Season 10 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Pt 3

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I really don't think Laurence Fishburne will be back next season. He's still a movie star, after all. :lol:

That said, if he is killed off or leaves some other way, would they try to find ANOTHER big name lead, go with the veteran actors who have been there all along, or just end the show?

If LF did decide not to renew, I'd go with the second choice. Or at least try it for half a season first. :)

Oh I would too, of course! :) But TPTB don't think like we do. I really wonder if they read these things and know how much so many people don't like Ray...well, for me it's not RAY, it's Ray taking over the show. That's what I don't like. But you can't hire a big name star and NOT have them take over. That's the problem.
Oh excellent. :rolleyes: The "final two episodes" AND it's a two part cliffhanger?? All about Ray and his quest for Dr. Jekyll?? Please...why on earth don't they get the fact that the loyal 10 year viewers couldn't be less interested???

Fine print: I realize that I am speaking for myself and not for every single viewer. ;)

I don't know. You summed up my feelings pretty well. :)

I'm a loyal 10 season viewer and I do care, it's fascinating, riveting, intriguing, compelling and suspensful. And I want to see every second of it. Im glad they've brought this into fruition, and so "assume nothing" & that everyone "doesn't care for it" cause' some are passionate and do care~And on Ray, millions of fans love him, and are thrilled that he's the replacement on CSI, and was hired to be the "lead"~The more he's on the better I like it, and am enchanted by his whole persona~
Oh excellent. :rolleyes: The "final two episodes" AND it's a two part cliffhanger?? All about Ray and his quest for Dr. Jekyll?? Please...why on earth don't they get the fact that the loyal 10 year viewers couldn't be less interested???

Fine print: I realize that I am speaking for myself and not for every single viewer. ;)

I don't know. You summed up my feelings pretty well. :)

I'm a loyal 10 season viewer and I do care, it's fascinating, riveting, intriguing, compelling and suspensful. And I want to see every second of it. Im glad they've brought this into fruition, and so "assume nothing" & that everyone "doesn't care for it" cause' some are passionate and do care~And on Ray, millions of fans love him, and are thrilled that he's the replacement on CSI, and was hired to be the "lead"~The more he's on the better I like it, and am enchanted by his whole persona~

Um, Desertwind, not to argue with you (ok who am I kidding I love arguing with you :lol: ), I really don't think million of fans are happy. Have you read the stuff on this board or any other CSI board for that matter.

I like the character of Ray and I like Fishburne, HOWEVER, the pushed him to the forefront to much and alienated the fans. Especially when you have established characters that we all know and love. I think the show could have gone on without a big name movie star. At the very least the show should have stayed an ensemble, because it's not really like that anymore.

Of course, I'm not complaining about the more Nick time. :thumbsup: Because us Nick fans have been waiting for 10-years for this.

I think they should have brought some young thing in who thinks they know everything or something like that and drove Nick and Catherine nuts. There's nothing better than a character that gets under Nick's skin (Drops, Precious Ricky :lol:) love it. I could see this character not only driving Catherine nuts, but Greg, Brass and even Hodges. I don't know, but something.

Oh one more thing. I said it once and i'll say it again: I HATE CLIFFHANGERS! Sorry, but I had to yell. :lol:
Well, speedy I don't like arguing, just have my views like everyone else does. And, I'm just going by people I talk to out in the field. And I have read other boards, but they plus us don't constitute 13 million fans who watch the show:( some do, but have you seen his 'official fan-site'? go read the comments on there, it's a 'love fest', and many CSI fans and the IMDB message board same thing. On and on how great he is. I was in Walmart the other day and was chatting with a clerk and one thing lead another and I asked him [I never state my opinion] till after I hear theirs. He goes "I miss Grissom" and I go "that goes without saying", but he's gone and do you like LF"? as Dr. Langston? he goes "he's OK", so a neutral person. But and this is just me, & the people I speak with, everyone I ask doesn't say "OH, he's OK, they gush and all LOVE him" as Dr. Ray.. Two neighbors near by never watched CSI, and [never heard of WP] but now watch because they're huge LF fans. He was hired to be the lead, like it or not. I think the rest of the team especially Nick gets mega screen time and works well with everyone. The old team is still the best in the business, but this man as an overwhelming powerful presence as the alluring Dr. Ray, & I guess TPTB wanted a big name and they got one. The writers seemed to know what they were doing as our top writer CM said "LF was at the top of our dream list" So different strokes for different folks~ I think it's a downer to bash this character, it does no good and accomplishes nothing:confused:

And also there's a Laurence/Raymond thread on our own board, and go read the last posting "I love him" a fan states~
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It seems everyone you talk to, desertwind always gets wrapped up into a CSI conversation. ;)

Also, I think it should be noted that everyone can have his or her own preference and opinions on what characters they like. No one needs to constantly be force feeding "he's so good! You should like him, too!" and expect that person to like that character.

As for me, I enjoy Laurence Fishburne on the show and think Ray has been a welcome addition to the show. He's definitely no William Petersen/Gil Grissom, but I'm just appreciative that we have someone that is willing to give their best every episode and continue to give a solid performance, allowing me, as a viewer, to have the maximum pleasure from an episode.
vegaslights I never ever said "you should like him too" those are your words. I was talking about the people I've talked to and their opinions, If fans don't like him, that's their business, and this was respondng the the last poster and the ones above that, and this is a CSI discussion board, but a spoiler one at that but I was following the discussion about this and the character Ray;)
As for me, I enjoy Laurence Fishburne on the show and think Ray has been a welcome addition to the show. He's definitely no William Petersen/Gil Grissom, but I'm just appreciative that we have someone that is willing to give their best every episode and continue to give a solid performance, allowing me, as a viewer, to have the maximum pleasure from an episode.

I agree Vegaslights..LF had a HUGE shoes to fill and it was hard to follow WP's footsteps as he had created an iconic characrter. I think LF has given the show his best.

But where I think the writers went wrong is try and put the show in Langston's POV and that couldn't be done with so many long time and loved characters.
Well the kids in the actual preview portion that get into a fight look high school age...maybe like Seniors.
Thanks for the promo , sharp.I look forward to scenes between Catherine and Lindsay.It's long overdue.

I like the Dr Jekyll storyline so I am looking forward to the finale.But I want the whole team involved,not just Ray.That's the reason this season is beter then the last.
I have a question to make...

I know that there are some rumors about Catherine and Ray not returning to the show next season as their contracts expire,so do you know if the other cast members will surely remain on CSI for the eleventh season?
I have a question to make...

I know that there are some rumors about Catherine and Ray not returning to the show next season as their contracts expire,so do you know if the other cast members will surely remain on CSI for the eleventh season?

I know that both George Eads and Eric Szmanda have stated that they will remain with the show until it ends. I think Robert Hall would probably stay on as well. The lab techs would probably stay too. The only one I could see possibly leaving is Paul Guilfoyle. But even then, I'm not sure. Paul hasn't really said too much one way or another.
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