Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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The other is the nickel, and the one that is not a nickel is a quarter.

As for riddles, I get the sense that we are being led down a very specific path with regard to trust and people being fallible in unexpected ways.

1) wrong about Dell
2) wrong about Keppler
3) the whole Fallen Idols episode
4) empty eyes - Sara's 'wrong' read

and so on,
For anyone interested there is a discussion thread on the MCSK (Mini Crime Scene Killer) the only catch is you cannot discuss future eps on it, only eps that have already aired (in the U.S.).
Have you guys seen the picture from "Empty Eyes" of Grissom comforting Sara and in the background there is a shadow of someone? I think it is Nick! It looks like him!
It will be on Mar. 29. It still on. I think it Nick, I saw the picture of the shadow, it is Nick because of his shoulder and his hair. I think Nick is going to be the first to find out about Sara and Grissom. He won't said anything.
Hey! Sorry if I'm annoying you with three post in a row but this below is the ending of "Empty Eyes" ENJOY!!

And then, the TV suddenly turns off, REVEALING Sara's reflection on the screen. A single tear runs down her cheek.


Standing behind Sara, remote in hand. He puts it down on the table. Moves toward her. Sara folds into his arms. He embraces her as she cries. Crying for the victims. Because THE KILLER never will.

End of Episode.

See ya!
You know NicknGrissom it could also be Ecklie in the picture because if you see the top of the head it looks bald but it could just be the reflection of the lights!
Its a shadow, you can't make out who it is for sure, It could be Nick but it could also be just someone passing by (an extra).Guess we'll wait and see. I am looking forward to this episode to know what disturbing news Grissom has for Greg. A Sara centric episode is not very appealing to me but who knows I might enjoy it.
SaraSidleRocks, nice user name. And welcome to the board, don't double post, okay.

I went back to the YDTAW and saw the shadow picture, it looke like Nick, it doesn't look like Ecklie, he is too tall and bald on top. If it Ecklie, he will fire them, he alway want to get rid of Sara Sidle. He better not get rid of Sara, I love her. Follow by Nick and Grissom.
SaraSidleRocks please remember not to double post its considered spamming. Thank you. ;)
I HIGHLY doubt anyone will see Griss & Sara in the break room. That seems more like May sweeps stuff to me.

Honestly, I'd love for Nick to see them, but he's way too friendly with them in 7.22. If he knew what was really going on I doubt he would be ok with it. Plus, the GSR reveal HAS to stir things up. Why else would TPTB keep it secret so long?
Nick is a good guy. If Sara and Grissom are happy in their relationship and it's not affecting their work, then I don't see why Nick wouldn't be ok with it. In all likelihood, he'll be happy for them.
He may have a bit of an issue with the whole secrecy thing, that is, I don't think he'd like to know, but not be able to tell the others. So maybe that'd be why GSR gets revealed, because once somebody knows, Gris and Sara feel it's better that everybody knows.
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