Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

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Hey wojo, nice letter :)

And with Paul Milander and The Blue Paint Killer both killing themselves, this would show that CSI hasn't actually "caught" a "live" serial killer....unless I am missing a case?

You brought up a very good point. Paul Milander and The Blue Paint Killer are both portrayed as challenges to Grissom, that it's even possible they're "wiser" than him. So if the suicide part happens to this MCSK killed himself too, then it would be kinda repeating themselves for the third time... which isn't such a happy thought. I hope they come up with better and more unique plot twists in the future.
I don't like that letter :( But I'll keep my disagreement in the ship thread.

True about the two previous serials, I hope they do something different this time.
i also hope that they do something different.
its cool that they actually published the letter that you wrote wojo. from what i understand they dont publish everything that they get.
you didnt tell them that the viewers want more greg? do you think that the producers read it?
I think he figures out who did it, but this time it's a little different, the killer kills himself infront of Grissom, on that video feed.
Well, the media does tend to lean more heavily on negative feedback than positive. The GSR "romance" has taken up about five minutes of screen time, total, this season. If that, in itself, is ratings killing, then it must be powerful indeed.
speakerset said:
I think he figures out who did it, but this time it's a little different, the killer kills himself infront of Grissom, on that video feed.

See, the way I read it at YTDAW, Grissom and Brass finger Ernie Dell as the killer and basically go after him with both barrels. Ernie is so distraught by their continual harasment, he offs himself. Then Grissom is contacted by the real killer via the video feed. Thus, Grissom is left with blood on his hands a la "Alter Boys" and takes off for Walden to commune with nature.
The idea of a suicide really isn't all that new. This case was so unique, so I really think it deserves a unique ending. They've already used the suicide card before. If they end it that way, I hope they do it really well to make it at least a little different when compared to the other serial murder cases. I think that the Paul Milander case was really good and that suicide did ultimately fit into the plot, but here, I think something else should be used. Capture, escape, shot by the cops, killed by someone else, anything- just as long as its different from all the other cases.
Brave or stupid I'm not sure which. I'm sure GSR fans are not too happy with me right now (did not intend to offend). But you know there is this thing called Freedom of speech and I exercised it. Thanks for supporting me.

I hope this MCSK does not commit suicide either, I would rather he escape and return for more!!
Just serving a reminder since this is on a new page that Loco Motive has its own discussion thread, all discussions for that ep belong in there as this is for future eps.

If there are any GSR fans upset with you or anyone who writes about their dislike of the couple, they should not bring it on the boards. unless its in the debate thread in SC. ;)
Wojo said:
But you know there is this thing called Freedom of speech and I exercised it.

Yeah, freedom of speech is such a great thing, the possibility to voice your opinion about certain things, for example disliking a character or a ship. Sad thing that we don't have freedom of speech on every forum or community anymore. :rolleyes:
bine you have the right to voice your opinion about not liking a character, alot of the forums (At least here) have a thread specifically for that, and most threads at least in LV have that disclaimer that people have the right to their opinion as others have the right to disagree with them, its how you handle the situation that matters.

But for all those involved in this discussion "Freedom of Speech vs ..." this is not the thread to discuss that topic as it is considered off topic. ;)
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