Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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That sounds like an interesting spoiler as long as they don't go too supernatural on us...I love my share of those type of shows but I just don't expect to see it much on CSI that's all.

as for the ep shuffling, they always do that to work the bugs out before filming the big season premiere. Not THOSE kind of bugs LOL.
Haha, I'm just picturing everyone's reactions to the idea of a "haunted" house. Of course, Griss will be like.. yeah right.. and Nick may get a laugh out of it, I just want to know what Greg will think.. I guess its about the same as the occult thing.. Haha, love it.
true...that should be interesting :) If the books were canon, I bet they'd mention the place in Demon House but I dont think they are.
:lol: i was only joking :) I friken love Queen (Well who wouldn't) Lol :)

That haunted house episode sounds cool =D since its about a exorcism maybe the guest star is Linda Blair. She acts Regan in the Excorcist movie?? thats my guess.
csikicksurass, I love the way you think! Linda Blair, that would be too cool. :D

oh yeah, I love Queen too.
eszmanda_luver said:
Hahaha angst writers.. gotta love 'em.

Anyways.. so from some spoiler on this thread (somewhere..) he is only like.. a few seconds/minutes away from the crime scene he was heading to... so im guessing Brass and whoever else is there will come to the rescue?
And, that spoiler also said that Sara processes him at the scene. I personally don't get that because if he is bad enough to keep for observation, then he would be bad enough to send to the hospital right away. Especially sense they all know him, they would be more concerned with him getting to the hospital then processing the scene. I could have misunderstood that part, but I'm pretty sure that she would process him at the hospital.

This has been bothering me too and I keep thinking about it. I too don't see how Sara could process Greg at the scene of the crime, and then have him spend the night in the hospital under observation. If he is so seriously injured that he needs to be observed, then it would make sense for them to rush him to the ER to get checked out before any processing can begin. I'm guessing that if he does spend the night at the hosptal, then the doctors may want to make sure he didn't suffer a concussion. We know he loses a hunk of hair during the beating. Stands to reason his head will hit either a wall or some pavement. :eek:

Eesh, I so can't wait for this episode to air!
Well, Greg definitly spends time in the hospital because in the sides that I read at, the guy he saves comes to his hospital room to thank him.
anne_wolfe said:
Well, Greg definitly spends time in the hospital because in the sides that I read at, the guy he saves comes to his hospital room to thank him.

What is the and where can I find the information on Greg there..

Ever since I heard about this ep I need to know everything, as much as I can get my hands on...
NowCasting is a site made to help actors find small roles in television/movie/theater. They release snippets of scripts called "sides" to the public so that actors can study up before auditioning. Obviously, anyone who registers (for free) at the site can read the snippets and tell everyone.

Unfortunately for us spoiler whores, many sides are now released with a code. So, no code = no sides. This is being done to help prevent major plot points from being spoiled. To my knowledge CSI has yet to be affected by this new preventative measure.
Ok, well I signed up ans everything... I read through some things

Apparently, the two-parter will end with Catherine holding a dying Sam in her arms.. he gets shot point blank.

And, its the cutes scene between Greg and the man he saves (Stanley)!! Anyways, Greg is like sitting up eating lunch and watching tv (hehe i cant wait to see him) and then Stanley (the man he saved) is wheeled in byy his nurse and greets Greg as "Mr. Sanders" (that sounds so wierd) And then hes like "I just wanted to shake your hand (reaches his hand out)" And, I quote "Greg whisps the blackets off his body :devil:, swivels off the bed, puts on his slippers, and meets Stanleys hand."

And then...
I cook some mean bbq. If you're ever in Tennessee

I'll look you up


You're one hell of an American.


And.. I didn't read anything about Lindsey being kidnapped, but its still a possibility
No problem. I mean, theres a lot of spoilers I could post and that anyone who signs up can see.. but.. its too many and I don't want those viewing privledges taken away.... but yeah.. thats about it.

Oh, Sophia is in the show a lot more. Or, at least thats what it looks like in the scripts... maybe it doesn't seem like a lot in the show... but whatever. Or... I guess it would make sense for her to be doing more of the detective work so that Brass can take it easy for a little while... don't really know but.. whatev mate.
So I wonder (and hope) if Greg is wearing a hospital gown and we get to see his legs!! God, help me if we do. :devil:
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