Say NO to Homophobia

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onlynic said:
I want to live wherever u live lament! I rethought that part- we live in a very redneck town- perhaps thats why most lesbians look so butch- and my mother does own a saw mill. I would love to see a few femme lesbians around here- get my blood boiling a bit.

You don't want to live in Wisconsin! :lol: I don't even want to be here! Ohio (where I was raised) rocks, though, and it's pretty much the same. Must be a Midwest thing. :)
Nyeh, the ones with a butch haircuts here are mainly Bi's or lesbians. Seen them holding and hugging their gfs in the train, buses. I have a feeling that if a les is too have a girl with a butch haircut as her partner, it's probably because she likes to have a partner who looks like a guy but is softer and more sensitive, like a girl. Not many guys are sensitive and softies so they tend to look for it in a girl and usually, they get it so, everybody's happy and the world is a happier place :).

Hope that wasn't confusing! That's what a lesbian friend told me anyways.
I was in the train, paging through the newpaper - yay for free newspapers in the train - anywhooo.. I came across this advertisement for MickeyD's, and since it kind of corresponds to what we've been discussing here about the dungarees and the short haircuts.. I thought I should post it here.. it's got nothing to do with homosexuality, but with some kind of discrimination anyway.. and yes, this addy pissed me off.

Let me give the translation, cuz it's in Dutch:
First sign: "The Manburger"
Second sign: "For Men. And for anything that comes near it."

newspaper addy

Fecking plain discrimination.. I'm going to sue MickeyD's I think.. hmmm.. *sees dollarsigns* and I shouldn't forget to mention that last time the lettuce wasn't crispy enough on my MANBURGER so I can get another gazillion dollars :D
My close friend who's a lesbian hates it when her girlfriend refers to her "dyke" haircut. She cuts it pretty short and bleaches it blond. She spikes it a little too. We always always joke about how "lesbian" she looks. :lol:

But look at women like Portia DiRossi. She's very feminine. I think it's really not much different than straight relationships, from the sound of it. People are attracted to what they're attracted to. My friend likes the fit sporty type girls, the way I like fit, sporty, dark haired men. Not much difference, really.
lament said:

You don't want to live in Wisconsin! :lol: I don't even want to be here! Ohio (where I was raised) rocks, though, and it's pretty much the same. Must be a Midwest thing. :)

im sorry, but thay reminded me of the greatest movie of all time, dogma 'were they sent to hell?' 'worse, wisconsin' :lol:

theres a gay man at this one clothing store my mom likes to shop at (and i get my special birthday presents from!!) and he dresses soooo nicely and he has such a good eye for everything. hes too good to be in lil' ol' london ontario, he should be in new york or something. hes my moms favourite employee in the store, and hopes everytime she goes she gets his help. unlike some of the others, hes the most likely to tell you when something looks bad. and once before a formal at school when i didnt have a date my mom says to be 'you could take alan!' (the guy from the store) and i tell her 'why would i go with a middle aged gay man?' so she replies 'you wouldnt have to worry about being groped'
oh moms, theyre so silly
But look at women like Portia DiRossi. She's very feminine
Whoa, you lost me here. Is she gay? I've had a crush on her since Ally McBeal! Dang those long, blonde hair! :rolleyes:.
Don't matter if she's gay cos this crush ain't going no where! :lol:
Yes- she's Ellen DeGeneris' significant other. Seems to me they're on the baby trail now, too; I've heard Ellen saying she's getting all baby crazy lately. It'd be nice if they adopted, or one of them became pregnant. :) They both seem pretty cool.
Whoa! That is a shocker! I admit, I didn't think she was a lesbian. I'm glad she has Ellen as her partner cos that woman is just too funny! :lol: Thanks for that info Baba :D.
Isn't it weird when people aren't who you thought they were.. in a good way?
There's these girls in my choir class who I generally find to be really obnoxious. Sometimes, they'll be talking and they'll look back at my ex-girlfriend Julie and I a lot. Since basically EVERYONE at my school knows we dated, and basically everyone thinks it's wrong/gross/etc. So, you figure that's what they're talking about :rolleyes:
Anyway, the guys and the sopranos were in a different room while the altos practiced their parts for a song. Julie and I were sitting together talking when one of the girls came up to us and asked "Can I ask you guys a question?"
I said "Sure."
Her:"Well, I don't want this to come off as offensive or anything, but I've been hearing stuff about you guys, like that you're bi or lesbian and you dated.. I was wondering, is that true?"
Me: "Yeah.."
Her: "Oh, that's cool. You look cute together."

That COMPLETELY took me by surprise..
I'd kinda had her pinned as someone who'd judge us for it.. I dunno.
Lia, i know exactly what you mean. and i'm glad you found someone who's willing to support you though other people might not be as open to it.

there's this one girl in my biology class, adrianna, who always set me to think she was self centered and obnoxious. but i worked on a lab with her (fetal pig dissection, most awesome thing in the world) and we became friends. now we look at eachother in class when someone says somthing stupid, just to laugh!

my point, people surprise you.

OH. the other day, a senetor came to talk at my school. someone asked him about abortion, and this was his response-

in the case of roe vs wade, i usually give people this analogy.

"if you found out your daughter was pregnent, who would you turn to?"
"our family"
"who else?"
"a doctor, maybe our church"
"who else?"
"well that's it,"
"well, why not me?"
"you're our senetor"
"thats what it is, you're trying to involve the state in a decision that should be made at home by yourselves, with no government input."

i think that same principle can be used in the "issue" of gay marriage. i for one, am 10000000% for the marriage, and straight! but still bendy :lol:
my point, people surprise you.
And what an accurate and precise point it is because my friend, Jasmine[who's cousin Angela is a bi/les] just told me she is gay too. No, I'm not kidding! Cos..cos I've known her since Secondary 1[Well, since Primary 2 actually but we got closer since Sec1] and she have always been this girl-next-door kind of girl. Smiles alot and has that innocence about her. By golly, did she surprised me. :eek:
ha ha ha well im not gay, not even bi even i have carnal thoughts about jorja fow ( :lol: )but i considered myself as an open minded person : most of my friends are bisexual, i have only one friend totally gay (a guy) and this men is adorable :lol:

some people use ta say that being gay is a disease.....well i say a big NO to them...i used to think that homophobia is a kind of disease, psychological disease: homophobia comes from a fear of gay people , just like xenophobia or racism...its something homophobic need to deal with....

there is another thing which drive me crazy : when people say "i have nothing against gay people as long as they stay away from me"...what does that mean??? they are just like us....i really dotn understand those persons....
^ Well, like you said Sissi59100. People think that it is some kind of disease and people are afraid of either turning into one or getting hit by one. Pretty silly. Gay-ism isn't contagious. It's not something that makes you sick. It's something that some people have and others should just deal with it.
^You should hear my dad talking about gay people sometimes :lol: :lol:

My sis is having hard time. She's bi and she dates a girl at the moment. MOm knows about it but dad doesn't. It would crash dad. Mom never talks about it, but she makes sometimes these snarky comments. My sis talks about it everytime she's drunk and I don't want to hear (I don't have a problem with it, I just don't want to listen people rant about their personal lives in my "real life")

I know my mom doesn't accept what my sis is "doing" and there was one kinda hilarious moment last fall. I got an invite to weddings to England. I didn't tell mom because I thoughts she'll say no. So I booked flight and hotel and stuff and one day my sis spoke with mom on the phone. My sis said "...and when Sanna goes to England..." Mom asked "she goes WHERE!?" My sis had just thought "oh fuck, she hasn't told" and she told mom to ask me. I told yeah I'm going and she makes this comment "do you too have some girlfriend there too?"

I was shocked. Seriously.
I told her no and said it was weddings and showed her invite. Then I just told I am actually still prefering guys :lol:

Anyways. Even they both (my parents) are homophobic... I think it in a way that... it's the time where they've grown up. It's like they using word "neekeri" about black people. They don't mean it as an offence (even today it's insulting) but it's the word they've learnt at school.

Even you should try soemtimes change with the world... I still understand some. So I guess... as long as they keep it to themselves it's... they can have their opinion. Or that they don't claim it's "a disease".

see. I made no point here.

Then. A few weeks ago one famous singer in my country (if someone follows ESC, he was our entry in 2004) revealed he had been dating a guy. Oh those headlines in next days :eek: And then how people weren't like they've used to be in his concerts (mostly women).
I started to think think (he's really good lookin' man) that, geez how childish. Then I was thinking "who hasn't realised yet that he is gay" he never said it in public but all these 11 yrs he has been on top, I've considered him as gay. Wasn't it obvious (yeah, hit me for thinking that).

But I think now it's ok and people start to go with it.

See. Totally useless post.
ha ha ha no ducky yur post wasn't useless: when i read yur family adventures ( :lol: ) thats pretty similar to mine: my parents are both homophobic and when they talk about that , it's really with bad words.....they don't now yet that i have gay friends, they would probably freak out :lol: so i keep it to myself.....besides my best friend told to her mother that some of our friends were bisexual adn you know what? she told her "I don't want you to stay with them anymore"......god old school....
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