Season 10 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Pt 3

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The article also says that the "leader of the CSI team" :wtf: will face off with two serial killers in the finale...Jekyll and Haskell in a battle of wits that ends in a life-or-death situation.

Ummmm....if he's coming back next year, then who gives a flying flip what kind of cliffhanger it is?? Apparently he survives. And apparently TPTB think we're gonna be all worried and torn up if he gets hurt?

Crap. Just like last season's flop of a finale.
I suspect the 'life or death' situation revolves more around Catherine, since most fans do care about what happens to her, and her contract is still a mystery.
We still don't know who the other injured CSI is for sure, do we?
I'm sure Ray will save the day, regardless.
CBS exec producer, Jonathan Littman, said there was a surprise in the finale, so there must be more to the story.

I'm not surprised LF is staying; like someone mentioned earlier, I doubt they would kill him off since they have been promoting the crap out of him as the new lead. Pretty much every promo and pic has him in it, front and center.
I do think it's interesting in the article where it talks about CSI's 'solid' ratings; I guess they didn't include last week's. :rolleyes: And I would be shocked if it came back next season at it's current timeslot.
That said, I am looking forward to seeing what happens with Catherine, and if Jorja will be back. And for Nick fans, I would think if Catherine were injured, Nick would be in charge, so you may have something to look forward to.
"Leader of the CSI team"? That better be Catherine they're talking about. F*** Langston!:scream:

Sorry. A little disappointed over this news. I was really hoping Fishburne was leaving.
Episode #20 - Lost & Found. Have we had Ecklie at all since Family Affair? Not to mention - Is this going to be a case where we saw the episode 3 years ago?


"Lost & Found" - A mother thought to be grieving for the loss of her family three years ago becomes a suspect in a CSI investigation, on CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, Thursday, May 6 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.


Dr. Raymond Langston...... Laurence Fishburne
Catherine Willows.............. Marg Helgenberger
Nick Stokes................................ George Eads
Captain Jim Brass....................... Paul Guilfoyle
Greg Sanders.............................. Eric Szmanda
Dr. Robbins......................... Robert David Hall
David Phillips............................. David Berman
Hodges................................ Wallace Langham
Wendy Simms................................. Liz Vassey


Conrad Ecklie................................ Marc Vann
Officer Mitchell.......................... Larry Mitchell
Janet Marie Marsh..................... Julia Campbell
Emily Marsh........................ Mackenzie Mauzy
Mike Marsh............................. Chris McGarry
Bill....................................... Christopher Shyer
Andy Marsh.............. Daniel Windhymm Hayes
Brenda........................... Christiann Castellanos
Claire................................. Camilla Luddington
Julie............................................. Crystal Reed
Dr. Stewart.................................. Rick Worthy
Conner Wilson....................... Jet Jurgensmeyer

TELEPLAY BY: Corinne Marrinan

STORY BY: Elizabeth Devine

DIRECTED BY: Frank Waldeck
Episode #20 - Lost & Found. Not to mention - Is this going to be a case where we saw the episode 3 years ago?

Probably not...doesn't sound familiar. It's probably like the one they revisited recently that wasn't really a case we saw. :)

"Leader of the CSI team"? That better be Catherine they're talking about. F*** Langston!:scream:

Sorry. A little disappointed over this news. I was really hoping Fishburne was leaving.

Me too. Totally depressed over it. I guess maybe it's time to let go of the show I love and accept this new watered down version for what it is, but it's never going to be the same again. They totally blew it with how they handled LF coming on board. He should have been the designated new supervisor from the beginning if they wanting him running the show (both figuratively and literally). :(
"Leader of the CSI team"? That better be Catherine they're talking about. F*** Langston!:scream:

Sorry. A little disappointed over this news. I was really hoping Fishburne was leaving.

Me too. Totally depressed over it. I guess maybe it's time to let go of the show I love and accept this new watered down version for what it is, but it's never going to be the same again. They totally blew it with how they handled LF coming on board. He should have been the designated new supervisor from the beginning if they wanting him running the show (both figuratively and literally). :(

I so completely agree with both of you. I cannot share my initial reaction to the news, as it would have to include uncharacteristically foul language...:(
Episode #20 - Lost & Found. Not to mention - Is this going to be a case where we saw the episode 3 years ago?

Probably not...doesn't sound familiar. It's probably like the one they revisited recently that wasn't really a case we saw. :)

"Leader of the CSI team"? That better be Catherine they're talking about. F*** Langston!:scream:

Sorry. A little disappointed over this news. I was really hoping Fishburne was leaving.

Me too. Totally depressed over it. I guess maybe it's time to let go of the show I love and accept this new watered down version for what it is, but it's never going to be the same again. They totally blew it with how they handled LF coming on board. He should have been the designated new supervisor from the beginning if they wanting him running the show (both figuratively and literally). :(

Yeah I hear yah. I really like the actor, but the way it was handled was so bad. So many supporting characters have had their screentime just disolved all because they wanted a big time movie actor to take over the show. I seriously feel this show could have gone on just fine without him. Marg and George could run the show hands down, but oh no..:scream:

Of course TPTB never listen to us, we're just the whiney fans.:scream::rolleyes:
I guess the writers have recieved mega fan mail praising LF/RL and riveting performance as this character Dr. Ray, and they know what their doing. If he wasn't popular they would have gotten rid of him a way long time ago like they did Lauren Lee Smith. The ratings are still in the top ten so they and he are doing something right. I think the show is far better with him as this character. He's so sweet and gentle with the whole team and their in a more calm relaxed place because of his presence. It's and he are a big GO:bolian:
If he wasn't popular they would have gotten rid of him a way long time ago like they did Lauren Lee Smith.

I would imagine it would be pretty expensive to buy out the remainder of LF's contract. If I'm not mistaken, LLS had only signed for the one season.
If he wasn't popular they would have gotten rid of him a way long time ago like they did Lauren Lee Smith.

I would imagine it would be pretty expensive to buy out the remainder of LF's contract. If I'm not mistaken, LLS had only signed for the one season.

Actually they brought him on in S/9 with "19 Down" and paid him a whooping $14 million for 18 months, which ends the last episode of S/10. I was surprised that he decided to stay on, but very happy that he did;)


And how the team has "gelled "with him~
If he wasn't popular they would have gotten rid of him a way long time ago like they did Lauren Lee Smith.

I would imagine it would be pretty expensive to buy out the remainder of LF's contract. If I'm not mistaken, LLS had only signed for the one season.

And getting rid of Fishburne is not the same as getting rid of LLS. An actress who really is not that well known: very easy to get rid of. An actor that is a movie star, now on a television show: not easy to get rid of.

Look I like Fishburne and I like Langston. I like him working with Nick. However, the way he was introduced and pushed to the forefront is what alienated a lot of people. I don't think it's Fishburne or really completely Langston, it's them pushing him and pushing him when we have so much vested in the characters that have been there since the beginning. They needed to introduce his character slower, not in-your-face.
If he wasn't popular they would have gotten rid of him a way long time ago like they did Lauren Lee Smith.

I would imagine it would be pretty expensive to buy out the remainder of LF's contract. If I'm not mistaken, LLS had only signed for the one season.

And getting rid of Fishburne is not the same as getting rid of LLS. An actress who really is not that well known: very easy to get rid of. An actor that is a movie star, now on a television show: not easy to get rid of.

Look I like Fishburne and I like Langston. I like him working with Nick. However, the way he was introduced and pushed to the forefront is what alienated a lot of people. I don't think it's Fishburne or really completely Langston, it's them pushing him and pushing him when we have so much vested in the characters that have been there since the beginning. They needed to introduce his character slower, not in-your-face.

Agreed. Although there are a few mannerisms of Langston's that occasionally irk me, I really don't mind him for the most part. And I love Fishburne as an actor. If they had brought him in slowly - perhaps as a guest star prior to Peterson's leaving as a lab consultant and not during actual said leaving - I probably would have enjoyed him more now.

I guess on the plus side we know that there is going to be an eleventh season (hopefully).

And a quick anecdote I found extremely amusing. Here's a tweet from Archie Kao that appeared just yesterday:

The girl at Starbucks just told me I looked like the guy from CSI. When I told her it was me, she seemed doubtful. Must be the makeup-

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Nice to see Marc Vann's name in there, as well as Larry Mitchell. I actually am really excited for World's End, mostly for Action! Cath. :lol:
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