Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion

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Unfortunately, they are talking about Bieber's character being upset over his brother's death, so I think he'll be among the living for his "acting debut".

Although I'm still not thrilled about it, after doing some research online about him I have to say I do feel a bit sorry for the kid. Some of the stuff that's been said/done on the internet about him...pretty nasty.
I received this little article (2 pages) today and thought I'd post it up. It touched on a lot of things we, as fans, all have been saying for the past while, which I thought was interesting. Yet at the same time, touching on the latest spoilers released...and has eased my mind a little about Wally's return....

Thnx for posting this... It's a kind of nice to see that some parts of the new creative direction has been noticed.. and indeed if this article should be true to the words Hodges will be back..that's good :cool:

Though I am still undecided about certain aspects of this article....

From DJ's article:

Seeing those storylines come to an abrupt end like this is frustrating enough, especially when there are rumors that they are going to give Hodges a new interest in the coming season to help him forget Simms.

I'm sorry but that really pisses me off.

my first reaction was somehow the same... *sigh* now I decided to wait and watch what the tptb have in store....
I agree with Byline. We only have fragments of information and it's getting too much attention . If the main cast had no faith in the future of CSI they would not have sign up for more. Why risk your career? They would have surely know about the 16-year-old boy wonder before signing on.

Network TV shows have to make money if they want to survive and justify their existence. The whole casting of the kid is about buzz and advertisement. If he is bad, they will give him less screen time and concentrate on the scenes of other characters. You don’t get the numbers of viewers by concentrating on a niche group, you get the numbers by being entertaining. After you have their attention then you develop the characters and stories. It’s why the opening scene of a CSI episode is a must see, because it grabs your attention and you want them to tell the story.

Anyway that is how I see it. :thumbsup:
I am really getting sick of the stunt casting. This may be worse than the time they cast Kevin Federline.
To be perfectly honest, as much I hate the kid's songs (and I emphasise on "songs") I don't hate the kid himself, because after all he is just doing what he loves. I may not be entirely thrilled about him being cast, but I'll reserve judgement until we actually see the ep.

Kevin Federline was another stunt casting, but it actually worked for him, and I think he was in it for a total of what--5 minutes? As in 5 minutes of actually seeing his face.

Taylor Swift had a whole lot more screen time; it was probably due to the fact that she could actually act somewhat and TPTB saw that and banked on it.

Rascall Flatts? Eh... okay, not so great but wasn't *that* bad either.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see. =)
Hey guys! Don't forget...we have a spoiler pic thread for Season 11. Pics should go there for discussion. Thanks! :)
You know people talk about how bad it was to have Kevin Federline on but it gave us one(IMHO)of the best Nicky scenes with him punching K-Fed out...
I'd rather have K-Fed back than have Justin on CSI...

But one ray of light in under this dark cloud is that Justen gets tons of publicity for everything he does so CSI will get some good publicity over this.

Although in the past CSI never need any to boost ratings.
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I agree with Byline. We only have fragments of information and it's getting too much attention . If the main cast had no faith in the future of CSI they would not have sign up for more. Why risk your career? They would have surely know about the 16-year-old boy wonder before signing on.
Unfortunately I suspect that the reason the main cast signed on has nothing to do with them having faith in the future of CSI and that they are in fact thinking about their careers but for quite other reasons. In your heart of hearts do you truly believe any of the cast other than Laurence F., Marg H., maybe Paul G. and quite likely Wallace L. will find another gig like they've had during the last 10 years on CSI? I am sure Georg E, Jorja F. and Eric S. plus the actors in the smaller roles know that this may be it for them and other than a few guest acting roles the opportunities post CSI may be minimal.
If I were in their shoes I'd be signing on to CSI until the very end and try to get as much out of CBS as I possibly could. I for one would not begrudge them anything if this is the case.
One thing I have been wondering about for a while is why everyones contracts are maximum 1 year long? Or has anyone signed a multi year contract? Could that be a sign that the show is coming to an end in the next year or so?
Unfortunately I suspect that the reason the main cast signed on has nothing to do with them having faith in the future of CSI and that they are in fact thinking about their careers but for quite other reasons. In your heart of hearts do you truly believe any of the cast other than Laurence F., Marg H., maybe Paul G. and quite likely Wallace L. will find another gig like they've had during the last 10 years on CSI? I am sure Georg E, Jorja F. and Eric S. plus the actors in the smaller roles know that this may be it for them and other than a few guest acting roles the opportunities post CSI may be minimal.
If I were in their shoes I'd be signing on to CSI until the very end and try to get as much out of CBS as I possibly could. I for one would not begrudge them anything if this is the case.
One thing I have been wondering about for a while is why everyones contracts are maximum 1 year long? Or has anyone signed a multi year contract? Could that be a sign that the show is coming to an end in the next year or so?

Interesting. I honestly don't know what the future will hold for Wally, Jorja or George. Laurence and Marg are both big name stars so yeah, they will probably get many more jobs after this. Paul is known as a great character actor so he too will get something. As for Eric, he does a lot of backstage stuff, particularly with music. I see him doing more of that and working behind the scenes in the industry.
Well I know that most of them have stated at one time or another that they would like to see CSI through to the end...which is nice to here But there also has to be a breaking point and thoughts about being type cast etc. When is enough, enough? When is it time to move on? Lawrence and Marg, for sure, would have no problem given their acting status and experience. I wouldn't even be worried about Wally either. He is waist deep in other projects as well and has been since he first appeared on the show in '03.

Anyway, I am hoping that with Anthony Zuiker back on the writing team this season...or at least for the first part of the season, things will turn out better then the past couple of seasons, writing wise (after all, this was his little creation). Hopefully there will be stronger stories lines and more enjoyable scenes to general. And add in a more team orientated feel within the group and the lab. Last season they managed to close that gap...slightly, so hopefully this season it'll continue.

You know people talk about how bad it was to have Kevin Federline on but it gave us one(IMHO)of the best Nicky scenes with him punching K-Fed out...
:lol: that was rather enjoyable to see.
George and Eric have both said time and again that they plan to stay with the show until the end, or as long as the show will have them. So I think THAT is why they signed on. They both love working on the show and love their characters.

As for Jorja, we still don't know for 100% whether she's going to be a regular again (in every episode) or on special guest star recurring like she was last season. But I'm sure that at least a big portion of the reason that she returned is because she loves the show and her character and she has left before, so she knows how much she'd miss everyone and the character if she left again.

Eric (like Wally) has MANY other projects outside of CSI that he does. He's also had starring roles in several movies. They may not be big blockbuster movies, but if he does any in the future, once his diehard fans find out about it, they'll be right there. If its a straight to video movie, it'll make a lot of money off his fans who've followed his career from CSI. I'm not the least bit worried about him. I have a ton of faith in him. I'm sure he'll be fine. I'm sure they'll all be fine. Their fans will follow their careers wherever they may lead most likely. And whatever they do, they will bring in many fans.

One thing I have been wondering about for a while is why everyones contracts are maximum 1 year long? Or has anyone signed a multi year contract? Could that be a sign that the show is coming to an end in the next year or so?

Contract deals usually have a time limit on them because people are never sure how long the show will last... and if an actor signed on to a network for their current show for say, four years and the show didn't last that long, they would still be in contract with that network and would most likely not be allowed (legally) to work outside of that network (at least not without the network's permission). So this is why they always renegotiate their contracts after they expire. Every show does this. It really does not mean much. So people re-sign most of the time because they love the show/character that they are doing. Or just even out of loyalty of what has made them more successful. I wouldn't read anything more into it. It really doesn't mean much more than that.

As for the length of contracts meaning the end is coming soon, I can't say for sure... but I think maybe the network realizes that this show has been around for a long time and there is no way to predict just how much longer it will last. It could go as long as 15 seasons like ER did, or it could drop so bad in the ratings at the end of this coming season that they'd be force to cancel it. One just never knows, so they play it safe lol. Although Ann Donahue, the show-runner from CSI: Miami signed a four year contract recently. I honestly am not sure if CSI: Miami would last that much longer, so her contract may be with CBS in general, so that when Miami ends she could produce or be the show-runner for another CBS show.
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Justin Bieber? Am I the only person whose never heard of him? (then again, I didn't know who Taylor Swift or Rascall Flatts were either)
Justin Bieber? Am I the only person whose never heard of him? (then again, I didn't know who Taylor Swift or Rascall Flatts were either)

You're not the only one :lol: I had to google them all before I even tried to talk about them :guffaw:

Must be because we're not living in the US... and well... it's no shame we never heard of Bieber, from what I know now I don't really like him :lol:
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