Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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So Sara and Greg have both grown up, both maturing over the years, and both better for it.

With Heather being in the hospital a fight of any kind is highly unlikly. How can you fight with someone who is unconsious? :lol: :lol: I think when She and Sara meet it will be a very intresting encounter, but civil.

I want a new episode! Thusday is not coming fast enough for me, and I am dying for spoilers on the season finale!!
I see no cat fight in CSI future... both Sara and LH are way too good for that. I don't think Sara will be all that jealous, either- she's the one who got Grissom, so why should she care? If there's one thing that all the GSR this season has taught us, it's that both are secure in their relationship now. Grissom's back, Sara is now happy to see him, and I think they have a bond that LH couldn't break, not that she would even try. She's also moved on. I see nothing but a calm conversation between the two girls. LH might even be able to help Sara- she knows a lot about Grissom and might be able to tell her something. She may not even find out about the two of them. In all, I'm just happy LH is back- they had better not kill her off!
I don't think it going to be no cat fight between Sara and Lady Heather, I think they are going to talk about thing. Sara has grow up a lot throughout the years and she learn not to get in people's face (Like Nesting Dolls.)

Greg has grow up a lot too, but he is not funny anymore. Wojo, I know you said, you like Greg in the field. My opinion, he belong in the lab where he can be safe. I read other board, most people who Greg's fan like him in the lab better then he does in the field. They miss his quirky and funny and wild shirt he got on. I miss him in the lab.
NicknGrissom said:

I read other board, most people who Greg's fan like him in the lab better then he does in the field. They miss his quirky and funny and wild shirt he got on. I miss him in the lab.

Those people are what...13? Face it, Greg is a 31-year-old man; as such, he should act like a mature man, but with a keen sense of humor. He's never lost his humerous side. He has simply learned to keep it in check.

Also, as far as I'm aware, Sara knows nothing about Grissom's former attraction to Lady H. What possible reason would she have to act hateful towards Lady H? It makes no sense, except possibly in someone's wild fanfic. Please, I don't want the writers to stoop to something like that.

Still, all in all, it promises to be an interesting episode.
Actually no. I don't think they are 13. Maybe some of 'em, not all of them. Some of 'em are older then 13, they could be in their early 20, late 20, early 30 or late 30. Who know.

I don't mean Greg lost his humor, just got too serious. I want him to keep him humor and don't end up like Grissom.
Lady Heather is back? This is great news! I love Lady Heather as a reoccuring character, simply because of the way she makes Grissom act. He doesn't like being known and she knew him from the minute he walked in the front door of her Dominion. I would love to see a Sara/Lady Heather face-off of some sort, but I doubt we'll get that.

And Greg had better be in that episode. I'm really starting to get ticked off about the way they keep brushing him aside. I'm almost at the state of putting together a petition to make sure he gets some more screentime come season 8.
I do not think Greg is that serious. Look at Fallen Idols, he still was able to talk about his high school days and be funny. And he will never be another Grissom. You have to remember what he has been through this season and still waiting the outcome of the civil trial. Any of that will make a person somewhat more serious with concern. Everyone goes through some hard times in their lives, especially as you get older. Now is just Greg's turn.
I agree with you. I like Fallen Idols, I've been wait for him to make a joke now. I laugh what he said about High School, he want to be about something. I didn't said that, about Greg is to be another Grissom, I said, I don't want to act like Grissom, act like one, like a Robot. I want him to be himself, like Sofia said, last season or fifth season, I can't remember which episode she said that, She said to him, "Don't lose your humor." He said, "He won't."

I will be glad the case will soon over, so he can move on with his life. I still said, Aaron James don't deserves that money, $1 million dollars that he was sue the city and the lab.
Hey..long time reader, new poster here. I don't know if this has already been posted but i got this from

Episode Detail: Big Shots - CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Greg learns that the brother of the man he killed in self-defense months earlier is connected to the shooting death of a thug in a limousine.
Casting news etc. from CBS:

Episode 720 Lab Rats:
"Lab Rats" -- While Grissom and the rest of the CSIs are out investigating new cases, Hodges leads Archie, Henry, Mandy and Wendy to believe that Grissom wants them to secretly band together that evening in an attempt to solve the four miniature killer cases, on CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, Thursday, April 12 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. WRITTEN BY: Sarah Goldfinger, one of the series' supervising producers, based on a story by Naren Shankar, one of the series' executive producers, and Goldfinger. DIRECTED BY: Brad Tanenbaum, one of the series' co-producers

Episode 719: Big Shots:
"Big Shots" -- Greg is forced to again contend with the hostile mother and brother of the hoodlum he killed in self-defense several months ago when the CSI team discovers that the brother is involved in a new murder case, on CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, Thursday, April 5 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Rapper Method Man guest stars. WRITTEN BY: Dustin Lee Abraham, one of the series' co-producers. DIRECTED BY: Jeff Woolnough

So did they change the name for "When the cat's away" to "Lab Rats"? (And just like I feared -The Hodges show)

OH lordie! Big shots sounds alot worse for Greg than I thought! More Greg angst and drama! Poor Guy, can't wait.Although I fear something bad might happen to him at season's end. Hopes & prays not.

thanks vegaslights
Sweet! I LOVE the Lab Rats! Cept Hodges...

Poor Greg. :(. He seems to be getting the short end of the stick this season... :(

Edited: Because I can't spell. :)
Awww now let's not start hatin' on Hodges. (lol) I know a lot of people can't stand him but I love his character! Of course I love anything Wallace does. I'm looking foward to seeing more of the lab rats. I guess it's a cheering for the fellow nerd type thing for those of us who adore them, plus it will be neat to see the lab rats views on the MCSK and maybe we will get a hint about whether or not Hodges may be the MCSK. I hope not it's so cliche!! I guess we will wait and see.
0o Why has Hodges been getting so much screen time lately? And ah! Poor Greggo! He's been through so much lately. Angst. :devil: Yay! :D Thanks vegaslights. ;)
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