Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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They did change the name for 720 "When the Cat's Away" to "Lab Rats". I have 3 photos in HQ for 720, but I have to post them later, of course to tease you all. :p
They changed the title to "Lab Rats" I do believe.

I posted one picture in the Season 7 Picture thread *spoilers*.

Teasing us, are you vegaslights?? :( :D
gsrLOVE said:
Thanks desertwind for posting that!!! I hope LH doesn't interfere in any way. It will be okay to see her, I'm not a huge fan but.. "But based on the history of the show, it makes more sense for Grissom and Sara to be together.." gives me high hopes that this episode will be OKAY!

Indeed!!! and what a fabulous idea, on the Jorja Fox B-day .. that's very cool ;) I'm in!!
MissMonk said:
imi not really looking forward to it to tell the truth. im having my friend (who is on the east coast) watch it first and tell me if grissom is in it..if not im just gonna skip it and watch scrubs. i think erics been doing very well this season.

Grissom IS in it, in fact there are pics posted on the pic thread and one includes Griss & Doc Robbins.

vegaslights said:
I have 3 photos in HQ for 720, but I have to post them later, of course to tease you all. :p

Three HD pics have already been posted on the pic thread. Sorry!
TPTB have to have Heather validate GSR because they think it will turn more viewers on to it. Because otherwise they might have to admit they made a mistake. IMHO

I like Lady Heather but I'm not sure I'm that anxious to see this one. I hope I am wrong though.
Yeah out of all the upcoming eps, that one actually sounds the least interesting to me. Oh well.
Here's an excerpt about CSI from the latest edition of "Entertainment Weekly" (March 30th, Page 61). Sorry, I don't have a scanner to post the page:

Case Closed. The evidence is indisputable: CSI may not be hip, but it's still one of TV's best shows. By Ken Tucker

It's not like I don't understand why CSI is considered an uncool show by people who otherwise share my taste in TV--you bet I'm hooked on Heroes and Battlestar Galactica--but I also realize that, after seven seasons, CSI is middle-aged when measured in TV-cool years. No one can look at that thickness around my man William Petersen's neck and think he's as happenin' as, say, America Ferrera, but that only means hipness is overrated.
And I also get why CSI has recently been ratings-dinged by Grey's Anatomy: Shiny soap opera trumps dark procedural any day of the week, and in an American Idol world, characters deploying cold logic will always be at a disadvantage over real humans making hot messes of themselves.
But that doesn't stop me from crowing that this is probably the best, most enjoyable season of CSI ever. The story arc that could have proved gimmicky--the "miniature killer," who makes tiny, meticulous reproductions of his crime scenes--is instead chillingly funny (one of his victims was Danny Bonaduce, and who hasn't wanted to see that jabbering reality train wreck literally reduced to a silent, tiny body?), and it furthers our knowledge of Petersen's Gil Grissom. you just knew that the fussy, meticulous Grissom would get really jazzed by a criminal whose mind works eerily like his own.
And CSI's potential momentum killer--Petersen exiting for a few episodes to go do a play--proved a gas, as Liev Schreiber arrived in Vegas as Mike Keppler, a New Jersey CSI with more skeletons in his closet than a Halloween-costume salesman. If anything, Keppler was even more shut down and mysterious than Grissom, which only added to the former's allure. Marg helgenberger's hard-bitten Catherine fell for the guy, and when Keppler died (oh, gee: post-spoiler alert!), one inventive You Tuber put up a Keppler montage that concludes with the text: "A Keppler Lover to the End...By Lover. I Mean I Wanted to Have Sex With Him."
No one does heroes like CSI. Indeed, uninteresting lead guys are one reason the spin-offs don't work for me. Glaring CSI: Miami wins its time period, but David Caruso is self-parodying--Conan O'Brien with a sunclasses OCD--while over on drab CSI: NY, Gary Sinise's pained silences seem like mute cries for contract release.
An upcoming edition, airing March 29, breaks the usual two-case-per-show formula. It shows how the entire CSI crew is emotionally affected by a particularly gruesome multiple murder. That would signal "very special drippy episode," but CSI demonstrates that you can deal with a softer, muted tone without going limp.
Yep, The Who may still coo "Who are you?" as theme music, but CSI knows exactly what it is. A-
well that was a backwards compliment of an article. thanks for sharing it. and the least interesting episode comming up sounds like that dumb labrats episode.
Wojo said:
TPTB have to have Heather validate GSR because they think it will turn more viewers on to it. Because otherwise they might have to admit they made a mistake. IMHO

I like Lady Heather but I'm not sure I'm that anxious to see this one. I hope I am wrong though.
I'm not sure that having Lady Heather "validate" GSR would turn more viewers on to the relationship. Lady Heather does have a big fanbase and I doubt most of her fans would like to see her back on the show just to "validate" GSR, because she simply isn't a character like that. And yes, those who hate her and wish her dead just because she was "in the way" freak me out, too.

But what do I know? *inserts sarcasm*
Well Andymah, I don't know if that's what will happen, but sounds good to me...Perhaps you should start your own francise lol. very good mate.
Well I think its pretty obvious that LH is somehow gonna make GSR stronger *big sigh* after what Carol Mendelsohn said. Blergh. Lol no offense GSRs. I can't wait to see LH again but i'll be major pissed if she dies.

And Hodges rocks, gonna also be major pissed if he's the MCSK.

Anyone who hates on any character or wishes them dead freaks me out, its like, how can you hate a fictional character so much you want them dead?!
Yeah Pabzi! bring on "The Hodges Show" there are lots of us over at dhodges that will be drooling that Thursday night, but really it should be interesting to see the view points of other characters. I have a question though, where was Bobby? I know Wendy was missing from the picture but what about our favorite balistics guy. I hope Bobby and Archie have a lot of screen time in this ep as well:)
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