For the record regardless of who like who and who doesn't, all the characters on CSI do what the writers and the script says, not just LF. And just because fans on this board don't or didn't like him, it doesn't speak for the whole CSI fan base. As the creator Anthony Zuiker stated worldwide over
78.6 million fans watch CSI and their all not on here. I read some comments on Facebook as stated prior and am repeating this for people who come up wth the same old same old, and don't seem to accept that he was popular" One couple said
"they were heartbroken that he left" and one guy said
"He was the best character on CSI...ever" and on and on, those are just a couple of fans . His forum are devastated by his departure. I think a lack of respect not only for a fan but the character is rude, and futile. Just going on and on is beating a real dead horse, he's gone, and for whatever reason, not for lack of popularity, shall I post what the ex. producers said about him and why he left? People choose to believe what ever they want, so it is a losing battle to try and convince someone who staunchly has other beliefs. Who's next poor TD