Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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Wojo said:
So did they change the name for "When the cat's away" to "Lab Rats"? (And just like I feared -The Hodges show)

OH lordie! Big shots sounds alot worse for Greg than I thought! More Greg angst and drama! Poor Guy, can't wait.Although I fear something bad might happen to him at season's end. Hopes & prays not.

thanks vegaslights

I am actually kind of interested in "Lab Rats" (I did like the other title better though "When the cat's away") I mean, it focuses moreso on the lab rats, and Hodges is hilarious. I can just picture it now "Hey.. Guys.. Grissom told me to tell you that we are suppose to try and solve this miniature case on our own"
As much as I feel bad for Greg having all this stuff happen to him, I am eager to see Eric doing some more dramatic stuff.
Me too. I love seeing Greg going through some emotional stuff. Eric is such an amazing actor, and plays most scenes well. So I'm looking forward to these upcomming episodes with him :D
If FannySmackin and Post Mortem are anything to go by I think we can except some awesome stuff from Eric. I can't wait. He didn't say alot in PM but spoke volumes with just his eyes.
Yeah that is what I mean. He really can do the dramatic and comedy great. I like seeing them explore both his sides.
So did they change the name for "When the cat's away" to "Lab Rats"? (And just like I feared -The Hodges show)

If they changed it, it was fairly recent, since one of the cast members confirmed "When The Cat's Away" to me just a few days ago...
Wojo said:
If FannySmackin and Post Mortem are anything to go by I think we can except some awesome stuff from Eric. I can't wait. He didn't say alot in PM but spoke volumes with just his eyes.

That's what so great about Eric. His eyes say so much.

I'm sure he's going to pull through. Sounds like it will be really good!
i like that they are giving greg more screen time. it seemed like the first half of the season there really wasnt that much of him. in the season preimer he was only in it for like 2 seconds i swear. and personally. i hate hodges. the character bugs me. im hoping he's the killer so he'll go away. has there been any spoilers for the finale yet?
I was going to mention this earlier.
I'm glad there is going to be more Greg. His storyline with the James family needs to be resolved. I loved Greg in Post Mortem and I want to see how this turns out.

I love the pictures of Nick looking at Greg and Greg looking at Nick. I really like it when they work together.
Lab Rats actually sounds like a lot of fun, it sounds like a lighter episode for once. Just hoping that Hodges isn't the MSK. And poor Greg can't catch a break! Eric's a really good acter though, hope to see where this goes.
imi not really looking forward to it to tell the truth. im having my friend (who is on the east coast) watch it first and tell me if grissom is in it..if not im just gonna skip it and watch scrubs. i think erics been doing very well this season.
I love Lady Heather's character but the joy to see her again is spoiled by the fear that they might kill her off. And all these people who hate her and wish her death freak me out.
"Well a human mouth doesn't have more bacteria than dogs because we're a little more picky in terms of what we'll stick in our mouths and where we drink our water. "

Actually the human mouth is the worst of any of the animals. Dogs have a natural antispetic in their salvia that makes their mouths cleaner then a human. Human bites are the worst in terms of nasty infections.
Just recieved the new TV Guide.. (the bible for all TV shows) ;) April 4--8 and here's about what it says!!


EXCLUSIVE..As the head of the CSI team, Gil Grissom has no trouble working with bodies on ice. However,William Pettersen's character is not nearly so good with bodies of the hot-blooded variety. Which is precisely why he may be sweating bullets when the 'sexy and mysterious Lady Heather (Melinda Clarke) returns to the CBS series May 10!

WHEN THE PROFESSIONAL DOMINATRIX LAST APPEARED.. her relationship with Grissom was aas secretive as the one he currently shares with fellow CSI, Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox) "He's a fascinating character to go after, Clarke teases
"And who doesn't love a good triangle"? Now Lady Heather's return for her fourth stint on CSI could expose Grissom and Sara's affair. "She comes at a time when the Grissom-Sara relationship is heating up". explains executive producer Carol Mendelsohn "Lady Heather's appearance actually changes that relationshsip in a way that is unexpected. She won't have the effect you assume she'll have!!

PERSONAL PROBLEMS ASIDE...Grissom will already have his hands full in that episode, the season's second to last. His hunt for the minature killer he's been pursuing all year will be coming down to the wire, if he solves the case (the writers haven't finished a final draft of the script yet), perhaps they will take Petersen up on a suggestion he made the last time Clarke appeared on the series. "He joked that he thought the show should end with Grissom retiring to an island and Lady Heather is there" Clarke says with a laugh." But based on the history of the show, it makes more sense for Grissom and Sara to be together.. Craig
Thanks desertwind for posting that!!! I hope LH doesn't interfere in any way. It will be okay to see her, I'm not a huge fan but.. "But based on the history of the show, it makes more sense for Grissom and Sara to be together.." gives me high hopes that this episode will be OKAY!
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