I have just been to the "Nowcasting.com" site it states the following.
© Copyright 2001-2006 Now Casting, Inc. All rights reserved.
Until I get further information from the Main admin, please refrain from posting any text from this site. I don't want to be the cause of copywrite violations and or have this site nailed for that. -- As soon as I know something I will let you know.
I would also like to mention that scripts given out for casting tend to not always contain the correct spoilers, they could differ from the actual scripts used for the ep, I point this out, because if a person did not get a part and wanted to get even they could just post part of the script for the world to see and let it all out.
How does this differ from spoiler sites, those sites it is a given that they are usually unedited meaning that between the time they were given out to the sites, and the time it airs scripts have been edited, scenes cut, scenes added, lines changed, ect. Which is why we state, "spoilers not to be taken literly but rather figurtively and nothing is for certain until the night it airs on the screen."
Thank you.