Say NO to Homophobia

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I despise the fact that the media has made gay people into sterotypes. I despise the fact that a lot of people are so against it; that they think it's sinful. Well guess what? God wouldn't have made gay people if he didn't want them here. God made every single living creature on the face of the Earth, and he loves them all the same.

It's none of the media's business if so and so's gay, so what? Would they like people going around printing news articles in gossip rags about their sex lives?
Hey all. Its been entirely too long since I posted in here, so I thought I'd do something about it :)

I agree with what Zig and others have been saying about gay representation in mainstream media - there's entirely too little of it. It seems to come in waves, where we have a bunch of gay characters - like Willow in Buffy, Jack McPhee in Dawsons Creek, etc, and then those shows end and there's a void until the next thing starts up. With Will & Grace now over, there's a new void, filled more or less only by the L Word (and Sugar Rush, if you're in the UK)

We ned more gay characters in mainstream shows. But I think that shows like L are equally important - the old "sistas are doing it for themselves" sort of philosophy - its like Lesbian cinema. I love it when a lesbian character is in a mainstream movie, but I love it even more when I can sit down and watch a film that is written and directed by lesbians, for lesbians. In that respect, "Go Fish", "All Over Me" and "High Art" will ALWAYS outrank "Kissing Jessica Stein" and even the wonderful "Bound" for me.

On the subject of the L Word, season 3's "Losing the Light" and it just killed me. I loved Dana, and seeing her not only die, but die alone? And then Alice's reaction when she gets back to the hospital? Heartbreaking. I'm not ashamed to admit that I wept. :(
*huggles fogi*

Yeah, just popped in here to do that :p Missed you babe! ;)

Last weekend I was over at a friend and we were sitting outside with some of her neighbours, just drinking away.. well they were, I was very innocently sipping my beer :p One of the guys is stereotypical gay, having all those feminine characteristics, which he of course loved to exaggerate on :lol: So much fun. Then two of the women tried to hook me on to one of the other guys and he was like: "you can try all you want, it would be waste of your time" and they were like: "why?" so me: "I've got a girlfriend!" older woman: "but you don't look gay!" and then she realised what she said and started laughing, she's like: "well, I mean, you're very feminine and such." So I pointed to my beer and my rolling paper and tobacco and she was like: "yeah, that explains a bit" :lol: It was funny though. She's 52 and lives with another woman of 36, but there's nothing going on between the two. I love those kinda people who just give shit about what is talked about them when it's just gossip.

I got to show the pictures I got on my iPod of my gf to them, and they all approved of her :D Not that I actually know those people.
Awe, Awesome Jayne!

Man, I had sooo much fun this weekend. I hung out with my roommates (and as we all know one of thems Allie) and we had tons of fun. It was like a weekend to forget the stressful month :lol:

Speaking of stressful month, I had a very stressful month :lol: Like everyone in all my classes know, and I finally know how. One other person from my High School who knew went to my University and told EVERYONE in my classes on purpose. I was like "must not throw textbook at him, must not throw textbook at him" Hahaha, but it's kinda dying down now, no one doesn't care anymore I guess, haha, watch me go back to school tomorrow and everyone scream lesbian at me :lol:

The other day I got called a gay lesbian, I was like you are dumb, then I screamed I'm a straight lesbian you idiot :lol: it was pretty much the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

And oh my goodness, I have to find a way to tell my Dad...because this is getting to hard for me to pull off. He's like "be careful when you're looking for a boyfriend, you don't want to get into a bad situation again" and is always asking me if I like any guys and it's like...dude, I have not talked about likinga guy to you for many months now, can you catch on? Haha, I guess I just don't want the awkward conversation I guess...
A straight lesbian? gotta explain that ;)

No offense but how come everyone is always fussing about coming out to their parents? I never straight out said the words but my mother kinda figured it out a while back. She kept dropping comments to hint that she knew. We never really talk much about it - I generally don't talk about personal stuff with her- but still she knew. I just can't imagine how a parent can be so oblivious and not see what's in front of them...
But maybe I just got a rather observing mother... I swear she'd like to stick her nose into all of my business.
But nevertheless I do know those boyfriend lines, they mostly came from my granny and went like "you're so weird around people, no wonder you don't have a boyfriend." She's cute like that :D
But now that she knows (because some of my lovely schoolmates wrote it into the yearbook and then she flat out asked me if that was true) those comments have stopped. I think she's still confused about it.
Well, bonus question that one MiaCharlize and I bet you'll get many answers :lol:.

I asked my friend whose parents haven't found out yet whether she'll be 'coming out of the closet' anytime soon. And she said, "Are you kidding!? They'll kill me! I'm just gonna wait until they suspect something."

So yeah...don't know if that's a wise decision. For once, I'd like to be in the room when she confesses. Get that first-person experience ya know. Her parents are pretty strict so..I don't think it'll go well.
I don't really communicate with my parents, so they don't know much about my private life, but I reckon that, since I have a bf, they're kind of clueless. I don't think the fact I might be (well, I am) a bi has ever crossed their minds... Though I think my mother sometimes wonders why the heck there are like three pics of hot guys in my room, while all the rest of the walls and surfaces are covered with pics of all sorts of Emily Procter and Jorja Fox. :rollseyes:
I don't believe they'd forgive me, though. They've already gone nuts when I told them I was an atheist, then again when I became a vegetarian (6 years ago, by now)... I guess they would pass out right in front of me if I ever told them "Mom, Dad, you know what? I'm a bisex. Oh, and, btw, I've even kissed a couple of girls."
I've always been the black ship of the family. :lol:
Oh hey, looks like we've got a girl version of 'Brokeback Mountain' :D. Click me!

Okay well not exactly Brokeback Mountain material but..least it's something :lol:. I just found this today and thought you guys might want to check it out when it opens at your nearest cinema theater :).
Cool..It seems like a cool movie..

I am straight but I always think its cute if I see a gay couple. I hate people who say its a disease because its not. And I'm happy for all the gay people who found love :D
Besides I think its cool to have a gay friend.. :D
Well put Danique.

As for the film,Imagine me and you, it has been out for a while in America and is coming on DVD soon to the UK. I have seen it and in my opinion it is everything a good romantic comedy should be. Cute, funny, very predictable.... a worthwhile viewing.
^ Ouh...hehe. Pardon me then. We recieve movies much later compared to the US so....but anyways, hope it will be worth the time and money :D.
I know that my parents didnt react so strange when i told them that i liked woman because my mom already had that idea because i never have a boyfriend or a lover or something like that i dont know what my father thinks of it the only thing is that his family can not no and we never talk about it.. My best friend told me like youre not grazy about me because i cant handel it and am already having a boyfriend and i wash like no way you are nice but not my type, not at the looks maybe as person self a little but not the looks so she is ok with it and we can laugh and talk about it and that helps a lot because i dont know who else i have to talk about it..
No offense, but that last part of your post takes a while to work through, maybe use some punctuation next time.
That reaction seems to be wide spread though. A friend of mine keeps asking me whether I was hypothetically interested in her or in another friend of ours. It's funny really how people always assume that just because you're a lesbian you're automatically interested in your best friends. It's silly. It's not like they'd ask me if I had an interest in all of my male friends if I was straight.
But I don't mind as long as I know they're not seriously thinking that way. It's more like teasing I guess. At least none of my female friends seem seriously afraid of me having the hots for them ;)
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