Season 10 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Pt 3

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Okay so everyone can get mad at me for having stopped watch CSI for a little while but it got to where all I did was get upset over how much I was watching this new guy. Ray is a fine character but I'm sorry, when I watch this show and I see my favorite character (Greg) who's been there since the beginning for what, less than five minutes? That gets on my nerves.

I come back here all the time to see what's new. I miss CSI so much and I miss Greg. One person on youtube post all of the clips he's in from every episode and literally, it's usually less than 5 minutes. Now, this is just an example. Big star or not, I don't see why it's necessary to see him ALL of the time when a guy that's been there since the beginning is on for three minutes.

Sorry, had to rant. And once again, it looks like the only people who will get anything big this finale is, guess who? Ray and Cath. It doesn't surprise me at all.

Oh and if Ray leaves, then I think it was stupid for TPTB to sign him in the first place. CSI has had an overwhelming abundance of major characters leaving the show within the most recent seasons. That, or they bring in a character for a while and kill them off. How about some stability here? I personally believe that signing a big movie star would mean he could easily leave the show to go back to the big screen not to mention the fact that they pretty much HAVE to show him a LOT in every episode, which pushes the regulars to the side.

Well, I'm sure people will tear me apart after this but, there, I've said it. So, I'll lurk and continue to watch CSI when I'm not in a bad mood and see what's going on. Sorry if anyone's offended.
I have a question to make...

I know that there are some rumors about Catherine and Ray not returning to the show next season as their contracts expire,so do you know if the other cast members will surely remain on CSI for the eleventh season?

I know that both George Eads and Eric Szmanda have stated that they will remain with the show until it ends. I think Robert Hall would probably stay on as well. The lab techs would probably stay too. The only one I could see possibly leaving is Paul Guilfoyle. But even then, I'm not sure. Paul hasn't really said too much one way or another.

Ok..Thanks for the information.:thumbsup:

I hope everyone stays on CSI for the next season.
Well, I'm sure people will tear me apart after this but, there, I've said it. So, I'll lurk and continue to watch CSI when I'm not in a bad mood and see what's going on. Sorry if anyone's offended.

I don't see what's so offensive about what you said :) I pretty much absolutely agree with you. I am so pissed about Greg's screen time this season. People say it hasn't been that bad, but it definitely has been bad.
Although I have nothing against Ray, I hate him by proxy because he's been hogging the screen so much. But really it's the writers/producers/etc's fault.

Anyways, I know a lot of people agree with you here ;)
Alright, I know I'm going to upset people with this, but it has to be said.

As for Greg's screentime. What you have to remember is that he is a supporting character, not a lead, which means he will not get as much screentime as the leads. Currently the leads are Marg, LF, and GE.

Now as a Nick fan, we are obviously thrilled that he is getting the screentime he has. Lord knows we have waited years for it, but we also knew that he was a supporting character before, thus less screentime.

Also, I know that Eric has a lot of stuff he does off the set and it could be him that wants less screentime, so he has less time on the set.

I also know that complaining won't help because he is a supporting character and they will always get less screentime, it's just the way it is in Hollywood. Especially if it is something that Eric wanted. Whether you want to or not you have to just accept it. Us Nick fans did.

Don't be mad at me, because it royally sucks when your favorite character doesn't get enough screentime (supporting character or not). I totally feel for you, but you have to patient, which is hard, he'll get his due. I hope for all of you.

Now having said all that, I think it is wrong that Sara is getting more screentime then he is. Considering that Jorja left the show, that isn't right. (Sorry Sara fans, but it really isn't)

So here's hoping that Greg gets a Gregisode soon. Hey, if LF leaves he just might be moved up to lead status, you never know. We Nick fans were shocked to learn that he had.

Hang in there. :)
Greg gets more screen time AND he gets less respect when he does get screentime. When Nick got less screentime it was completely different because he was put with a lot of responsibility regardless and people valued his opinion. Greg's still treated like the 'crazy labrat'. And I hate that Sara and Langston get more screentime than him. It should be Cath, Nick, Greg, then everyone else. Greg has been a CSI for 7 seasons now!!! That's ridiculous.
Greg has been a CSI for 7 seasons now!!! That's ridiculous.

Okay. Pedant time.

Greg's only been a qualified CSI for five years (qualifying in "Who Shot Sherlock" in s5). Sara has eight years on him (definite statement in s5's "Iced"), Nick probably has the same (guess based on Greg's training and the fact that he qualifies as a CSI 3 in "Pilot Episode"). Greg is still a pretty junior CSI by comparison. (granted, Langston is still the baby CSI of the group, but as plenty of other people have already pointed out, he's played by the lead actor. lead actor = more screen time. It's a simple equation - even if it does royally screw up a lot of what was set out in the early seasons.)

Also worth noting that no, Nick didn't actually get that much respect/responsibility, particularly in the early seasons. He was always the one likely to screw up/miss something/be the butt of the joke. Heck, in "Evaluation Day" Grissom gives GREG the credit for what was more or less Nick's work - so... :lol:
Athersgeo - You've reminded me of Fight Night, where Nick finally gets pissy about the whole thing and doesn't want to be a puffin any more.

Then again ... "Silk, silk, silk. What do cows drink?" is hard to live down. I felt really bad for Nick in that moment.
I still think it'll be him and Cath that get blood spilled in the finale. :lol: I don't think either of them will die, but they are the leads... and Nick/Greg have shed enough blood on this show to last twenty lifetimes. :lol:
Dang it! I was really hoping he was not coming back. :lol:

I know why you are telling this about Langston ,but I think this is a good move,because I think CSI has already suffered many cast changes in the last two years only.I don't think that the fans would appreciate the signing of another actor for the lead position(except Petersen!!).
I know there are few LF fans out there, but I've always enjoyed his work.

IMO he's added a new dimension to CSI. He's not the bug guy, the science guy, he's not Grissom, and he never will be. Langston adds the psychological aspect to the show, the mind game...which is always good intrigue. Like I said...IMO.

Like it or not, real life brings changes, even in the make believe world of crime drama. I've enjoyed the show more this year, than the past three years. As far as I'm concerned, great work, and I'll continue being a loyal viewer. Can't wait for more!
I know there are few LF fans out there, but I've always enjoyed his work.

IMO he's added a new dimension to CSI. He's not the bug guy, the science guy, he's not Grissom, and he never will be. Langston adds the psychological aspect to the show, the mind game...which is always good intrigue. Like I said...IMO.

Like it or not, real life brings changes, even in the make believe world of crime drama. I've enjoyed the show more this year, than the past three years. As far as I'm concerned, great work, and I'll continue being a loyal viewer. Can't wait for more!

I totally agree with you.

Langston brings something new and fresh to the show and I really enjoy his work on CSI.
The article also says that the "leader of the CSI team" :wtf: will face off with two serial killers in the finale...Jekyll and Haskell in a battle of wits that ends in a life-or-death situation.

Ummmm....if he's coming back next year, then who gives a flying flip what kind of cliffhanger it is?? Apparently he survives. And apparently TPTB think we're gonna be all worried and torn up if he gets hurt?

Crap. Just like last season's flop of a finale.
Yep, it sounds like it will be just like last year's season finale...all Ray with some Catherine and then the others in the wind.

The only thing I can think is he is injured and maybe he cannot start back right away when season 11 starts, it will benefit LF who can be on the show a little less at first to maybe finish up his film projects he is doing over summer.
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