Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion

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Yeah, seems that Beiber has only plagued the minds of British and Canadian teens.

It's gotten to the point that I think my younger sibling could even write this show better than the 'proper' people...
On Justin, I was at a Walmart this afternoon and while going through the poster aisle there were two kids looking at his poster. I stopped and said "Are you kids Justin Beiber fans" the girl squealed and said "YES" I love him" I go "Can I ask how old you are"? she goes "15", and I told her about some of the comments on this site against him she goes "like what"? I go "like some hope he dies" she was shocked and sad:( So anyway the brother who was 12 goes "I don't like him":eek: Their mom was smiling and goes when is this episode on? I go "Sept. 24" she goes "well guess we'll be watching that one", I just think the writers have something special up their sleeves on this one and we have to wait and see what it is:confused: I was blown away, when Roger Daltry was in "Living Legend" and really thought he's be nominated for an Emmy for his portrayal of 4 different characters. He was phenomenal. So, one never knows how a guest will be good, bad or indifferent~
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Yeah but Roger Daltry has been acting for years. The difference is this kid has never really acted, except in maybe one of his music videos.
Yeah but Roger Daltry has been acting for years. The difference is this kid has never really acted, except in maybe one of his music videos.

Really I just thought he was a rock star in a famous band? Was he in other TV dramas or movies that showed his acting chops? Once again, we have no idea how he'll be yet do we?
That's not really the point though, is it. Ok, there's 3 scenarios that could happen.
A) He's unbelievably good.
B) He's ok but forgettable.
C) He's awful.

A is unlikely, but even if it happens, it'll still be about the fact that he's "justin bieber", not about the show. B is probable, but it would beg the question, what was the point? It's still stunt casting! The show gets nothing from it, except the erosion of its integrity. Even if he's amazing, people will still only be watching because of a publicity stunt that'll wear off, and the regular fans will respect the show less. Lose lose. Would the storyline really be undermined if Justin Bieber is not in the role? Would it be any worse if some unknown young actor played it?
I can't believe how hyped up people are getting about CSI. The season hasen't even started yet and are already freaking out. Oh well they sure got people excited about the premiere :)
Yeah but Roger Daltry has been acting for years. The difference is this kid has never really acted, except in maybe one of his music videos.

Really I just thought he was a rock star in a famous band? Was he in other TV dramas or movies that showed his acting chops? Once again, we have no idea how he'll be yet do we?

Dizzney is right, Roger Daltry has acted for years so we would know how he would do.

Here's his imdb. Roger has been acting since the early 1970s, so I knew he could act and would be great.
That's not really the point though, is it. Ok, there's 3 scenarios that could happen.
A) He's unbelievably good.
B) He's ok but forgettable.
C) He's awful.

A is unlikely, but even if it happens, it'll still be about the fact that he's "justin bieber", not about the show. B is probable, but it would beg the question, what was the point? It's still stunt casting! The show gets nothing from it, except the erosion of its integrity. Even if he's amazing, people will still only be watching because of a publicity stunt that'll wear off, and the regular fans will respect the show less. Lose lose. Would the storyline really be undermined if Justin Bieber is not in the role? Would it be any worse if some unknown young actor played it?

I completely share your line of thinking and I fear this casting of the teenie flavour du jour is just the beginning. Look at this...

in other Joe news, the singer told that he'd love to score a guest turn on CBS' "CSI," following pop stars Justin Bieber and (Joe's ex) Taylor Swift. (The middle Jonas is set to make a guest appearance on TV Land's "Hot in Cleveland" on August 11.)
"I think 'CSI' is cool — to be a murderer, or to die. I've always been intrigued by those shows," he shared. "As an actor, it's always fun to push the limits to what you can do. I've never gone out of the box with it, so that would be a lot of fun for me."

I think all the grumbling you hear and read about the casting of JB has less to do with him per se but almost entirely to do with the direction the show seems to be heading.
Yeah but Roger Daltry has been acting for years. The difference is this kid has never really acted, except in maybe one of his music videos.

True, but one other thing about Roger is he gave CSI IT'S THEME SONG! (Not to mention Miami & NY too) he has actually done something for the show and is a big fan of it. What has Justin done for CSI besides being cast as a guest star?
Ok, this is just my two cents, but I think people need to chill a little with the bashing of JB and other potential guest stars. It's just a way for CBS and the producers to get viewers to watch and give an aging show some buzz, and as long as the basic integrity of the writing remains the same, i.e. these guest stars are playing characters that have previously be played by no-name actors looking for a paycheck and the guest stars do not become the main focus of the show, I see no problem with it. Several olders series used to successfully stunt cast guests all the time, most notably Friends and Will & Grace, and it worked really well for Law & Order:SVU last season.
Ok, this is just my two cents, but I think people need to chill a little with the bashing of JB and other potential guest stars. It's just a way for CBS and the producers to get viewers to watch and give an aging show some buzz, and as long as the basic integrity of the writing remains the same, i.e. these guest stars are playing characters that have previously be played by no-name actors looking for a paycheck and the guest stars do not become the main focus of the show, I see no problem with it. Several olders series used to successfully stunt cast guests all the time, most notably Friends and Will & Grace, and it worked really well for Law & Order:SVU last season.

I do agree with what you're saying, but since I have a vendetta against JB (yes, i get vendettas at people I hardly know) I still take it as bad news, regardless of how good he might just possibly be.
LOL....I think my younger cousin and all of her insane little friends would go absolutely crazy if Joe or any one of the Jonas Brother's managed to "score" a guest appearance on CSI. The ratings would definitely go up with all of them alone. They seem to travel in packs. :lol:

As for Beiber? Again, as much as I personally am not a fan of his, I am willing to keep an open mind and try to stay positive about his performance in the premiere.

Ok, this is just my two cents, but I think people need to chill a little with the bashing of JB and other potential guest stars. It's just a way for CBS and the producers to get viewers to watch and give an aging show some buzz, and as long as the basic integrity of the writing remains the same
Okay, I do have to agree! Even though CSI never really needed it in the past, perhaps, like stated, it's to give an aging show some buzz. A kick in the pants to help contend with other shows (some of which are brand spanking new) that are premiering that same night....that same week.
Seeing as I don't know much about this little weasel at all, I'm reserving judgement. I doubt CBS would hire him if they thought he was going to be shite (especially putting him in the season opener), and it IS possible for music stars to be great on CSI. I rest my case with Method Man - I loved him as Drops.

The only thing I'm worried about is that CSI will be forced to make the premiere pretty tame so that it doesn't get an adult rating and Bieber fans can watch it. But hey ho, that's just my opinion.
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