Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

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I'm for that Destiny...

The Next new episode is Leaving Las Vegas. Marg H's real life husband returns in this episode. Grissom leaves town, to teach I think.

If I remember the spoilers I read state that Cath & Nick go out of town on a case.
^ Yeah Grissom looks for Catherine before he leaves and asks Nick where she is, but she's still out of town on the case. *sobs*

However, I'd glad we're going to see Adam Novak again. *is excited*
brass_lives said:
Well, the media does tend to lean more heavily on negative feedback than positive.
I don't think they're leaning towards one side. Last summer they printed both the positive and the negative feedbacks side by side (or was it positive in one week and then the negative in the next issue). Heck they even wasted, er devoted several pages of precious space to that pairing.

wojo don't sweat it, the whines I read about your letters were just laced with immaturity you shouldn't even pay attention to them.

is it in LLV when ecklie talks to grissom (about that he needs abreak) or is that this week?
Yup that will be in Leaving Las Vegas, that ep is tentatively set to air in January.
EDIT: January 4 according to CBS.
assumenothing said:
The idea of a suicide really isn't all that new. This case was so unique, so I really think it deserves a unique ending. They've already used the suicide card before. If they end it that way, I hope they do it really well to make it at least a little different when compared to the other serial murder cases. I think that the Paul Milander case was really good and that suicide did ultimately fit into the plot, but here, I think something else should be used. Capture, escape, shot by the cops, killed by someone else, anything- just as long as its different from all the other cases.

From what i have read supposly everyone including Grissom will think that he commited suicide but really he didnt and when Grissom leaves the MCSK will come back.
Destiny said:
bine you have the right to voice your opinion about not liking a character, alot of the forums (At least here) have a thread specifically for that, and most threads at least in LV have that disclaimer that people have the right to their opinion as others have the right to disagree with them, its how you handle the situation that matters.

But for all those involved in this discussion "Freedom of Speech vs ..." this is not the thread to discuss that topic as it is considered off topic. ;)

I know that I can voice my opinion here on Talk CSI and I didn't mean this forum, so I'm sorry for that. :)
I was just a little surprised to hear such a comment about Freedom of speech from wojo and I felt the need to comment on that. I think she knows what I'm talking about. That's all I have to say about this.
Hottie_Cath said:
I don't think they're leaning towards one side. Last summer they printed both the positive and the negative feedbacks side by side (or was it positive in one week and then the negative in the next issue). Heck they even wasted, er devoted several pages of precious space to that pairing.

I was talking about the media in general, not TV Guide specifically. I was also not limiting my comment to GSR related feedback. But I do disagree with you about them giving equal time to positive and negative feedback. I'm sure they like to give that impression, and it may have even been true while CSI was still riding high at number one. When they smell blood, as they do this season, they start circling. I suppose it's the nature of the business.

Would someone please tell me the circumstances surrounding Adam's return to the show? I know they mentioned that he might return as a love interest for Catherine when they were promoting his first guest appearance, but after seeing the episode, I am not sure how they would make that believable.
pabzi said:
so the next 2 weeks and january 4th are reruns...btk 1,2 and...?
Heya pabzi this has just been released from CBS.. Leaving Las Vegas will be aired on Thursday, January 4, 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.
Exactly - and it baffles me that it allowed in certain circumstances and in others not. :D

Smells a lot like double standards.

I for one don't mind the GSR so much anymore - but bring Nick and Warrick out of the basement for crying in the sink!
I have to say this here, due to spoilers

I don't know whether this was the end or not. I was expecting the aforementioned spoiler with the video revelation of the 'real killer' but not here. It *could* still happen in LLV though...wasn't there a spoiler about Gris getting a video from the real killer after he leaves? I wouldn't put it past PTB either way could be still TBC or it could be over, hard telling.

ETA: I'm surprised how much Wojo's letter has started with TV Guide...besides being published, it's now a poll question.

Interestingly enough, every one of the answers so far is pro GSR. (Please don't think I'm throwing it in your face or anything, I'm not, just stating a fact. I do respect everyone's opinion.)
I sort of hope its not over, it would be somewhat of a let down. They made so much out of the pictures of the doll in each minature but never said anything about it at the end. And I swear I read about another minature crime scene later this season, maybe my memory is playing tricks on me but I remember thinking "Oh thats probably just in time for Grissom to come back from his sabbitical". I can't find where I read that now though so maybe I'm wrong. I do hope they continue it though.
Do you think there is a chance that in the future episodes they will actually <i>let</i> Nick and Greg work a case together? I am really starting to miss their banter. They were supposed to have worked together in Loco Motive but changed at some point. It's really starting to bug me that they don't work togethr, and when they do it's with the other CSIs and they hardly share screen time.
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