Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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Basically it won't be some wierd old man who is non-socialable and introverted. Maybe its some little girl.

hahah I don't know but thats what it means to me...
Oh I get it now! The whole Mini Meanie thing didn't make sense at first. It's alright. Don't worry...I'm just slow. :lol: This whole EE promo has got me thinkin' CRAZY. :lol:
Maybe a kid like "Hannah Beck" (Juliette Goglia) from ep "The Unusual Suspect", the 12 yr old who messed up the case by claiming she killed a classmate at her brothers trial and in the end whispers to sara that she didn't kill the classmate, but that people get away with murder everyday. It would make her about 13 or so, but she is still a genius and very convincing.

The actress Juliette Goglia was good in that ep considering she was born in 1995, and in the ep she was 12 but in real-life she was only 11.

But it could be anyone but it would be good to see her again especially since she ruined their case.
Destiny that's exactly what I was thinking last night as I watched the re-run of "Unusual Suspect." I wondered if she's the killer...then she can really cash in on her book/movie she planned to make about it all!
When do you think we'll start getting spoilers about the finale? I'm having a hard time remembering when spoilers about Brass started surfacing last year. We already know it'll be about the MCSK, but I'm really anxious to know details, even though it's only March. So, any idea when we might start hearing spoilers about it?
Hoefully soon. in season 5 we got spoilers about a member being buried alive months in advance, but we didn't know it was Nick until later.

I hope it's soon, I am dying to know.
From the latest TV GUIDE March 26th to April 1st called.. previously on....recapping your favorites..past episodes at

"Grissom was shocked when he opened a package that languished on his desk for weeks, while he was on sabbitical. It contained a minature crime scene of a murder yet to be committed. Grissom was baffled because the so-called minature serial killer, Rrnie dell, was now dead. Grissom soon learned Dell confessed and committed suicide, to protect the real killer, who was likely one of Dell's 13 former foster kids. After investigating the murder of a popular high-school basketball player who was killed by his cheerleader girlfriend, Grissom and Sara enjoyed a quiet evening together that included her shaving off his beard. As she brought the razor to his face, she asked him if he trusted her. 'INTIMATLEY' he replied"
It won't be. I feel pretty certain it won't be because she is bringing in some of their biggest dollars being a part of the GSR thing so.. unless JF wants out, it won't happen.
Sara did end up in foster care though. I remember in "No Humans Involved" she was telling one of the girls that she ended up in it because her mother killed her father.
From TV Guide online Entertainment News blog: May 10th episode TV Guide Exclusive: Lady Heather Returns to CSI! "Lady Heather is back! The professional dominatrix who gets CSI's Gil Grissom all hot under the collar returns to the CBS series May 10. During this, her fourth stint on CSI, Melinda Clarke's character could very well shed some light on Grissom's secretive relationship with fellow CSI Sara Sidle. "He's a fascinating character to go after," Clarke teases. "And who doesn't love a good triangle?" The writers are still working on a final draft of the script, so how Grissom resolves his personal issues and the problem of that pesky miniature killer in the season's second-to-last episode remain a mystery. — Reporting by Craig Tomashoff"

*EDITED: To remove the spoiler tag as this is the spoiler Lab no tags required in here.*
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