Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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Awww man! I had a feeling he would get beat up, but I didn't really expect it to be this bad of a beating. Wow.. well, at least this will probably get him a lot more respect. I mean, he must have known he was going to lose that fight.. because I never thought of Greg as a great fighter, but I don't think he would be a pitiful fighter either so.. all that to save someone is pretty sweet!!
Yay for Greg!!
I feel the need to reiterate this just because so many spoilers are being released so quickly. And so many are getting so excited.
remember though some sites may give false spoilers, there are some sites that can be deemed dependable, but remember the only true way to know is when the ep airs. -- Always remember that spoilers are subject to changes and should only be considered as a guide to what could be happening in that episode, and not what will happen.
For more there is a list Page/Post one of this thread. Thanks. ;)
God, I am getting more and more excited about S7! I hate to see Greg hurt but this is HIS episode, his moment to shine and I couldn't be happier! Poor boy, getting beat up. Nick so upset about it that he hits someone! Sara and Greg bond. Gris visits him in the hospital. Can't wait.

I wonder if this situation will prompt Greg to want to carry a gun. (could that be the desision he has to make?) :eek:
IF Greg does in fact get beaten up, who do you think finds him after?
ahh, that's a really good question, maybe someone random calls an ambulance, someone from the neighbourhood. i don't think a team member will find him.

or amybe he somehow finds the strength to pick himself up and get to a hospital. but by the sounds of thigns he'll be too weak :(
I was thinking it would be a team member. He is still a CSI 1, so they're not going to let him go solo. The way I see it, one of the team goes to check on him and finds him like that.
Yeah thats what I was thinking too. I think it will either be Sara, Nick, or Griss. Actually now, Nick or Griss because Warrick had Holly, Sara was very close to Greg after the lab exploded, Catherine was the reason the lab exploded, so that would leave Nick and Griss. They may not cut it down like that but.. I don't know. Its the only logical thing I can think of righ now.

Oh.. wouldn't it be wierd for Griss to find him? I mean, I know he would rush to him and help him, but with Griss' excellent people skills *cough* it will be a bit.. wierd. At least the thought of it.

But Nick gets pretty emotional.. and we know that the after effects of the burial will come back.. maybe its seeing a very close friend of his that hurt on the same job that brings everything back?

I dont know. Right now, I think I would want Nick to find him. I know, I know... Nick has already been through so much... but.. still. It would work well I think.
I get the feeling it could be Brass who finds him, he's at a crime scene. There is no mention of any other CSI's being there so I disagree that he couldn't be solo. (I'm not saying he definatly is solo, just that it possible he could be)

OR he calls 911 with his cell phone. ;)
I got feeling Warrick and Nick is going to find him, remember, some punk push Nick to be angry and punch him. I hope Nick is not going get in trouble with Grissom or Ecklie.
I was actually wondering who is with Greg when this happens as well. If we have continuity, assuming we didn't skip 70 cases or so over the summer, Greg couldn't be solo because I believe it was established back in the pilot and Cool Change that Nick and Warrick couldn't work solo until they broke 100 solved cases and became CSI Level III.

Anyway, I'd love to see Brass be the one to find him. We don't see him interact with Greg much. Other spoilers indicate that Brass seems to be proud of Greg for what he does, and that would be an interesting follow-up to him finding Greg injured.
Maybe Greg is on his way to a crime scene when he witnesses a crime taking place and being Greg he gets out of the car to go and help.
you know I was going to go spoiler free for this season, but now I figure what the hell :p

and now reading these spoilers, and if there actually going to happen, cool!!

I mean Nick kicking ass, Greg being a hero, this is cool, Nick then Greg are my fave characters on the show then Sara... so on..:D

so this rocks, I'm happy, i hope this season turns out to be good, if not for my number one reason (check out my banner) then for complete Nick stuff well this rocks :D

and SanderSidle I like your scenario much better, that would be even cooler, and make more since, so we can only wait for that episode :D
If the CSI writers want to make it emotional, the person who finds him needs to be either Nick or Brass. I'm not saying that it wouldn't be emotional if another memeber of the team found him. However, with Nick, you know it will be a teary scene to witness because of how much he loves his friends and family. I truely believe he would do anything for someone he loves. He would be devastated to find his friend like that; plus, this could be what launches him into dealing with being buried alive.

I could also see it being emotional if Brass finds Greg beaten up. Maybe not in a open way like it would be with Nick. Think about it. In season 6 alone, Brass accidentlly killed a follow officer, and was shot himself. Now here he finds this rookie, no this kid, who has never done anything to anybody. This young man who loved to listen to music while he worked, and always had a bright smile for everyone. And now, someone has severly beaten this kid, likely leaving him for dead.
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