Script Errors, Mistakes & Goofs

Re: CSI Script Mistakes

1x10 - Sex, Lies & Larvae ;)

In 1x17 - "Face Lift" Sara mentions to Warrick she hasn't been able to eat meat since the pig experiment in 1x10. But in 1x15, she mentions she wants a steak.

So, yeah it's a continuity error.
Re: CSI Script Mistakes

allstar12 has a point. She also tells Grissom in Season 2. Forgotten which eppie though.

Another continuity error with Sara's vegetarianism (wow, that's long) in the 1x15 Table Stakes.

When Catherine, Nick, Brass and Sara are sitting in the diner discussing the case: Brass tries to steal some of Sara's food and Sara says,
"Don't touch my sea bass!"

Which means that she was eating meat..... Sorry if vegetarians do eat fish, but technically tis still meat.
Re: CSI Script Mistakes

some people do, actually. I know a gal who doesn't eat beef or pork but she'll eat chicken and fish. It's just a preference, some people don't think fish is meat. Like Sara and her seabass ;)
Re: CSI Script Mistakes

I became a vegetarian last year, and while I was going through that transition, I had to decide whether or not I would eat fish. I've kind of gone with "not", though I do bow to the temptation of sushi now and then.

As for the steak... that could've also been a figure of speech for Sara. When you become a vegetarian, at first, you don't necessarily delete all of your carnivor-isms from your vocabulary.

I think that, after the gorilla, Sara may have decided to become a full vegetarian.

I say fish is meat, you can't clam to be a vegetarian and still eat fish.

Depends WHY you're a vegetarian. I was doing it for animal rights reasons, but I still ate fish for a while.

Sara claimed to be a vegetarian at first because the sight of meat made her ill.

Like I said, after the gorilla, she may have started doing it for the rights of animals.

And then some people - like Billy (who said he was going vegetarian last year, I don't know if he still is) do it for health.

For those people, losing the essential fish oils could actually be damaging.
Re: CSI Script Mistakes

Alright I got a good one that I've never heard anyone say that I noticed the other day

In "Cats in a Cradle" Doc Robbins says that he is a dog person to Cath and Gris after doing an autopsy on the body.

However, in the episode "Dog Eat Dog," Doc Robbins says he prefers cats after performing the autopsy on the women murdered by a dog.
Re: CSI Script Mistakes

I have friends who've been vegetarians for years and years. One of them founded a very well-known Animal Rescue organization in L.A.; the other is her daughter. They became vegetarian for animal rights reasons. They have to eat fish because the doctor told them too. They will only eat scallops but when asked, my one friend said it's not uncommon to be vegetarian and still eat fish.
Re: CSI Script Mistakes

I was a vegetarian for two days this past summer to see how it would affect my body (I could hardly eat ANYTHING my mom and sister cooked- all they cooked was chicken and steak!) but according to my aunts who are way smarter than me, vegetarians can eat fish and chicken as they are not made from cows. (Cows are made of meat. Chickens and fish are made of... whatever they're made of. Don't make me do a search!) And this is from Wikipedia, because my mom is yelling at me to get off of the computer. :rolleyes: I can't read it because I have to get off, but... well, yeah, if you read what I just wrote, you'd understand.
Re: CSI Script Mistakes

Wow, you guys are good. I think those are all good reasons for the slip up. And I have to say that I agree and have forgiven TPTB for it. :p

Well, I read the article on Vegetarianism. And it says, exclusion of ALL animal meat. Technically chicken and fish are animals.... and when you eat fish, you are eating meat.

So, I'm not sure whether the sea-bass was a slip-up or maybe it wasn't JUST the pig that made Sara become a vegetarian. Maybe it was ALSO the gorilla. It fits with the storyline, and it would make more sense. Maybe TPTB decided to leave the second reason out due to lack of time during the eppies.

But, Sara did say, "I haven't eaten meat since we stayed up that night with that dead pig." Which means that from that point onwards, she was a vegetarian. Which could cancel out the above reason.

FINAL SUMMARY:Continuity error. Simple that anyone could make. Let us not dwell on it. KAPISH? :p
Re: CSI Script Mistakes

the problem with season 1 continuity is that the episodes were shown out of order.
I-15 murders is actually labeled as episode #102 (since it was the 3rd episode that was filmed), but it was the 11th episode shown, not #3 as should have been. The re-arranging of some of these episodes lends itself to a reason why things seem so mixed up.

Now, for the continuity blunders for the later seasons - they really have no excuse other than the fact that TPTB don't want to remember some of the little things that happened previously.

There are so many other mistakes in all seven seasons, especially more in the past few. I thought we had a thread on this subject not too long ago.
Re: CSI Script Mistakes

If someone eats fish but not red meat, they are a pescetarian, not a vegetarian. A pollo-vegetarian eats no other meat but chicken. A true vegetarian eats no flesh from any animal.

I vote continuity errors rather than her actual diet choices.
Re: CSI Script Mistakes

SA_Kate_937 - you're right. An official vegetarian doesn't eat any meat. Then vegans eat nothing from animals. But you can be a pescatarian or an ovo-lacto-vegetarian, etc. etc.

People just call themselves vegetarians for short.

And kaylyne makes a great point about the order of the episodes. If the writers wrote the Seabass episode first, and THEN the pig episode, it would make sense.
Re: CSI Script Mistakes

sarahvma, has a point. But we all know that Jorja Fox does it for animal rights reasons and because she loves animals. which means that eating ANY meat would be against her principals.

I would think that Sara wouldn't eat any meat as the site of it makes her sick.

I know some people think otherwise. But all it's just Continuity in my book. Episodes being switched around adn all that yabber nabber.