about it. I was phsyced when I first read it, now I'm just biting my nails thinking this is the end of Sara. They better pull some tremendous twist and shock us all out of our boots.

I still have my money on Sara's mom being the killer. The only good thing I can think of coming out of this episode is the killer.
I would LOVE to see greg just snap and start throwing things. soemtimes its good to throw a hissy fit. and i cant wait for the finale. *crosses fingers* im not a sara fan at all. so im hoping this is the end of her, but i dont want grissom to get into trouble! you cant be dating people under you. i also hope there isnt a cliffhanger, or much of one. i hate those. and i love how csi really hasnt had them
vegaslights said: Oh, season 8 of CSI, confirmed.
Hmm really cause the "Futon Critic" says this about CSI completes airing its seventh season on 5/17/07; has yet to be renewed for an eighth season.
Destiny said:
vegaslights said: Oh, season 8 of CSI, confirmed.
Hmm really cause the "Futon Critic" says this about CSI completes airing its seventh season on 5/17/07; has yet to be renewed for an eighth season.

It's been renewed and the cast has signed contracts for season 8 (lack Jorja). This is coming from the network's press releases (CBS)
Destiny said:
vegaslights said: Oh, season 8 of CSI, confirmed.
Hmm really cause the "Futon Critic" says this about CSI completes airing its seventh season on 5/17/07; has yet to be renewed for an eighth season.

HMMM, so is the 'Futon Critic' getting this from CBS,? I'm confused, I was under the impression, that all cast members had signed on for S/8 :confused: except Jorja.. they need to make an announcement..and I want to see them all return ;) with anyone of them gone, it's a piece of CSI gone :(
Hmmm, well if that is what the finale will be about, it's good they will finally get the MCSK but the rest of it sounds boring to me.
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