Say NO to Homophobia

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I go to a christian school where people are totally shocked when they hear about homosexuals getting rights. Theyre all like "Oh their going to hell...yeah theyre gonna burn." And I just sit there knowing that what theyre saying is totally wrong and prejudice. But I stand up for them cause theyre people too...Kay for dad made a very horrible remark towards homosexuals a couple of weeks back. I told him that its not for us to judge. And finally...he got the point...a whole flippin year of me saying that he didnt listen...

But back to the school thing, if I say that i support them, the students come up to me and say "Are you gay?" somepeople on my bus said that if i supported them, they would literally push me off the moving bus. So I said no. but you know what's funny??? Gay men are awesome shopping buddies. My mom's best friend is gay and he has the best taste in clothes!!! lol
You know what's sad though? About a year or so ago, I used to frequent a few different sites where people would say such-and-such a musician or so-and-so the actor or whatever is gay, and on the few occasions where I said I didn't buy it, I got called a homophobic! :rolleyes:

That annoys me.

There are all these gay people who just want to be respected for who they are, even though they may be seen as "different" by many people. And then you turn around and have people like that who pull the same crap on others- that is, people are homophobic if they don't agree with someone about who actually IS gay. And it's not so much that I ever said I absolutely knew that this or that person is NOT gay, just that "I personally don't see it, but if that's what you believe, well that's your right. I'm in no position to say you're wrong." I mean, what am I? Someone with all the answers? HELL NO! :p

And yet still, I was called homophobic? I don't get it. I try to respect people no matter what- doesn't matter what you do, what color your skin is,where you're from, who you sleep with... means nothing to me one way or the other. I just wish everyone could try to be a little more open-minded, on BOTH sides of the fence. ;)

Hmmm. Maybe I should have put this in the RANT thread! :lol:
Baba, some people certainly take it WAY too far, especially when they start attacking people over stupid things, rather than concentrating on the real issues and real homophobia, instead of imagined.

One of my pet peeves is when people start speculating over who's gay and who isn't (especially in terms of actors, musicians, etc) and then it spirals into "yes, they definitely are". That leads to two things - some people take it as an insult, which really pisses me off (How dare you say he/she is gay! I love him/her. There's no way he/she is gay!!!) :mad:

The other annoyance is when people start getting annoyed when the person in question doesn't "come out". This happened several years back with Jodie Foster. Now, I don't know if Jodie is gay or not, and to be honest I don't really care. But a lot of prominent LGBT groups decided that she was and were vocal about it and demanded that she set a good example and come out publicly. Whether she is or she isn't gay, that's entirely her business. If she is, I don't see why she should have to come out if she doesn't want to. Straight actors aren't expected to do an interview or whatever and say "Yes, that's right, I'm straight".

I know it's great for the gay community when a prominent actor or singer comes out, and it's a positive thing, especially for young gay men and women who need positive role models, etc, but at the end of the day, its up to an individual whether or not they come out. I don't think anyone should be forced to. That being said, however, i would like to see things change in society so that coming out wouldn't be so hard for people in the public eye.
I think I'll be very eager for the opening of 'Brokeback Mountain'. Probably most of the people in this thread would be too :)..
forensicsgirl said:
Baba, some people certainly take it WAY too far, especially when they start attacking people over stupid things, rather than concentrating on the real issues and real homophobia, instead of imagined.

One of my pet peeves is when people start speculating over who's gay and who isn't (especially in terms of actors, musicians, etc) and then it spirals into "yes, they definitely are". That leads to two things - some people take it as an insult, which really pisses me off (How dare you say he/she is gay! I love him/her. There's no way he/she is gay!!!) :mad:

The other annoyance is when people start getting annoyed when the person in question doesn't "come out". This happened several years back with Jodie Foster. Now, I don't know if Jodie is gay or not, and to be honest I don't really care. But a lot of prominent LGBT groups decided that she was and were vocal about it and demanded that she set a good example and come out publicly. Whether she is or she isn't gay, that's entirely her business. If she is, I don't see why she should have to come out if she doesn't want to. Straight actors aren't expected to do an interview or whatever and say "Yes, that's right, I'm straight".

I know it's great for the gay community when a prominent actor or singer comes out, and it's a positive thing, especially for young gay men and women who need positive role models, etc, but at the end of the day, its up to an individual whether or not they come out. I don't think anyone should be forced to. That being said, however, i would like to see things change in society so that coming out wouldn't be so hard for people in the public eye.

Well said. And I agree completely. :)

It really bothers me when people decide that they should make a stand and "out" other people- i.e. celebs. Whether a person is gay or not, it should always be their own choice whether they go public about it or not, especially when so many of them make a livelihood from a business that, while much better than it used to be, is still not entirely supportive of the gay star. So whatever their motivations for staying mum on the topic, and whether a person is gay or straight, it's the individual's choice whether they decide to discuss these personal issues with the rest of the world.

I guess I just find it a bit disheartening when people think they're doing these stars a favour by constantly trying to "out" them when they haven't chosen to do it themselves... but alas, gossip is the name of the game in Hollywood, it seems. :p And fair enough- I'd be lying if I said I wasn't occasionally interested in some of the gossip that circulates. What can I say- I'm weak! :lol:( But overall, I don't go around spreading rumours about stuff that I can't possibly substantiate... ;) )

Anyway, I digress. :lol:

I guess the saddest part of the whole thing is that actors still feel the need to keep their sexual orientation a secret, for fear of losing their jobs. That's the bigger injustice here. I wonder how many years (or more like decades) before it no longer matters? :confused:
If you want people to be respectful and understanding of you and your beliefs then you must in turn be understanding of them and their beliefs. Just because you tell someone that you are gay and they tell you that they don't understand it, doesn't make them a close minded or homophobic. Most of the time they simple don't understand, and the only way to make them understand is to talk to them and explain. Ignorance can only be fixed in someone by those possesing the knowledge that is lacking in that individual.

As for homosexuality in general, whether it's a life choice given to you by free will or a genetically predetermined trait because of the influence of androgens and androgen receptor genes, does it really matter either way? We are attracted to what we are attracted to and the answer as to why won't really change that fact (genetic engineering aside). Whether we are talking about liking brunettes or short hair or tall people or other women, where that comes from doesn't really matter, in my opinion. Love is love. "Love is the answer. Love is the only real truth there is. It's that simple," to quote JF. And if you can find that, regardless of color, sex, age, or bubble gum flavor then hold on to that for dear life and the rest of the world be damned. After all, what else is there in life then to find someone to love and be loved? Others morals shouldn't change that.

It's hard enough to find love without being self conscious about it being right or wrong. If you find it in someone of the same sex then so be it. And I'm my humble (heterosexual) opinion it's right, the rest of world will find out in it's own time, hopefully that won't take too long but I won't hold my breath. I mean how long did it take them to figure out that earth wasn't the center of the universe? That fact had to be proven over and over again by people who were willing to explain and be patient and understanding of those less informed.
There is this horrific website I came across one day when searching the web about Brokeback Mountain and it is mostly ideas of Reverend Sheldon, the website is traditional values It is a very (I can't find a word for it) website. At the bottom of the main page it has this article thing that reads,
"The Homosexual Movement And Pedophilia"
The homosexual activist movement and organized pedophiles are linked together by a common goal: To gain access to children for seduction into homosexuality.

I mean, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! As I continued through the website I found even more critizing articles. When I read these articles about Brokeback Mountain I nearly hurled they are so homophobic!!! They refer to BM as the 'soft-core porn homosexual cowboy movie' Read this article if you please. Rev. Sheldon Speaks Out Against ‘Brokeback Mountain’ The whole message of this website if unbelievable and this whole orgainzation is full of homophobia. This reverend wrote a book which I really want to check out to see how WRONG he is about, like, everything. Urrgggggg, I think you all can tell I'm really mad. :mad: :mad: :mad: and shocked :eek: :eek: :eek:

When i was able to read the story of Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx i found a website totally opposite of the one I was talking about above. The website is outspoken clothing This website actually let me put a smile on my face with its t-shirt's because you can get one that says, "Homophobia is a social disease", "God made me gay, who are YOU to argue", and "I love my moms, I love my dads, I love my lesbian sister, I love my gay son." I think everyone should wear these shirts, it could just change the world. :lol: :lol:

I want to know everyones opinions on BOTH of these websites so please take the time to read a couple of the articles or search around a little, aprecciate it!! Thanx.
i tried to look at that site, but i didnt get very far. to me, the things they say about homosexuals is just as bad as racism. its sad how ignorant they are. there was something about legalizing same-sex marriage is the first step to legalizing polgamy in canada. give me a freaking break.
they reminded me of the protestors at londons gay pride parade in the summer, their signs said 'thanks for not procreating' and 'stay away from our children'
personally, id be more afraid of them being near any children i may have in the future
Where does this pedophilia link come from? That one has always freaked me out! I mean, seriously, where do they get these ideas? It's scary. Sort of like saying all people from the south belong to the KKK or something.

Madness! :mad:

Edited to add: I'd be curious to see what level of education that "reverend" has. Pure ignorance. :rolleyes:
i like that website, outspoken clothing i believe it was. "against abortion" one i like ;lol; but i like the gay pride ones too.

The other annoyance is when people start getting annoyed when the person in question doesn't "come out". This happened several years back with Jodie Foster

i love jodie foster. she's so amazing. and the thing that makes me sad is that if she does happen to come out, then conservatives will only remember she came out, they won't see the good things like her oscar and her hit movies.

i don't speak conservative.
And still it continues. Moscow has banned the Gay Pride parade that was to be held in the city later this year because they don't want to upset the hypocritical religious zealots :mad:

Luckily, people aren't planning to simply give in without a fight.

From Planetout News:
The planned protests against the decision to ban Moscow's gay Pride celebrations are expanding further, with activists in two countries signing up for the demonstration.

Activists in Stockholm and Vienna will join protesters in London, Paris and Warsaw to call on Moscow's mayor Yuri Luzhkov to lift the ban.

The demonstrations are scheduled to begin in London on Thursday between 12 and 2 p.m. outside the Russian Embassy.

The row was sparked by religious leaders in Moscow threatening to disrupt the planned Pride, which coincided with a meeting in the city for the International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO).

They said that the May Pride parade, which would call for more action on homophobia and more rights for lesbians and gays, would be offensive to religious people and could end in violence.

Despite pressure from gay activists, civil rights groups and European politicians, as well as criticism from his mayoral counterparts in London, Berlin and Paris, Luzhkov has so far refused to allow the parade to go ahead.

Campaigners such as Peter Tatchell and MEP Michael Cashman have said they will also march in Moscow regardless, calling for more acceptance in the Russian capital.

Now Cashman, a Labour MEP and leader of the European Intergroup on Lesbian and Gay Rights in the European parliament, has said he wants more action from the European leaders.

"We wish to condemn this attitude," he said in a statement.

"In our view it is important to send out a strong signal that such behavior is totally unacceptable. Religious opinion can never be used as an excuse to disparage or oppress LGBT people," added Sophie in 't Veld (ALDE), vice-president of the Intergroup.

"As a member of the Council of Europe and upcoming presidency, Russia should respect the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, including the freedom of assembly," MEP in 't Veld added.

In the United Kingdom, the Green party has said it will join in Thursday's protest.

Dr. Joseph Healy, a leading Green campaigner in London's LGBT community, who will attend the demonstration, said: "The Green Party in England and Wales will stand up for the rights of LGBT people wherever they are threatened. It's time the mayor of Moscow and the Russian government came to their senses and allowed the Moscow Pride march this May."
Good, they should fight to have the ban eliminated because that is so stupid, hopefully enough people will get them to bring back the parade. Keep protesting people!! :lol:
Man, I just don't get it. Seriously, it's a parade for pete's sake. What's the harm in it? :rolleyes:

They just had "Gay Ski Week" up in Whistler a little while back and I heard it was another great one. It's an amazing, fun week, even if you're not gay. Lots of fun events and stuff. :)
foig i'm so glad people are taking a stand. its so unfair when one beliefe imposes its self upon another... its just fear of unknown.

that annoys me. people who have prejudice feelings.

OH. in my school (yeah i know) today, this really homophobic girl raised her hand during english.
she said Once, there was this girl in my camp bunk, and she was kinda touchy feely, and i always got weirded out around her. well, one night, she came over to my bunk and said "i'm bi" and i kicked her out of the cabin. i mean, what if she you know... put a move on me? i had to kick her out...

:mad: i get so mad with this girl. she won't even accept-shewont- *breathes*
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