Season 10 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Pt 3

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If he wasn't popular they would have gotten rid of him a way long time ago like they did Lauren Lee Smith.

I would imagine it would be pretty expensive to buy out the remainder of LF's contract. If I'm not mistaken, LLS had only signed for the one season.

And getting rid of Fishburne is not the same as getting rid of LLS. An actress who really is not that well known: very easy to get rid of. An actor that is a movie star, now on a television show: not easy to get rid of.

Look I like Fishburne and I like Langston. I like him working with Nick. However, the way he was introduced and pushed to the forefront is what alienated a lot of people. I don't think it's Fishburne or really completely Langston, it's them pushing him and pushing him when we have so much vested in the characters that have been there since the beginning. They needed to introduce his character slower, not in-your-face.

Yes, it would that easy to get "rid" of him, his contract is up and no one had to offer him to stay on past S/10. He could have refused if it was offered. His pay scale was on contingent that he got paid for 18 months. And he was brought in slowly in "19 Down" when Grissom offered him the position , he was humbled, and he was in the learning process. when Nick showed him how to fingerprint, he was so receptive and even stayed after hours to practice. I've never, ever seen him 'bossy" or "nasty" or "I'm the boss" type antics. he's laid back, reserved and always open for the teams suggestions. He listens to all of them and offers his theories. He's at the forefront exactly like Grissom was. He was not hired to hover around in the background. He is the lead who replaced Grissom, and I for one am thrilled he accepted to stay on this fabulous show:thumbsup:
He was never supposed to "replace" Grissom. You'll often read in interviews that there is NO replacement for Grissom. Or Billy.

It was the introduction of a NEW character.
Langton is not replacing Grissom. Grissom will never be replaced by anybody. I like Langton and I alway thought he has a good relationships with Nick then Nick does with Grissom.
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May 13th's episode is titled "Doctor Who" and the description says:

Nick (George Eads, front) visits Langston (Laurence Fishburne, back) at home, after Langston is identified as a possible suspect in the Dr. Jekyll murder investigation, on CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, Thursday, May 13
May 13th's episode is titled "Doctor Who" and the description says:

Nick (George Eads, front) visits Langston (Laurence Fishburne, back) at home, after Langston is identified as a possible suspect in the Dr. Jekyll murder investigation, on CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, Thursday, May 13

:lol: Well gee....WE all suspected him a long time ago!

Does that quote go with a pic? Sounds like it.

Visits him at home, eh? Wonder if he's going to find some clues to the mystery that is Ray.
So wait! We get to see Ray's home before Greg's when Greg has been on the show for ten damn years? :scream: Why is his home the only one we haven't seen among the main CSIs? :lol: I mean is it really that hard to show him at home getting the call to come in to work? :lol:
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So wait! We get to see Ray's home before Greg's when Greg has been on the show for ten damn years? :scream: Why is his home the only one we haven't seen among the main CSIs? Grissom, Warrick, Sara, Nick, Cath and now Ray... we've seen all of their homes... but Greg's has only been mentioned by Sofia as being an apartment. :sigh: If Greg's wasn't the only CSIs home we haven't seen I wouldn't be upset, but this is beyond ridiculous. What's wrong with showing him hanging out at home listening to his music or something? Or at home getting a call to come in to work?

I so agree with you....ugh. :scream:
So wait! We get to see Ray's home before Greg's when Greg has been on the show for ten damn years? :scream: Why is his home the only one we haven't seen among the main CSIs? :lol: I mean is it really that hard to show him at home getting the call to come in to work? :lol:

Maybe his place as a single guy is a 'dump' or maybe we will see it soon. I never really noticed anyones but Grissom's and Sara's lush condo. Or maybe the writers don't feel it's relevant to anything:confused:
From Ask Ausiello
Question: Please tell me that CSI is taking Catherine/Vartann further. Catherine hasn’t had a stable relationship on the show in 10 years and I really loved their scenes earlier this month. —Steph
Ausiello: I hear we’ll find out exactly where things stand with those two in the season finale. Same goes for Wendy and Hodges.
So, does that mean Alex Carter is going to be in the finale? Or is that when Cath is going to finally mention Vartann?

And I can't believe we have to wait that long to find out about Hodges and Wendy.

I guess everyone will be on the Dr. Jekyll case. And if it's true about Cath's life 'hanging in the balance' I would assume a mention of Lindsey would be appropriate as well. :confused:
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