Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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I know this is abit of shamless self promotion :devil:it is not intended as such as I have no asperations to be a writer I just am daydreaming over the summer due to lack of new CSI injections !)... but this thread on Greg's "fatal decision" inspired me to write a oneshot fanfic on it.

I would *love it* if someone could carry it on? :D :DI lost inspiration on the ramifications.... anyone interested???

Sorry if this is out of place.
RocketScientist while I find it great that you're asking for help, this is the spoiler thread for the episodes, your asking for help would be better served in the actor/character thread. :)
I know I tries to figure what they have plan for Greg in a cross fire, I'm going to take a guess here, what if Greg saw Warrick in a gambling, (I know he was suppose to go back to gambling.) Greg will struggle with his conscious to weather he will tell Grissom or not about Warrick.
Like, eszmanda_luver said Greg is the youngest member ('the baby') of the group, and I can't see any of the CSI team threatening him. Unless it's in a teasing way, but even then they don't mean it.
It sounds like they are putting Greg in a situation where he is in "physical and emotional" stress. :eek: That has got to be good for the part. Eric Eszmanda does not get enough oppertunity. :p

I rather thought that Season 6 rather than be the 'year of Grissom' which Carol Meldelson (sorry I know that is not spelt right) said in the spoilers for season 6.

It turned out rather more the season of Jim Brass if anything! What with Bullet Runs and the final 2 and Paul Guilfoyle put in a towering preformance. He is just Superb in a bullet runs through it. So hopefully a dramtic story line for Greg will do the same. :D Put some more dimensions on the character.

It was no way the season of Grissom as he hardly appeared in it really! :( He missed I think 2 completely (I know Gum Drops was for very sad and unavilable reasons - I am glad he put his family first), anyway there are many other episodes where Grissom only appears in about 3 scenes.
So I think the 'planned' absence of Grissom in S7 will be better.

I cannot wait to see what they have planned for them all!

Anyway that's my tuppence worth.....I'll just go now and close the door behind me......
I erases it off, I don't know why I said that. Not threaten, what the other word called, the one that Warrick talk to Greg in private and beg him to keep quiet.
Maybe the Greg thing is something that we never thought would happen but it's a really good idea. I really cant think of any sinario but the ones you guys came up with is really good.
I have a question. Do you guys think that Greg's being shot / beaten up (or whatever happens to him) will be an episode all be itself or just a small part?
I think that Greg's part will only take up half of the episode, but the other half will be taken up by a murder investigation du jour not involving Greg at all. I very much doubt that Greg's plot will take up as much time as Nick's. Of course, Nick's "Grave Danger" episode was written by Quentin Tarantino, and Greg's will be by one of the regular staff writers. I'd be ecstatic to see Greg in half an episode!
I dont think Greg will get shot it's already been done i think it will be totaly different like Nick now who here can say that they saw that Nick was going to be stalked and then 3 seasons later he gets put in the ground. It's going to be so unexpected but it may bring tears to are eyes (maybe)
I very much doubt that Greg's plot will take up as much time as Nick's.

I didn't think it would. Maybe I should rephase a little bit. Do you guys think Greg's story be like Nick's in Stalker, not the whole episode but large part of the overall story? OR will it be like in Playing with Fire, with only about a 1/4 of the show devoted to what happens to Greg?
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