Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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No problem. Oh and there are two hands touching the gun.. one is in a blue glove and the other is bare.. so... I dont know.. maybe its not even one of the team that fires it, maybe its whoever they are taking it from... oh i dont know.
Gotta love Doc Robbins! I haven't laughed that much all day. At least it's going to be a funny (albeit somewhat strange) season! I love the scene with everyone dancing. That's going to be great when it premieres.

Any chance today is Sept 21 and it premieres tonight?
hehe that video was HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! haha im still laughing!!! i luv the thing with everyone dancing!!!!! so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wojo, i totally agree with you that he slappedher cuz he thought she kidnapped him *tear*....... i thought it was griss that shot the gun........ oh well......what do i know :rolleyes:?
I don't think they wear blue gloves, all I see white gloves. I think th bad guy wear blue gloves. I watch the whole season, they're wear white, not blue.
yeah i know.. which is why i dont think that one of the team members had their hand on the gun... at least not one of them.. agh i dont know. but it doesnt look like a big deal anyone
I'm betting whoever shoots Sam Braun is probably someone that works at the casino or a business partner or something. Someone with a grudge against him. Maybe one of the people he was sitting with during Grave Danger. It probably wasn't a CSI. They wear white gloves and try not to shoot people.
Okay, it happened so quick I thought it was a punch. Guess it was someone getting shot. My mistake.
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