Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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I really wish we had the old Greg back with his t-shirts and funny remarks trying to make the best out of life! It's like he became a zombie. I don't mean that the episode Fannysmackin' did it to him because he seemed to lose himself before that episode. You know?
I loved Greg than too.. and he was so zany and quirky :D..but he's older and more mature and trying to be the best CSI he can be.. everyone changes.. nothing stays the same.. he's still adorable and a great team player!!
i love the change. i mean, its kind of weird when you jump from season 1 to season 7 but they made the transition from crazy labrat to mature csi really well.
Yeah I like the change too. It is only natural for him to have changed some. To me they have not shown enough of the affect of the beating and death of DJ has bothered him. I am hoping we are getting to see some more angst before season ends and by the spoilers looks like it maybe the case. :)
OMG!! Lady HEATHER!!!1

I normally don't come in here but I had to!!!

Ok, let me get this staight..
she and Sara meet... could be interesting. NO cat fight, PLEASE this is CSI and both woman are above that.

LH is in the hospital, she has whisky? WTF?? Am I reading these spoilers right?

Lady Heather has a HUGE fan base weather you ship GSR or not, she draws in an audience. I'm not sure if this is a sweeps stunt or not, but she's coming back and I can't wait!!

as for her being the MCSK.. UMMM NOT! She is too intelligent and 'knows Grissom' too well. If she were the killer, Grissom would have figured it out that it was her. That's my opinion!


PS--this is my own personal preference
the only thing better than LH coming back would be if Vartann came back too :lol: ;)
lol one thing i've learned about life is no one is above a cat fight. but i dont think they will show one. thats just too petty for a show like would be fun to see lady h kick saras behind! *laughs madly* and whats with the whisky? she's diabetic, that could kill her!
I think Lady H has too much class to get into a cat fight with Sara (or anyone else). That's not likly what Sara would do either, she'd just hide away and sulk.

I also love the more mature CSI Greg, and I don't think he's lost his humor at all. But I would love to see all this behind him so he can be happy again. :)
I just heard about Lady H coming back.
Well, that's a wonderful thing, imo.
Because we knoe Heather makes the ratings go UP. And probably T_TB finally noticed that.

I really hope they don't kill her off, because that's one of the best characters of the show, maybe THE only one who had a sort of continuity through the whole seasons.

As for her meeting with Sara, I suppose Sara will just act bitchy towards her, in the beginning, because "I have him, you don't". But if something happens, I think there might be a sort of bonding between them...
I can't wait for those to meet, love triangle alert. Grissom will soooooo still have the hots for her lmao.

As for Greg's metamorphosis, intelligent male evolves from boy to man at some point, and we've been watching the process over the seven seasons of the show, which is actually very cool. His sense of humor is still intact, but has matured as well - become a little more succinct, more sophisticated. Not completely - we don't want to lose ALL of Greg's boy-soul, but the traumas he's been through - the lab explosion, the events of "Spark of Life", "Grave Danger" and "Fannysmackin'", the legal's all put him through the proverbial fire. He's come out somewhat changed, but stronger. We still see glimmers of our lovable goofball ("Rashomama" being my favorite example), but a fella's gotta grow up sometime. Believe me - when they hit a certain age and still haven't grown up, it ain't pretty. Seen it.

I doubt Sara and Lady Heather will sink to the level of a "catfight" - leave that premise to some of our more comic genius fic writers. :D Lady Heather is all about control, and a catfight would be beneath what she would consider an acceptable response toward a perceived rival - if in fact she even considered Sara a rival. Sara, on the other hand, we've seen some pretty petulant behavior on her part when she thought her position with Grissom was being threatened. Still, a catfight requires two "cats", and if LH doesn't throw down, what's Sara going to do? My guess is the encounter will simply lead to a lot of awkwardness, unanswered questions, and angst potential. I kinda like that idea. Besides, I haven't seen a really rewarding catfight since Linda Evans and Joan Collins ended up in the pool on "Dynasty"... :lol:
I can't picture Heather and Sara being catty towards one another. That doesn't mean the writers won't write it that way because they somehow magically think that catfights make good TV. But, as characters, both Sara and Heather are fairly level headed.

Last time we saw any bit of jealousy on Sara's part was back in Season 5 when she saw Grissom and Sophia talking rather cozily. She looked perplexed, sucked it up, and went on. I can't see Sara and Heather fighting at all, especially condering how far Sara has come. I mean, after the "reverse forensics" drama, she didn't blow up at Cath like she would have two years earlier, such as in "Nesting Dolls." She and Cath have a tight friendship. She and Sophia get along fine. So, I can't see her treating Heather with disrespect.

Even though I don't think Sara would agree with Heather's line of work (I mean, Sara's the last person who would think of whipping someone as pleasurable), I think Sara would be just as gentle and caring as she is with any female victim.

So, I look forward to intelligent discussion between the two women, and I really do think they will connect on some level, and hope for that.
LOL someone has gotta write a Lady H/Sara catfight fic, that would be hilarious. I think Sara might win it though, sure, Lady H is tough but Sara has a mean streak lmao.

I think Sara is the jealous type but doesn't show it. Bless her.
Alyssa said:
Last time we saw any bit of jealousy on Sara's part was back in Season 5 when she saw Grissom and Sophia talking rather cozily. She looked perplexed, sucked it up, and went on. I can't see Sara and Heather fighting at all, especially condering how far Sara has come. I mean, after the "reverse forensics" drama, she didn't blow up at Cath like she would have two years earlier, such as in "Nesting Dolls." She and Cath have a tight friendship. She and Sophia get along fine. So, I can't see her treating Heather with disrespect.

Agreed. Say...the Sara of Season 3 would probably throw punches, but the Sara of Season 7 has matured...ALOT.

I like the way she handled the situation with Catherine.It was handled in a very classy way. Ah...seems like yesterday she told her off in the hallway. :lol:

Anyway...point being, Sara has grown up. I think her and Lady H would talk about it like civilized grown women.
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