Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 4

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AHHH, but he did get crazy with Natalie, he was yelling in her face, while interogating her and obsessed about where Sara was. He even went to a hearing to determine if she was sane or insane. He was a bit out of control pertaining to her. It's Haskell that's tormenting and dogging Langston, not the other way around. He just wants him captured and put away for good:bolian:Catherine is concerned about this whole issue and wants him caught as well~
But that was only in the one episode when they knew that she had kidnapped Sara. Anyone would have yelled at her. Langston was frustrated and attacking Haskell way back in season 9 when he first visited him in prison. It's been ongoing since then. They go at each other and I personally cannot wait for this storyline to be over once and for all. If anything it will help season 12 in that hopefully Haskell will be gone once and for all and they can move on from this.
The whole reason Haskell is running strolling around Vegas though is because of Langston. Things between the two got WAY more personal than things should have been. I don't recall Grissom getting this crazy with Natalie Davis.

AHHH, but he did get crazy with Natalie, he was yelling in her face, while interogating her and obsessed about where Sara was. He even went to a hearing to determine if she was sane or insane. He was a bit out of control pertaining to her. It's Haskell that's tormenting and dogging Langston, not the other way around. He just wants him captured and put away for good:bolian:Catherine is concerned about this whole issue and wants him caught as well~

Yeah, he yelled at her, ONCE. Langston went to Haskell's trial, gave into Haskell's games and now Haskell is free. Natalie played with Grissom just like Haskell plays with Langston. And just because he yelled at Natalie ONCE does mean he was out of control. :rolleyes: Langston with Haskell? Now that's out of control.

Langston was sent home because of his obsession with Haskell. Grissom was never sent home in regards to a serial killer.
Grissom also went to her hearing. Everyone wants this to end, remember the writers are the ones who decide what happens, and what doesn't. The actors do what the script says to do. And Langston has been involed on other cases besides the Haskell fiasco one. And the whole team, Cath, Nick, Greg, Hodges, Brass, are concerned about Haskell all of them, not just Ray. He wants nothing to do with him he's repulsed, and sickend by his antics, as the fans are:(And who would have sent Grissom home he was the boss?
Grissom was never sent home in regards to a serial killer.

Technically, he was sent home for the Strip Strangler - but that was more because of butting heads with the FBI, not a personal involvement with the killer.

Grissom snapped at Natalie once, when someone he loved was in danger. He went to her trial for closure and to try to understand her, not just to gloat. Langston has been obsessed with Haskell and Jekyll, to the point of lying to his colleagues, shirking his job, and being almost-suspended for it. He seems to get way too personally involved in the serial killers themselves, while Grissom only got emotionally involved when someone he already had a relationship with (Sara) was in danger.
G:(And who would have sent Grissom home he was the boss?

The Asst. Lab Director, the Lab Director, The Undersheriff, the Sheriff. His bosses. Grissom was not THE BOSS.

Going to her hearing doesn't make him out of control. He was asked to appear otherwise, I doubt he would have went.

Yeah, he was sent home in 'The Strip Strangler', but as you said not because he was out of control about the suspect.
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Your right speedy OK, I'm not on here to have confrontations with other fans. But, Grissom was always irritated and annoyed or angry with someone all the time. He had issues of his own, and was a big put down artist. He insulted Hodges and Greg, Nick and Warick also Catherine. Even his beloved Sara. I've never seen Ray get angry with any of those CSI's:cool: So on the "spoiler" topic I'm glad that Catherine is going to be involved in this episode, she has great lines and will be a huge help to bring down this Haskell creep~
Your right speedy OK, I'm not on here to have confrontations with other fans. But, Grissom was always irritated and annoyed or angry with someone all the time. He had issues of his own, and was a big put down artist. He insulted Hodges and Greg, Nick and Warick also Catherine. Even his beloved Sara. I've never seen Ray get angry with any of those CSI's:cool: So on the "spoiler" topic I'm glad that Catherine is going to be involved in this episode, she has great lines and will be a huge help to bring down this Haskell creep~

Grissom was not ALWAYS irritated, annoyed, and angry with someone all the time. :rolleyes: Oh did he insult, he did at times, lord knows he treated Nick the worst, but Ray CAN'T be, he isn't the boss and all of those people (well, not Warrick :() are above him.

So to compare the two is really a moot point as one was the boss (who was responsible for the shift and his team) and the other one isn't (who does not have that responsiblity)

The Haskell story has to end and never should have went on this long. My guess is if Grissom was still around he would have caught Haskell already and if the let the team (Catherine, Nick, Greg, etc, not Langston) they would have caught him long ago too.
Haskell was caught, years before he first appeared on the show. It was only because Ray wanted to gloat about catching Jekyll and got too close to Haskell, that he had the opportunity to escape in the first place! :rolleyes:

I never saw Grissom as "always angry" anyway. He was a bit socially inept, but not to the point of being insulting. With the other CSIs, Grissom was their supervisor and mentor, so he had to point out their mistakes so they could learn (Nick himself said how much he learned from Grissom, and it does really show now).

I'm just really glad that it sounds like the Haskell story might finally end (I really hope it does). I also hope that there's an end to the CSIs making cases so personal. If they have a relationship with a victim, shouldn't they be removed from the case entirely?
Your right speedy OK, I'm not on here to have confrontations with other fans. But, Grissom was always irritated and annoyed or angry with someone all the time. He had issues of his own, and was a big put down artist. He insulted Hodges and Greg, Nick and Warick also Catherine. Even his beloved Sara. I've never seen Ray get angry with any of those CSI's:cool: So on the "spoiler" topic I'm glad that Catherine is going to be involved in this episode, she has great lines and will be a huge help to bring down this Haskell creep~

...what CSI are you watching? The Grissom I know was soft spoken, mellow, and the calming force of the storm. The only time he really got angered was with Natalie and that was because he needed to find Sara. He never directed his anger at any of his colleagues, and the "put downs" were always used as a stepping stone for a lesson. For all his quirks, he was always there for the team as a boss, mentor, and most importantly, friend. It seems almost as if your bias for Ray is blinding you from reality.
Wow, lots of arguing going on. I thought that wasn't allowed here? Guess I'm a little sensitive because I was recently called on the carpet for being confrontational and argumentative...

P.S. That was sarcasm. Is sarcasm allowed?
Wow, lots of arguing going on. I thought that wasn't allowed here? Guess I'm a little sensitive because I was recently called on the carpet for being confrontational and argumentative...

P.S. That was sarcasm. Is sarcasm allowed?

I'm sorry that you felt "called on the carpet" when actually it was intended as just a reminder since you are fairly new to the forums. As I stated, debate and expression of opinions is allowed and encouraged, but I felt (and we had complaints from other posters as well) that your posts came off as a bit rude.

Again, I'm sorry that it upset you. It was just a reminder, and there is no problem. You are welcome to continue posting and participate in the discussion.
Your right speedy OK, I'm not on here to have confrontations with other fans. But, Grissom was always irritated and annoyed or angry with someone all the time. He had issues of his own, and was a big put down artist. He insulted Hodges and Greg, Nick and Warick also Catherine. Even his beloved Sara. I've never seen Ray get angry with any of those CSI's:cool: So on the "spoiler" topic I'm glad that Catherine is going to be involved in this episode, she has great lines and will be a huge help to bring down this Haskell creep~

That is the most ridiculous statement I've ever read in this forum. More ridiculous than "Horatio is hot.:devil::drool:" Really, as in ALWAYS? ALL the time?
Your right speedy OK, I'm not on here to have confrontations with other fans. But, Grissom was always irritated and annoyed or angry with someone all the time. He had issues of his own, and was a big put down artist. He insulted Hodges and Greg, Nick and Warick also Catherine. Even his beloved Sara. I've never seen Ray get angry with any of those CSI's:cool: So on the "spoiler" topic I'm glad that Catherine is going to be involved in this episode, she has great lines and will be a huge help to bring down this Haskell creep~

That sure is a complete turn on what you have said before in the past. I don't even know how to respond to it.
Your right speedy OK, I'm not on here to have confrontations with other fans. But, Grissom was always irritated and annoyed or angry with someone all the time. He had issues of his own, and was a big put down artist. He insulted Hodges and Greg, Nick and Warick also Catherine. Even his beloved Sara. I've never seen Ray get angry with any of those CSI's:cool: So on the "spoiler" topic I'm glad that Catherine is going to be involved in this episode, she has great lines and will be a huge help to bring down this Haskell creep~

That sure is a complete turn on what you have said before in the past. I don't even know how to respond to it.

That's probably just as well. It could very possibly have been even more disrespectful than Geeno's comment re: the same post. And people are complaining that my posts are rude? Really?:rolleyes:
I think profiling my faults [according to others] have nothing to do with the "spoiler" thread, everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, theories, views, ideas and opinions. Lets keep the personal attacks off this thread.. thank you~

In the TV Guide issue April 4-10, that just came in the mail, an article about... drum roll``


As dominatrix Lady Heather on CSI, Melinda Clarke probably knows all too well the trouble with getting excited prematurely. So maybe that's why, when she got the call to play the character for the sixth time, she was both happy and cautious. "I had a conversation with Anthony Zuiker, [the shows creator] and it was like "Am I a corpse"?, laughs Clarke, who took a break from her role as ass-kicking madame Amanda on Nikita, to film the April 7 episode. "Because it's always a possibility with that show. he told me NO! that would never happen!, so I jumped at the chance to play her..again..The character first came to life in S/2, after a murder at her fetish club. There was immediate sexual tension between her and Gil Grissom [William Petersen], which became a running theme throughout her other appearances. When we last saw Lady Heather, she seemed to have given up her life of leather in order to become a psychologist. When she returns, she has a doctorate in psychology and goes by the name of Dr. Kessler. And unfortunatley for fans Grissom won't be around for her return. As how she crosses paths with the CSI team, according to executive producer Carol Mendelsohn "her personal and professional expertise are needed to help solve the murder of a young woman caught up in a cross-species fetish, who happens to be a former patient of hers. The case leads Langston [Laurence Fishburne] to intimate conversations with Dr. Kessler that, explains Clarke, "sets up a lot for Laurence's character and the season ender. "It's really big"! Still while she enjoyed that encounter, Lady Heather's heart is apparently with Grissom. "There could be a wonderful episode in the future, where she has more to do with Sara [Jorja Fox] and Grissom", Clarke says. "Anything is possible, so I'll put that out in the universe and see what happens"

Tid-bit from Carol M. "I always believed Lady Heather would have made a great CSI, "she's analytical, intuituve and a true survivor"

Craig Tomashoff, TV Guide writer~

Also a huge photo of her~
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