Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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Hey guys!! I'm a Greg fanatic and after reading that awesome article in TV Guide, I can't help but join in this thread to see what you guys think about the possible upcoming story lines for him!!

veggie said:
i find it so stupid that Greg doesnt have a gun. Brass had a gun and a bullet proof jacket and still he almost die!!!!after what haeppen to him and Holly they should have change some stuff cause something is not working.

I've been hoping for an episode where Greg has to go through training to use a gun and it's all about him learning what it's REALLY like to be out in the field and carry a weapon... I think that'd be cool if Nick or someone helped him and Greg impresses them all by turning out to be a natural! :D
Yeah!! Like him be an ex-FBI or something awesome like that. And then everyone would be like "Why didn't you ever tell us? This changes our whole view on you!" And he will respond with a simple "You never asked."
Haha, then people would consider asking people they are close to if they are ex-FBI or something!
Hehe, I stayed up all night.. so a little crazy.

But seriously, I would like to see Greg with a gun. And, I'm guessing that he will be shot... but actually, I don't think so. I mean, getting shot seems to be the general way to take people out (Holly) or hurt them (Brass). And sense Brass was so very recent (even if Greg were to get shot towards the middle/end of season 7) I don't think they will use the I got shot thing. Even though i know the spoiler says he will be in the "line of fire." That doesnt mean bullets for sure, right?
I don't see Greg being shot, I can see him being the shooter. He has to deal with the fact that he had to kill someone. Or he shoots an innocent by mistake.
^^Or maybe the other way around....therefore pushing Grissom into an "emotional place so he can leave for sabatical"
Back in S5, in No Humans Involved, Greg wasn't in the line of fire but he was definitely freaked out when bullets started flying. So maybe something like that happens again, this time with him much closer to the action.
Is anyone else getting the image of Greg sitting in the locker room, looking between the lab jacket and the CSI vest, trying to decide which one to choose? This is probably just me being weird.
Yeah I think that would be an interesting story... Greg wittnesses a shooting and he questions whether he can handle being out in the field and considers going back into the lab...

anne_wolfe said:
Is anyone else getting the image of Greg sitting in the locker room, looking between the lab jacket and the CSI vest, trying to decide which one to choose? This is probably just me being weird.

No I can definitely see him making that choice later in the season!
I think I could see Greg making that desicion(sorry for horrible spelling) later in the season also, though in TV Guide, Eric said that he worked his way up from feeling not included to feeling like a main cast member, and he doesn't want to let go of that now. (well atleast that is what I interpreted it to say) So I doubt that Greg will go back to being a lab tech and having less screen time...
I don't think Greg will either, but I do think it will be a difficult decision for him. Does he choose the CSI vest, which represents all his hard work, and use it to bring justice to the victims? Or does he choose the lab jacket, which represnts all the things he left behind, still bringing justice to victims but in a different way? In the end, he will choose the CSI vest.
That would be an awesome promo pic! haha. yeah, I do see that something like that happening.

I've been thinking more about what may happen to Greg. And these are my thoughts:

Getting shot (actually being hit): This one is very tough because part of me is like, no they would't do that because its already happened quite a bit with many other CSI's. Not actually getting hit exactly, but there have really been only 3 very life-threatening things happen to CSI's. Holly, Nick, and Brass. And two of those were caused by gunshots. Especially sense the Brass almost dying thing was fairly recent. Not to mention how many times a CSI has been threatened with one. (Nick bunches of times.) So, for those reasons, no guns really.
But on the other hand.. we already know that Greg is very unstable with guns, or bullets rather (more so than some of the other CSI's) and we know he doesn't carry one. Also, the article said that he will be in the "line of fire". I don't know if that has to mean bullets/guns for sure, but your mind kind of jumps to that automatically. So.. this is possible, but I'm kind of leaning towards no on this one. I think they will be a bit more creative with this.

Getting beat up or thrown around: I've actually been considering this one a lot lately. Like, I can just see him processing an alley or somewhere dark when you see a figure come up behind him and beat him up some. Not real bad, but enough to leave him bloody and bruised. And then hes just lying there and the others find him. (Ugh, not a pretty image.) But something like that would be pretty good because its a pretty freaky thing and it could hurt him just enough for it to be considered physically and mentally painful, but doesn't have to be enough to keep him out of work for a long time. And they have a pretty wide range of how bad they could hurt him and where they could go with that. And that would leave him trying to decide wether or not to go back to the field, or the lab. Because at the lab, bad things do happen, but its usually because of an accident, not someone purposefully trying to harm him. And, I don't think that Greg has ever been put in a position like that that shows him exactly how mean people could really be and how fast he can be the body being investigated.... Of course, that part would fit in any situation in which he was hurt by someone on purpose.. but yeah.

The only problems with that would be the line of fire thing (we could find a way to work that in somehow im sure.) and the fact that unless they skipped pretty far in time, they might have to make sure some bruises and/or cuts were on Eric to make it believable...

So.. yeah.. just some thoughts.

Wow, I talk a lot. But I really have been thinking. Um... there are a lot of possibilities, but those are my top two at the moment, but are more than likely subject to change.
No matter if he gets shot or beaten up, there is one thing you can count on. The CSI team will go into protective mood, which is always sweet to see especially when they're like that over Greg.

Oh, and if Greg does get beaten up, the writers should at least let the poor guy get a few punches, so that way he doesn't go down without a fight.
Oh yeah, me too. If that does happen. Hehe, they would all come over to him and be upset and he would say "yeah, you should see the other guy" haha..

and yeah, i know the team would really unite as they always do, but especially for Greg because he is the baby of thier little family and he is also pretty harmless and sweet so that makes it so much worse. you know, when they ones who deserve it least get it. but none of the csi's really deserve it at all.. but Greg? lol. yeah.. whatever happens to him, i cant wait to see them come together
we already know that Greg is very unstable with guns, or bullets rather (more so than some of the other CSI's)

And you base that on what - one incident in the field when Greg was a "newbie" and he jumped behind a dumpster during a gunfight? He was brand new in the field and anybody in his position would have done the same. I sure as heck would have.

There's a difference between being caught off guard during an investigation and being unstable around guns. I don't think he's afraid of them. He's just not been around them enough to feel comfortable.

I'm wondering if he will be taken hostage during an investigation, and possibly wounded during the rescue. That would be different than the previous CSI encounters with the bad guys, and would make him doubt that he could cut it in the field. I still hope he chooses to stay out of the lab as that would greatly decrease his screen time.
I came in late because i dont like csi spoilers but when i heard something was happening to Greg i couldn't wait any longer so i want to say what i have to say about the spoilers

The Catherine issue: I really like Catherine alot but i think those episodes are just to much dramma i would of just prefered it was just about the slipped mickey the rest is just acsess dramma, i dont mind the Sam dying thing (even though i loved Sam he was so awesome) but i dont think they should have brought the Linsey thing in. Maybe just Cat telling Linsey the truth on what happened to her.

Greg issue: Nooooooooo! i dont want anything happening to Greg. Well thats a lie i would want something to happen just give the man some screen time but i think they should bring Nick into there. Nick and Greg are friends and i think since Nick has been through so much in the passed seasons i think he should help Greg through the 'dessision'

Grissom issue: He will be missed alot :( thats all i have to say because i dont have alot of info on whats exactly happening to him but god will i miss him.

Warrick issue: I really hope he gets more screen time and i like the fact that they gave him a older hard issue that is hard to get rid of and i also like the fact that they bring Nick like his bff in it to help in. So i'm really happy with Gary getting on screen i missed him :)

Nick issue: Lets face it Nick will always have bad shadows creeping up behind him he has bad luck. So i really hope they give him his episode. Maybe this time we get to see his sisters and brother all crowded around his hospital bed, but i wouldn't want my Nicky to get to to to hurt.

Brass: I know he doesn't really have a issue since he's recovered but i just wanted to say im happy that he's back to normal

Sara and others: I have to addmit im not a fan of gsr but i would want to see Nick and Greg (im not a fan of sandles either but) ask her out and then she turns them down because it shows us that there are more people who are interested in her.
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