Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

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Given Hodges' acute sense of smell, he'd be a natural for the "Panty Sniffer" episode. And who knows, we might get a perp walk a la "Sexy Kitty" out of this one, too. (I'd love to know how many takes that scene of Fur and Loathing took.:lol:)
a cath/vartann kiss would be very interesting, but we'll see

although didn't they say awhile back that one of our guys would be getting kissed in the panty episode?

did that mean vartann or could there be 2 kisses??

or again are they pulling an early april fools

HOLY CRAP! The ship I never thought would happen... is!
But... Like CM said, it's not very CSI.
I mean, Vartann is a homicide detective, what's he doing sitting on a drug bust? :confused: Wouldn't Det. Vega or the narcotics unit be a better choice??? And Catherine is not a cop. Why in the world is she also sitting on a drug bust???? :confused:

I know in the original casting call, it says that Everett (one of the people making/selling the E) is "On edge because of a mutual screw-up that left three kids dead in Lake Tahoe, Everett is anxious to deliver the goods and get the hell out of Dodge" (From The Site That Shall Not Be Named). So my guess is that Cath is investigating that murder case, and is surveying the scene with Tony because everyone else needs to be at the convention (of course).

Either way, I'm excited to see some Cath and Tony scenes. I really hope that they do kiss, or maybe even have some long discussions. *swoon*
I so LOVE the idea of Vartan and catherine kissing:).If not a kiss at least an idea about their relationship.But I want to be done very carefully becouse it's a crime show afterall.
I so LOVE the idea of Vartan and catherine kissing:).If not a kiss at least an idea about their relationship.But I want to be done very carefully becouse it's a crime show afterall.

Exactly, I don't mind snippets of their personal lives, I like to see those. If they handle it like they did with Catherine's other 'boyfriends' it wouldn't be too bad. At least it won't take over the show unlike some other ship. :rolleyes:

I mean to see Nick and Greg with a love interest too. Just keep it minimal and in the background and show them together every now and again. That I could handle.
Exactly, I don't mind snippets of their personal lives, I like to see those. If they handle it like they did with Catherine's other 'boyfriends' it wouldn't be too bad. At least it won't take over the show unlike some other ship. :rolleyes:

I just hope this one goes better than her previous relationships. :lol:

And I don't think we have to worry too much about with this ship getting overused. Unlike the previous one to which you're alluding, only one of the participants is a main character. Vartann only shows up every now and again and I'm sure he won't always be on the same case as Catherine.
I think it's great, taking away a bit from the gruesome crime scenes and the DNA and all the other horrid vile stuff fans have to endure, and that's exciting, but real life people have personal lives. And it's about time for Cath to have a love interest. After the long dry spell with the other beloved couple Grissom and Sara, which I might add NEVER took away anything from the show quite the opposite, it gave a bit of spice and vigor, and mystery and romance which is part of real life. On N.Y. there's a married couple and it's so sweet and makes the show more realisitic. It also makes for a better show in my opinion~
The preview for next week's ep, were they calling out "Greg, where are you?" or "Ray?" I couldn't quite make out which name they were saying.
The preview for next week's ep, were they calling out "Greg, where are you?" or "Ray?" I couldn't quite make out which name they were saying.

It sounded like Sara to me saying, "Ray?!" and then he said, "I'm right behind you!" I just replayed it and that's still what it sounds like.
The preview for next week's ep, were they calling out "Greg, where are you?" or "Ray?" I couldn't quite make out which name they were saying.

It sounded like Sara to me saying, "Ray?!" and then he said, "I'm right behind you!" I just replayed it and that's still what it sounds like.

Oh, okay. I thought it was Sara or Cath calling Ray and then I thought a male voice was saying "greg, where are you?" But I guess it was Ray saying "I'm right behind you". :lol:

Thanks. :)
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