Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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I am not sure if it up there yet. Yeah the mother coming after Greg looks like good stuff. Can't wait for next week's episode.
Do you think they're phasing Greg out? I mean they're putting all of this pressure on him and it nearly broke my heart when Grissom gave him the update on the James' case tonight....
I think they might be setting everything up for the season finale. We know Greg will get through... well, he better. That's one way to lose viewers - remove Greg.
You know how they said what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger? so Greg will get through :) unless they really kill him off which i highly doubt so!
All this time we'd been worring about what the brother might do, It seems obvious that we have to worry about the mother.

The way she screamed at Greg "You already took one son, now you want to take the other! You owe me!!" Those are the words I dread. I'm sure Greg won't die (Rumor has it Eric resigned) but that does not mean she won't try something. I am both excited and nervous.
Yeah I was worried about Aaron too, but now with that preview the Mother is one to worry about. I feel the same way about next week excited and yet nervous.

Yeah I do not think they will get rid of Greg, unless he left which I do not see him doing either.
Whaaa I just saw the promo for Big Shots and OMG nooo I feal so sorry for gerg :( first detemries praticaly tries to kill him, then aron all in his face and now the mum ... why Can't that family just leave him alone ????

It looks like a good Greg centrend ep ( can't belive I have to wait so long to see it, we're only on Loco Motives here in the UK)and I'm really happy that finally it looks like we're going to get some closure on this case, dodn't get me wrong I've loved the extra Greg screen time and the fact that they've spread the case out over several episodes but I it was getting to the point were its like 'okay are we ever going to find out what happens next' and also i want greg to be happy again, he has been happy but not the full 100% greggo happy that we've gotten used to.

And the whole 'you owe' thing I was like NO HE DOESN'T :mad: I really don't like that woman I've lost all sympathy for her, I know her son died but I lost sympathy the moment she filed the civil suit how is 2.5 mill goona ease the pain of your son's death, money is not the answer and nor is revenge.
Maryse said:
i guess i missed that promo... :mad:
i hope i' catch it soon

I did too....I was watching the episode on CTV, which has different promos. The promo on CTV made no mention of Greg or the James family at all :( They made it look like just another case.
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