CSI Level Two
Personally, I put more stock in storylines than screen time. And we haven't heard yet how many episodes Marg will be in.I don't remember all of the new guys' names, but I know Gavin Harris is on board (he wrote the premiere), and Joe Pakaski is also writing this season,
All of the shows that the new guys have written definitely had strong female characters. Hopefully, that bodes well for Marg, Jorja, and the new girl, and they'll get more screentime and decent storylines. :thumbsup:
Marg won't, as she won't be in many episodes, but the one's she is on, hopefully she will get decent screen time.
I've never been a big fan of Catherine (although I think Marg is awesome), but I think tptb have enough respect for her and her character to give her a proper exit.
Any writer that can write for a strong female character is welcome in my book. Season 10 was a wasteland for the females on CSI, but last season was much better. Granted, CBS is better known for its male leads, but if you look at cable shows, it's a much more equal playing field. CBS is evolving though. Even Les has to admit that its only real critical success is the female led 'The Good Wife'.
On another note, I've been watching Ted Danson on 'Damages' and have renewed optimism on how he will do on CSI. I think he will fit in nicely. I was a big fan of 'Cheers', but his dramatic role on 'Damages' has revealed another side to his acting chops. I like how he seems to seek out different acting challenges. And I'm curious to see what type of character he creates on CSI.