Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion

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Like him or not, he has over 8 million fans on his Facebook page. Yeah, maybe some signed up to bash him, but the fact is his appearance could really, really shoot the ratings through the least for those episodes. And as someone mentioned, it's definitely putting the buzz out there for the show right now. All good. Remember, he'll go away eventually, but our faves will still be there, hopefully with the show riding higher. :)
Well, I guess I can give Bieber a chance. I'm just slightly uncomfortable at the fact that he's never acted before and, from what I've heard, is supposed to be in mutiple episodes next season. That's not a recipe for success.
I understand that the most probable reason for TPTB to decide to give Beiber a chance is for ratings but if that was really the case they could have got another teen sensation that has actually acted before like one of the Twilight kids.
I won't prejudge him or his acting; I just hope the storyline for his character is good. I thought Taylor Swift did a decent job, but she made a good impression because the story was good. In Rascal Flatts' case, both were horrible.

Also, it's interesting to me that by doing this stunt casting in the premiere, tptb admit that the 'cliffhanger' regarding Ray in the finale is creating absolutely no buzz. I'm certain it will be addressed, but I'm curious as to how much. The follow-up to Ray's stabbing seems to have taken a back seat to Mr. Bieber's appearance. lol. LF upstaged by JB, at least in media buzz. :lol: I suspect he's getting a laugh out of it, too.
Ok, no more grumbling about Justin Bieber from me, at least for the next week. Sometimes it's just too tempting to let out your inner bitchy child on a forum:p

To show I have nothing against teenagers as a whole there is one guest star I would love to see back and that would be Dakota Fanning. It could be interesting to see her back as the same character she played 10 years ago. The opportunities to write a great story around her would be endless. Now that would get me excited.
The upside of stunt casting is that CSI gets more publicity. I really really wanted CSI to reach high numbers as much as possible. Regarding JB's acting, I think we should just wait for the episode and calm down in the meantime. Look at 'Turn, Turn, Turn', turned into one of the nest episodes of season 9. Taylor Swift was good but the episode was well written and George's acting was fantastic. What if JB isn't popular? Will the response be the same? Let's give the kid a chance. He wants to act so maybe he would give his best shot.
I won't prejudge him or his acting; I just hope the storyline for his character is good. I thought Taylor Swift did a decent job, but she made a good impression because the story was good. In Rascal Flatts' case, both were horrible.

Also, it's interesting to me that by doing this stunt casting in the premiere, tptb admit that the 'cliffhanger' regarding Ray in the finale is creating absolutely no buzz. I'm certain it will be addressed, but I'm curious as to how much. The follow-up to Ray's stabbing seems to have taken a back seat to Mr. Bieber's appearance. lol. LF upstaged by JB, at least in media buzz. :lol: I suspect he's getting a laugh out of it, too.
Poor LF. I love Langston but he just can't compare to the teen heartthrob.

I'm actually feeling kind of sorry for the Bieb. He's going to have a lot of pressure on him to do well. Since this is the first episode I'm sure the writers will be putting their best foot forward in terms of quality so everything goes back to Bieb's performance.
Today on this about the Justin fever, and why they brought him on the show.

"Every 20 years, a phenomenon like Justin Bieber graces our world. We'd like to believe that the phenomenon of CSI has had the same impact on popular culture. The opportunity to bring them together in the premiere, is a great treat for our audiences & all of it's viewers", said Don McGill, writer Carol Mendelshon & producer Anthony Zuiker in a statement. "This will be true event television"

Today on this about the Justin fever, and why they brought him on the show.

"Every 20 years, a phenomenon like Justin Bieber graces our world. We'd like to believe that the phenomenon of CSI has had the same impact on popular culture. The opportunity to bring them together in the premiere, is a great treat for our audiences & all of it's viewers", said Don McGill, writer Carol Mendelshon & producer Anthony Zuiker in a statement. "This will be true event television"


Yes, that was in one of the original links to the story. I think they are way overestimating the importance of this "event". :rolleyes: Buzz? Yes. Ratings? Yes. New viewers with moms who will maybe buy the stuff that's advertised during the show? Sure, why not? But they aren't impressing me. And that's just my opinion as a loyal (and older) viewer.
Also, it's interesting to me that by doing this stunt casting in the premiere, tptb admit that the 'cliffhanger' regarding Ray in the finale is creating absolutely no buzz. I'm certain it will be addressed, but I'm curious as to how much. The follow-up to Ray's stabbing seems to have taken a back seat to Mr. Bieber's appearance. lol. LF upstaged by JB, at least in media buzz. :lol: I suspect he's getting a laugh out of it, too.

I think the reason the cliffhanger has failed to create buzz is because we know that LF is signed on for another whole season. There's no risk that he's going to die. Contrast this with seasons 7 and 8 where we weren't sure what was going on with Jorja and Gary.
CSI won't be able to keep Bieber's fans on screen for the second episode because I don't think they are interested on crime dramas.This is all about boosting the season premiere with a well-known singer who has apparently no acting skills.
Today on this about the Justin fever, and why they brought him on the show.

"Every 20 years, a phenomenon like Justin Bieber graces our world. We'd like to believe that the phenomenon of CSI has had the same impact on popular culture. The opportunity to bring them together in the premiere, is a great treat for our audiences & all of it's viewers", said Don McGill, writer Carol Mendelshon & producer Anthony Zuiker in a statement. "This will be true event television"


well.... It keeps on amazing me what this kid has caused...the discussion.. the articles... and I'm absolutely willing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt... (in the end he's laughing at all of us, I mean the oppurtunities he's getting, the possibilities to travel the world, meet a lot of (famous) people...)... but to call him a phenomenon ... I don't know (but that's a personal opinion).... and the "true event television"?? those are big words.. I hope they (tptb) can live up to it....:cool:
Also, it's interesting to me that by doing this stunt casting in the premiere, tptb admit that the 'cliffhanger' regarding Ray in the finale is creating absolutely no buzz. I'm certain it will be addressed, but I'm curious as to how much. The follow-up to Ray's stabbing seems to have taken a back seat to Mr. Bieber's appearance. lol. LF upstaged by JB, at least in media buzz. :lol: I suspect he's getting a laugh out of it, too.

I think the reason the cliffhanger has failed to create buzz is because we know that LF is signed on for another whole season. There's no risk that he's going to die. Contrast this with seasons 7 and 8 where we weren't sure what was going on with Jorja and Gary.

Also Laurence Fishburne is doing his one-man-play [Thurgood Marshall] through Aug. 8, so this lets him off the hook, so to speak on appearing in the premiere, unless he's all messed up in the hospital, which I'm sure he is. Maybe they'll have him in that capacity, till his play is done. And I'm the messenger, and I don't consider him to be a "phenomenen", so he'd better show some acting chops:rolleyes: geez louise on him. I'm already tired of all this media buzz on a kid, that most have no particular interest in~
I don't live in the US and have no idea about JB.IMO is no big deal.Producers want big ratings for the premiere.As long as they give us interesting cases and the core cast stays the same,I am a happy fan.
I don't mean to be judgemental, but does the description remind you of a particular type of character? You know the kind we call Mary Sue. Oi.
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