Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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thats what im hoping for. since i hear there is no word of jorja signing yet iim hoping she comes in. causes major problems with them and by the end of the season, bye bye sara. oh! that would be exciting!. anymore spoilers? when is the season finale anyways?
Well episode 23 is scheduled to air May 10 (according to TVGuide) so the finale would most likly be the week after??

I've read no spoiler evidence that Lady H is there to come between GSR, but we can hope. I see her appearance as either MCSK killer or MCSK's victim - either way would suck and I hope I'm wrong.
Oh OK...

According to the sides:(for ep 23) The A-plot crime happens in a theme park. Seems that Lady Heather rented the theme park for a private party there. She ends up as a victim.

victim of what I have no idea.
Wojo said:
Well episode 23 is scheduled to air May 10 (according to TVGuide) so the finale would most likly be the week after??

I've read no spoiler evidence that Lady H is there to come between GSR, but we can hope. I see her appearance as either MCSK killer or MCSK's victim - either way would suck and I hope I'm wrong.

This a bit of buzz from another fan-site, from the 'administrator' and why Carol Mendolsohn is bringing her back and it's sinister.. this will be her "last hurrah, her 'demise" and it has nothing to do with Sara (although they do meet) nor Grissom, she's in one scene in the hospital and Cath tells Gris, she's got a bottle of whiskey :eek: .. all rather vague and murky.. and this is NOT my opinion nor take on this ep...this is what I read!!! so any one who is delusional about her coming back, .. this it my take, either she's the MCSK killer or is a victim of same :(
TVGuide says Lady H will have something to do with the Grissom-Sara romance. No offense taken to YTDAW, but I trust reports at TVGuide more than YTDAW.

I've looked over the script [from what I've seen] and I'm wondering if the theme park will be the same as the one they used for ":Turn of the Screws" ? :eek: If so, the set for that theme park (which isn't really a set, it's Pharoah's Lost Kingdom, a real theme park in Redlands, California), is only 45 minutes from my house, and I can watch them film there, AGAIN! like I did when they filmed that episode. *crosses fingers*
I love Lady Heather! You don't have to hate GSR to like her. I really like GSR and she's still my favorite recurring character. I definately want to see her meet Sara. I think that Sara might actually like her. Neither Sara nor Lady Heather are the type of people to get into a fight, especially over Grissom. I also want to see Grissom's reaction to her return. She can read people at a glance, so this could be very interesting. It will be a fantastic way to put things before the finale.
Lady Heather as a threat to GSR just makes no logical sense based on the season we've had thus far. If the shaving scene had never aired, maybe I'd be more wobbly where Gil and Sara are concerned. But, after all that, I can't see Lady Heather putting a dent in the relationship as far as Grissom being tempted, or whatnot. I think she and Gil have a real kinship, but I can't see TPTB bringing a character in the penultimate episode of the 7th season to break up a romance that took 7 years to build.

If, however, there's tension because Sara didn't know about the link between Heather and Gil, that's more believable. However, I'd rather Sara be at least somewhat aware of the Gil/LH thing because everyone in the lab should have been by now.

LH could be good for the show, depending on how they play it. If her sole purpose is to break up GSR, it's not going to be a good episode script-wise. Her character was once really deep and insightful. I want them to bring back the complexity of the character and show her multi-faceted talents.

I believe that TVGuide means what they said when they wrote that LH could become part of a triangle attempt by TPTB, but I personally believe LH could be used for so much more as a character. Yes, she's someone the fandom knows. She's someone a lot of people connect with. Sure, she and Grissom have a connection. But, it has to be believable. It has to play out with a degree of respect for the characters. Let LH be intelligent and dynamic, again.

I know others disagree with me on the PotTR thing. :) To each their own. I just hope TPTB take their time with this one, and work out all the details to make this more than just a publicity-stunt, which is, sadly, what it feels like right now.
Jorja Fox mentioned in the TVGuide article back from September/October 2006 that it would be great for Lady H and Sara to meet. Here's the blurb from the fans/Billy/Jorja interview:

Question:Miss Fox, do you think Sara will ever meet Lady Heather? Answer: It would be great if Lady Heather and Sara met. It would be a fun scene to do. When we go places that are sensual, sexual, or a bit exotic or slightly scandulous, Sara is never there. She's at the car-wash murder across town. [laughs] So it is a pet peeve of mine that these episodes get written and I'm miles away. And I wonder if that's partially control on Grissom's part, since he hands out the cases.
Wojo said:
More info on 7x23 "The Good, the Bad, & The Dominatrix": Cath, Sara & Brass work the A-plot (Lady Heather case) together. Nick and Warrick and Sofia will work the B-case together.

Oh well, were does that leave Greg? On the back burner as usual? No surprise there. :( Maybe Greg and Grissom are working together?

Hmm, I hope you are right about Greg and Grissom working together. I am sick of Greg being there for 30 second scenes and that is it.
Me too. Maybe they are not mentioning Greg's part because it has something to do with Aaon James? And they don't want it leaked (like it might continue into the fianle) Speculation yes but something might just happen as a fallout for DJ's death, besides the civil case. I's probably paranoia on my part, I always worry about Greg's safty at season's end. Especially this season. :(
I can see Sara getting jealous of LH, she is the jealous type...look at happened when Sophia started working with them. I hope they don't kill her off...but it sounds like they are!!
xfcanadian said:
I can see Sara getting jealous of LH, she is the jealous type...look at happened when Sophia started working with them. I hope they don't kill her off...but it sounds like they are!!

It reminds me of Start Trek: Voyager. There was this character, Joe Carey. He was in five episodes of the first 13 that made up season 1. He was a fan favourite. We didn't hear from him again until Season 5: 1 episode. Then, he had one episode in Season 6... one more in Season 7, where they frickin' killed him. I, among others, was PISSED. Great character, killed for effect. They needed someone to die on this mission that we cared about.

So, I do worry that's part of what this is all about. A stunt. Don't hear from a character for a year, then bring her back just in time to kill her. Though, "victim" doesn't necessarily mean "dead." I mean, the promos say the next victim will be someone we know. If it is Lady Heather, she doesn't have to die. On the contrary, she could provide some more insight into MCSK...

There is hope for this episode, really. TPTB just have to do their best with it.
Yeah I am completely thinking they might have something still towards the end of the season having to do with all of this stuff with Greg. I mean the writers said at the beginning of the season the stuff with Greg would carry through the whole season.
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