Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion

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I'm not saying that I want Liz to leave, just the opposite. I'm hoping that one of TPTB (or one of the writers looking for inspiration) stumbles across my previous post and eventually (if they continue on with the foolish idea of not asking her back) remembers it when they decide they shouldn't have let her go and are trying to find a way of bringing her back into the fold. (How's that for a nice, long run on sentence, lol.)

The show has lost so many great characters, I'd hate to lose Wendy too.

agreed first sara, then warrick, and griss

besides the team is going to need help since nick and ray are down, could mean grissom might come and help but i'm not holding my breathe on seeing him in the premiere

and sara won't be there forever, so they'll be down a member, again, i had figured that or ray would open the door for wendy to be a csi finally

Does anyone know definately that Wendy is coming back or not? I mean definately in that there is a source, other than Facebook, that this is true or not. No offense to Facebook users but I'm not trusting that as a source until I see an article online/in a magazine about Wendy's departure. Facebook has a tendency to be like Wikipedia at times.:lol:

i've been looking around since i heard, i'm very interested in what tptb have to say about this one, but we may not hear anything for awhile, the only source seems to be facebook
Does anyone know definately that Wendy is coming back or not? I mean definately in that there is a source, other than Facebook, that this is true or not. No offense to Facebook users but I'm not trusting that as a source until I see an article online/in a magazine about Wendy's departure. Facebook has a tendency to be like Wikipedia at times.:lol:

Well, whether you want to believe it or not, this is from her ACTUAL facebook page. Go to it and see who all her friends are and the pictures she's posted. It's her and if she says she isn't coming back, she isn't. Unless something changes.
Does anyone know definately that Wendy is coming back or not? I mean definately in that there is a source, other than Facebook, that this is true or not. No offense to Facebook users but I'm not trusting that as a source until I see an article online/in a magazine about Wendy's departure. Facebook has a tendency to be like Wikipedia at times.:lol:

Well, whether you want to believe it or not, this is from her ACTUAL facebook page. Go to it and see who all her friends are and the pictures she's posted. It's her and if she says she isn't coming back, she isn't. Unless something changes.
You can't take everything at face value though. Especially on the internet. Maybe Liz is saying this so she won't get axed off the show. I've seen it done before. Get the fans behind you right before contract renegotiations so you can bring it out as a last minute defense to not get axed.
Maybe Liz is saying this so she won't get axed off the show. I've seen it done before. Get the fans behind you right before contract renegotiations so you can bring it out as a last minute defense to not get axed.
Les Moonves has no tolerance for performers trying to be cute at negotiation time. Even if he is just imagining it. If Liz really is doing this, she needs to talk to George Eads about what happens when Les is irritated. :cool:
Maybe Liz is saying this so she won't get axed off the show. I've seen it done before. Get the fans behind you right before contract renegotiations so you can bring it out as a last minute defense to not get axed.
Les Moonves has no tolerance for performers trying to be cute at negotiation time. Even if he is just imagining it. If Liz really is doing this, she needs to talk to George Eads about what happens when Les is irritated. :cool:

George was not playing games to get more money. He overslept and Moonves thought it was a ploy to get more money, which it wasn't. Petersen himself said he would walk if George wasn't hired back. Highly doubt he would do that if George was playing the "I want more money or else" routine. Unlike Jorja, who was. Though for all I know Jorja wasn't either.

I don't take anything on the web at face value, but there is too much evidence showing this is real. So I've posed questions to Ausiello and TVGuide to get confirmation.
George was not playing games to get more money. He overslept and Moonves thought it was a ploy to get more money, which it wasn't. Petersen himself said he would walk if George wasn't hired back. Highly doubt he would do that if George was playing the "I want more money or else" routine. Unlike Jorja, who was. Though for all I know Jorja wasn't either.]

Speedy is right. George overslept, it wasn't a contract ploy at all. If it was, I highly doubt Moonves would have hired him back. He's not the forgiving type.
George was not playing games to get more money. Unlike Jorja, who was. Though for all I know Jorja wasn't either.
I thought it was well known that both Jorja and George were fired years ago because of misunderstandings: he overslept, and she did not return a signed document in the correct manner. WP went to bat for both of them. I think George got a raise because he signed for an extra year, whereas Jorja didn't get a raise because she didn't want to extend her contract at the time (and that's why her contract was up after season 7, one year earlier than the others).

I agree, this Liz news seems legit.
Writers will be returning to work this week according to DLA's twitter, so we should be hearing something soon.
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I agree, this Liz news seems legit.
Writers will be returning to work this week according to DLA's twitter, so we should be hearing something soon.

Well, thank god. Maybe this drama will be laid to rest.

On another note, writers are already returning back to work? Jeez, it seems like they just were on break.:confused:
Writers will be returning to work this week according to DLA's twitter, so we should be hearing something soon.

Probably won't be hearing much of anything until either the actors go back in mid July or the Summer Press Tour (which wasn't til August last year!). I mean, they waited until they were filming to say that Jorja was going to be there last season. Why should they tell us until they have too! :rolleyes: :lol:

Writers will be returning to work this week according to DLA's twitter, so we should be hearing something soon.

Probably won't be hearing much of anything until either the actors go back in mid July or the Summer Press Tour (which wasn't til August last year!). I mean, they waited until they were filming to say that Jorja was going to be there last season. Why should they tell us until they have too! :rolleyes: :lol:


Well, the cast members won't start filming till after Aug. 8, Laurence Fishburne is doing a play "Thurgood Marshall" till that date~
Well, the cast members won't start filming till after Aug. 8, Laurence Fishburne is doing a play "Thurgood Marshall" till that date~

Maybe that just means the first few eps with be Langston-light. Which would make sense actually. They could have Ray be stuck in hospital or recovering for the the first few eps and just have LF film a few bookend scenes when he gets back on set.
(AFAIK, most of the prime time dramas start back filming mid to late July)
Well, the cast members won't start filming till after Aug. 8, Laurence Fishburne is doing a play "Thurgood Marshall" till that date~

Maybe that just means the first few eps with be Langston-light. Which would make sense actually. They could have Ray be stuck in hospital or recovering for the the first few eps and just have LF film a few bookend scenes when he gets back on set.
(AFAIK, most of the prime time dramas start back filming mid to late July)

Yeah, CSI starts filming mid-July.

So that means either he won't be in the episodes or they'll film around him.

Could be why he was stabbed.
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