Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

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Clarrisani said:
Do you think there is a chance that in the future episodes they will actually <i>let</i> Nick and Greg work a case together? I am really starting to miss their banter. They were supposed to have worked together in Loco Motive but changed at some point. It's really starting to bug me that they don't work togethr, and when they do it's with the other CSIs and they hardly share screen time.

I know how you feel. Would love to see them work together too.
So, I'm getting really confused. Was Ernie the real killer or not? Because I would really like to see a turn of events in the minature killer case- it doesn't really feel done to me.

The miniature killer coming back and surprising everyone would make a really good season finale.
No, it wasn't a forced suicide, that would too much like Milander (or how ever it's spelled) from what they've said, he was the killer.

He did kill himself, that was his way, he did what he did for justice and him killing himself is sort of justice for what he did..sort of coming full circle. And him killing himself on camera like that is what was supposed to drive Grissom over the edge into the sabbatical he's taking.
I don't think it was suppost to drive grissom over the edge, it might have been his intentions but when I watched it it seemed to me that the speech he gave sort of gave Grissom clarity as if he was saying what Grissom was thinking or felt, then add in Catherine noticing he was tired, makes him think about why it is he feels that way about the one passion in his life.

Whats the saying when you care you do you're best, when you stop caring its time to either find out when, how and why it happened, or leave the job. I think he needs to find out the answers to his questions by taking time to find out from within.
I'm really thinking he's just got burn out, with everything that's happened recently and not just with the killings but with his own team, from Nick being buried alive, Catherine being drugged, Greg being beaten, I think it's all just gotten to him, and I don't blame him one bit, sometimes you need to step away to not only get a different perspective, but to take a breather and regroup.
MacsGirlMel said:
I have to say this here, due to spoilers

I don't know whether this was the end or not. I was expecting the aforementioned spoiler with the video revelation of the 'real killer' but not here. It *could* still happen in LLV though...wasn't there a spoiler about Gris getting a video from the real killer after he leaves? I wouldn't put it past PTB either way could be still TBC or it could be over, hard telling.

ETA: I'm surprised how much Wojo's letter has started with TV Guide...besides being published, it's now a poll question.

Interestingly enough, every one of the answers so far is pro GSR. (Please don't think I'm throwing it in your face or anything, I'm not, just stating a fact. I do respect everyone's opinion.)

:rolleyes: phfff...all those comments just bash catherine....give me a break.
^ That's what I thought. LOL. And the topic was whether GSR has gone too far. *rollseyes* I really think there are better ways to explain why you don't think it's a bad thing than drag another character who basically has nothing to do with this ship into the debate and comment on the said character negatively.
Living Legend already aired on Nov 23rd. Do you mean Leaving Las Vegas, because it is the next new episode. It airs Jan 4th.
From Black Tie Affair - here ya go

THURSDAY, JAN. 4, 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT

Alan Rosenberg ("The Guardian"), Real-Life Husband Of Series Star Marg Helgenberger, Returns As Tough Lawyer Adam Novak

"Leaving Las Vegas" -- Catherine is determined to connect an out-of-town killing to a recently released Las Vegas murder suspect in an attempt to bring him to justice, on CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, Thursday, Jan. 4 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Richard J. Lewis directed the episode from a teleplay by Allen MacDonald and a story by Allen MacDonald and Carol Mendelsohn, one of the series' executive producers.

Catherine's testimony in court is not enough to convict a killer suspected of murdering his own mother. Novak (Rosenberg), with whom Catherine had a brief romantic encounter, is the lawyer who represents the killer and secures his freedom. As a result, Catherine and Nick leave Las Vegas in order to tie the killer to another crime and put him behind bars for good. Meanwhile, Grissom says goodbye to his colleagues and heads east for a teaching sabbatical.
This is the Spoiler thread, and you know the rules ship discussions unless it pertains to that ep go in the apporperiate threads in the SC forum. This thread is for spoilers of future eps.

Discussions regarding not enough screen time for characters belong in their respective threads, this thread is not to promote or discuss the values of freedom of speech and or the letter sent in by a member, or that is being debated by other people on another/that forum.

Having said that lets keep the topic of the thread moving.
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