Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion

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CSI will be down one lab rat when the show returns next fall.

A CBS rep declined to comment, but a source close to CSI confirms that Liz Vassey’s contract option has not been picked up. “The show is going in a different creative direction in its 11th season,” adds the insider.

Damn it.

I wonder if that was from my question I asked him. :)

Different creative direction? Oh God, there goes all our favorite characters. :rolleyes:

Yes, I'm being over dramatic.

No..I have a bad feeling about this.

And if they get rid of the whole crew with the exception of LF..I'm out of there..


Creative Direction--meaning..they want to create CSI Glee..with the cast singing..
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Desertwind, her name is not Alyssa, her name is Aisha Tyler aka Mia Dickerson. TPTB better not take the whole crew because of LF, I'm out of there too. I like LF, but My favorite is Nicky.
I read some comments about the article. Someone said CSI is getting rid of Liz to raise the salary of other actor/s. What???
Different creative direction? Why does that scare the crap out of me?

It scares the crap out of me too!

Not to get overly dramatic (though I am pretty good at that), but this show, most of these characters, have become a big part of my life (first and foremost, Greg). Sounds corny, but watching this show has been my primary diversion/distraction through this very difficult time in my life. To lose it now, while still in said difficult time, would be really upsetting. If we lose Greg, if they do not offer Eric a reasonable contract, and he does not come back, THE reason I watch will be gone...:(.

TPTB, PLEASE bring Eric/Greg back!
I read some comments about the article. Someone said CSI is getting rid of Liz to raise the salary of other actor/s. What???
I wonder who that could be? Probably Marg or George. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's probably George. Unless they asked Jorja back. That would make me so happy if they asked Jorja back full time.

I'd personally prefer it if a character like Wendy leaves because she isn't a integral part of CSI like George, Marg, LF, ectera is. Wendy is a great character but let's be realistic. How many people really watch CSI exclusively for Wendy? It's all about survival of the fittest in Hollywood and I guess Liz just wasn't fit to survive.
I read some comments about the article. Someone said CSI is getting rid of Liz to raise the salary of other actor/s. What???
I wonder who that could be? Probably Marg or George. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's probably George. Unless they asked Jorja back. That would make me so happy if they asked Jorja back full time.

Actually, the poster said it's George. Or maybe, they're trying to raise money for Jorja. I really like Sara on CSI. Reminds me of classic episode, but I can't imagine that this might be the effect of bringing her back.

But as long as Marg/George/Jorja/Eric/Paul sign for season 11, I am good. I'm sad for Liz. The writers didn't even try to make her shine on the show. Maybe that's why it seems easy to get rid of her.

I read some comments about the article. Someone said CSI is getting rid of Liz to raise the salary of other actor/s. What???

I'm sure that's just someone's opinion and not fact. Take it with a grain of salt.

Yeah. I think he won't allow that to happen.
I read some comments about the article. Someone said CSI is getting rid of Liz to raise the salary of other actor/s. What???
I wonder who that could be? Probably Marg or George. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's probably George. Unless they asked Jorja back. That would make me so happy if they asked Jorja back full time.

Actually, the poster said it's George. Or maybe, they're trying to raise money for Jorja. I really like Sara on CSI. Reminds me of classic episode, but I can't imagine that this might be the effect of bringing her back.

But as long as Marg/George/Jorja/Eric/Paul sign for season 11, I am good. I'm sad for Liz. The writers didn't even try to make her shine on the show. Maybe that's why it seems easy to get rid of her.

Of course the said it was George, because he said he wanted to be paid fairly.

However, it could be any of them. They all ask for money at contract time. However, since this is just a person commenting I highly doubt it's fact.

Besides Marg and George have both said they haven't been asked back, so we don't know if they or the others have been asked. Hopefully, we'll hear something soon.
I wonder who that could be? Probably Marg or George. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's probably George. Unless they asked Jorja back. That would make me so happy if they asked Jorja back full time.

Actually, the poster said it's George. Or maybe, they're trying to raise money for Jorja. I really like Sara on CSI. Reminds me of classic episode, but I can't imagine that this might be the effect of bringing her back.

But as long as Marg/George/Jorja/Eric/Paul sign for season 11, I am good. I'm sad for Liz. The writers didn't even try to make her shine on the show. Maybe that's why it seems easy to get rid of her.

Of course the said it was George, because he said he wanted to be paid fairly.

They really deserve to be paid fairly, especially long time regulars Marg, George and Paul.
Now that I'm thinking about it, it's probably George. Unless they asked Jorja back. That would make me so happy if they asked Jorja back full time.
Gees..why does everyone blame George for everything that goes wrong on the set of CSI!:rolleyes:

If a hurricane hit the set, George would be blamed.

It was only an opinion, not a fact. For all we know, "creative direction" probably means the end of the old crew and the beginning of the new one under LF as a leader.:(
I agree on the sinking ship part.

A lot of the stuff that happened during last season honestly should have happened a year ago. Nicky getting promoted, Ray being a CSI II, Hodges and Wendy getting together as well as Catherine and Vartann. I mean if they did all that and now neither George or Marg has been asked back. And now Wendy is gone. What was the point??? :confused:

Unless there is something really enlightening happening when the next season starts I'm thinking I'm going to bail on CSI after 5 years. This is just getting a bit much.

And just when I was getting sort of excited for the next season. SHEESH. Perhaps they do need to put CSI out of it's misery. :confused: :eek:
Gosh I'm a 10 year fan, and have loved all of S/10, and it does suck that they've ditched Liz, but the've gotten rid of alot of people, and the show still survives. Nothing stays the same, that's show-biz.:( And I thought I'd stop watching when Billy left, and then Jorja, but have gotten used to him being gone, and she came back:bolian: & Warrick, but am lovin' LF and all he does. I guess I'm a die-hard fan. I predict that we'll all be surprised and thrilled when they give us a new direction, and they've got something up their sleeves. They don't want to absue or use the old timers, they know what fans like and don't like & in S/11, it'll be fantastic:bolian:
Also, there's a new executive producer coming in for season 11. Don McGill is replacing Naren Shankar so that could be part of the creative direction change.

Just throwing that into the mix of things.
Oh that's exactly what I was going to ask to have confirmed. I was sure I had read about Naren Shankar leaving and another exec producer taking charge. I hate to say this, but this is most likely really bad. Because for some damn reason, whenever some new exec producer takes over a show or the main writers leave a show, the new person or persons always have to go and change a bunch of things. So I think what we're seeing with Liz Vassey leaving is just the tip of the iceburg. I'm upset because I thought this was the one show I could still count on to keep being consistent with well written episodes when it came back in the fall. The only thing that could make things not as bad is if Don McGill has previous experience with CSI, like if he's written some episodes, etc. Has he? I haven't watched CSI as long as some of you. So what other shows has McGill worked on? Time to do a google search.

EDIT: OK I just re-freshed my memory on who Don McGill is. He exec produced Numb3rs, which was a smart show. So I'm not really sure what to think. The ship may not be sinking that badly, but yet they let "Wendy" go, and they talk about "new creative direction", which means changes.
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