Say NO to Homophobia

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okay so first jenakapt congratulations for your "coming out" :lol: may you find the perfect girlfriend! :lol: then : im so glad you find a friend to talk to, the worst thing that can happen to you is to stay alone after that and then think that youre guilty of something wrong : HELL NO !!! :p as for your family, are they homophobic? if they are , take your time to tell them, its gonna be pretty hard but dont give up, they will finally take you as you are, they will see that even if you are lesbian , youre still the same girl as before :D

as for the "dike" thing, what does it means? we dindt have it in france , sorry lol
Welcome to everyone! :D *waves*, my mom still thinks I'm too young to know. *sigh* Man, that's annoying, isn't it? I mean, sheesh! She thinks I'm putting too much stress on myself, but come on- I have a lot of free time and my mind wanders! I don't think she knows how much I'm really thinking about this.

Anyways...I don't think my dad's side of the family would do too, too much...I mean, I already think that they don't really...'like' most they could do is not mention me to people anymore? ie: "Yeah...we have two grandchildren from our oldest son..." instead of 3. *sigh* I've never liked them to begin with, actually I dislike them with a burning passion that cannot even be described in words (better than saying 'hate', right?),'s still going to hurt if they feel ashamed of me or embarassed...
Thankies Casper, for always being around ;) Man, if I wasn't a teacher, gay/bi, living on the other side of the world, and many years older.. I swore I would've married you :D No, I'm not flirting.. just thinking that you're a fantastic guy who accepts everyone for who they are! People like you should be cherished!

Welcome Lou :D and jenakapt though we already know each other :)

Ann.. I had the same experience when I told my mum, and I was 18 or something.. (or 17.. or even 19).. she thought I was in some sort of phase and such.. phase my friggin' arse.. I knew dang straight what I was.. and well.. it wasn't straight :lol: Anyhow, just take your time girl, things will eventually solve, and if they won't, well, this may sound harse, but then it is their problem and you shouldn't worry about it. My mum is in a denial-phase, she keeps talking about boys and having kids.. face it, mum.. probably never! Or at least, not my own :p

I can't believe people can be embarrassed about their familymembers or friends, something totally different, but my uncle is a pedophile, so yes, I'm not proud of the things he has done, but I consider it a disease and just cannot be ashamed of it. I can't believe people can feel ashamed when a familymember is gay or bi! That just.. I don't know.. I guess I have to say it once again.. I just don't get people.. *wonders* ahhh so that's why I'm still single :lol:
Hello all. It is great to read all your stories about your coming out and being accepted. I too am gay, but haven't come out yet. The last person to come out as gay in my school was sent to hospital the next day. Most of my family are very homophobic,(especially my 14 year old sister). Which is why I haven't come out yet.
That's all I have to say right now. Thank you.
hello csifan18 welcome here :D may i ask you your age?
anyway i really hope you will find someone to talk about that, someone who will understand you, you really need it especially if your family is homophobic...hope we can help you
I'm 18. To be fair, it's not all of my family who are homophobic, I have a sister who isn't but that's it. It's hard to find someone to talk to, secrets don't last long in my house, mainly because there's 12 people under one roof. Thanks.
I could care less to tell you the truth. I think as long as your happy then fine. I just don't like the whole "I'm gay" and making a big deal of it. I don't going running around saying I'm straight.
csi_fan18 said:
I'm 18. To be fair, it's not all of my family who are homophobic, I have a sister who isn't but that's it. It's hard to find someone to talk to, secrets don't last long in my house, mainly because there's 12 people under one roof. Thanks.

awww oki.....well at least you can talk to us here, if you cant find somebody to talk to.....but maybe you dont have to tell them now, i mean , wait until you have a serious relationship, make your life and then tell them...if they dont get it at first , they will then.....dont be afraid of what you are, just live like you want to live .....most of them are homophobic? fine they dont need to know, at least now. you can talk to your sister i guess, you need a support to "confront" your family, having someone in your side will good for you ;)
Homophobia doesn't really exist at LGHS that I know of anyways. To tell the truth if anyone is homophobic they are probably the ones keeping it to themselves. I agree with Missing my friend Jake didn't tell his parents he was gay, they found out when his date came to pick him up. He hates drawing attention to himself so he figured if he didn't make a big deal of coming out than his parents wouldn't make a big deal either.
that is good logic, but i know some of my friend's parents would flip out if they knew. like i have a gay guy friend, and they are ultra-conservative chinese, and he told them he was gay, and they kicked him out and now he's liveing with his boyfriend 2 blocks from where i live. he's still speeking to parents, but not living with them.
Yeah I doubt it would work with anyone whos parents would flip but Jake's parents are pretty open minded.

I feel really bad for your friend though, I hope he is okay.
like i have a gay guy friend, and they are ultra-conservative chinese, and he told them he was gay, and they kicked him out and now he's liveing with his boyfriend 2 blocks from where i live.

Hey, I'm chinese and what I wanna say is ancient Chinese treated homosexuals like heterosexuals, but after 19th century, Chinese were deeply influenced by Christian dogmatic and hypocritical doctrines...and they (and Japanese} started feeling shame of their openly homosexual behavior.

I'm a bisexual, my homo partner took her own life 6 years ago when we were both 17, and I don't want another partner anymore-----she 's unreplacable.

Religion is selfish and cruel.
quoth_the_raven said:
the most they could do is not mention me to people anymore? ie: "Yeah...we have two grandchildren from our oldest son..." instead of 3. *sigh*
Okay, that hit me bad. That is just wrong and sad to begin with. How could someone, your own flesh and blood say something like that? It's absurd. Ya know if I ever had a kid who turns out to be a gay or les, I won't say such things. Not only is it bad if they heard it, it also shows how ashamed you are. Did he disown you or something? Because that sure sounded like it. Forget what he says QTR. You know, come here instead. Heck, I'll be your family member and help you out. I'll be all of yall family member! That's just friggin' wrong.

And good for you lot who want to express yourself here. I can't believe so many people are homophobic!

Jayne, you're welcome. I don't get that alot in the 'real world'. People think I'm sick to be against homophobia. So they think I'm gay too. You know something? The age thing dosen't count because people have been known to marry younger men. Anyway, I'm just glad to help. At least you have one less person to think about when it comes to Homophobia.
Aww, thanks Casper, but you see- they haven't actually said that..yet...but..they already treat my siblings and I like trophy grandchildren (they snatched my brother out of my other grandma's arms to show him off to someone when they were running for this position in the city...), and I really don't think they like us all that much, and...if they found out that I was even only questioning my sexuality, I think they would freak, and...just try to completely forget about me...

Or they might bring my mom's side of the family into this. I have an uncle who's gay on my mom's side and they might bring that into this whole thing and say that there's something wrong with my mom's side, know, something stupid like that.
That's so preposterous. People's mind puzzle me. It a simple, not complicated thing that people experience everyday. It sad to know that some people in your family are actually like that. Haa..I don't even know what to think because I'm just hoping the people in my family aren't homophobic.
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