Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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I keep thinking about that scene in "Kiss-Kiss, Bye-Bye" in which Lois O'Neill autographed her book and gave it to Greg. She wrote:


I always thought that at the end of the episode when Grissom was reading Lois' inscription, it held some sort of forewarning for Greg. We may see this come to pass in the upcoming new episodes.
I was thinking, wouldn't it be best if what happens to Greg is something that's happened to someone else on the show? Because then Greg would be like "Nick could handle this, why am I having so much trouble with it?" And Nick (or whoever had the same thing happen to them) could try to comfort him.

I think he's going to get shot, personally. In the shoulder so that it's not serious, but really scares him.
I always thought that Lois was talking anout the Frank Sinatra song "The best is yet to come" and i really do think that what ever it is Nick is going to be the one to comfert him. Nick knows whats it's like to feel all alone and not wanting to talk to anyone about it.
You know, fanfics and all this talk about "Stalker" really get into my head.

So, I was thinking...what if Nigel Crane came back? Like, what if this time, he knows he can't go after Nick right away, so he goes after Greg? ...Just something to 'ponder' about. <muahaha>

When I think of "line of fire" I generally think of some kind of fight. Since I really don't see Greg getting shot or anything, I see him more like in the middle of a fight that he doesn't want to be in. Maybe a fight between coworkers or between Ecklie and the team or something. One between coworkers would leave him in a really tough place- I mean, who would he side with? It may make him consider going back to the lab if it gets really bad.
From the Las Vegas Review Journal Aug.7--

Cirque du "CSI"--starting Sunday, the MGM Grand theater that 'KA" calls home hosts "CSI" The first day's shoot will concentrate on the Cirque du Soleil production battlefield segment--in which the state tilts vertically. "CSI" regulars William Petersen-Marg Helgenberger-and George Eads are expected in town Aug. 14-16 for additional location work at the MGM Grand, notes producer Louis Milito

Source- Carol Cling- Shooting Stars-LVRJ
:) I love listening to everybodies ideas on the upcoming season episodes. I can't put into words my dislike for a lot of season 6 episodes though. So I'm grateful that the story lines I've heard of for season 7 sound like they could be really good. :)
So, I was thinking...what if Nigel Crane came back? Like, what if this time, he knows he can't go after Nick right away, so he goes after Greg? ...Just something to 'ponder' about. <muahaha>

I was thinking the same thing. If they did this, we can get the Greg hurt, plus Nick guilt and caring. What a wonderful episode!
I think he should come back to that would be a awesome episode and we all know that Nick is a big softy who cars for all of his friends so like you said he would have to suffer through all the guilt even though it wasn't his falt.
jelloluvinlabrat said:
all i can say is: YIPPEEE FOR MORE GREGGY!
anyway I LOVED how in TV Guide Eric Szmanda mentioned the crush Greg has on Sara! :D
Ooh, another Sandle shipper? ;) Come over to Sandle thread in Shipper Central :) We'd love to have you there!

Hmm Nigel Crane came back? That's gonna make an interessting plot... I was wondering what happen to that guy. Though I have no idea to tie the 'cableguy stalker' with 'line of fire'...? What, pointing gun on Greg's face? That's been done before :p

Anyway, I'd love to see Greg in training to carry a gun. It's something that hasn't been done in CSI, and it's gonna be interesting to see/explore.
assumenothing said:
When I think of "line of fire" I generally think of some kind of fight. Since I really don't see Greg getting shot or anything, I see him more like in the middle of a fight that he doesn't want to be in. Maybe a fight between coworkers or between Ecklie and the team or something. One between coworkers would leave him in a really tough place- I mean, who would he side with? It may make him consider going back to the lab if it gets really bad.
in nesting dolls greg wanted to know what he could do after sara got suspended...maybe sara gets into it with ecklie again and greg tries to help...
It would be funny to see Greg go into training knowing him he would want to make it fun. But who would be his teacher??

I think Nick would be a good teacher for Greg. We've already seen how patient he is when explaining things, so he's not going to be mean or upset if Greg gets something wrong.
I was also thinking Nick to because Nick can...handle Greg ;) plus he's a good shot and i think Nick could be a little stricked if he was teaching him so someone stricked and someone so realxed would be a good pair.
Now, I'm an angst lover..and a Greg lover so I can't WAIT for this!! LOL, I'm a horrible person, I know.

I'm leaning more towards the getting beat up, or stabbed rather than being shot.. Being shot is SO over done lol... :rolleyes:

OR MAYBE "line of fire" means he'll be in another explosion...

Just some thoughts... As long as he lives through it, I'll be okay. If he were to die.. I would too lol :)
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