Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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I think too that Eric wanted some sort of connection with Sara, more than 'just friends'. They never made any motion towards that did they? I mean he never officially asked her out and she never offically turned him down. Did they??
I guess it is a Sara centric episode but I'm not sure how much Greg is in it.
hey sandles!! ok, i have to say.. sandles is adorable. i'm a snickers fan but if i wasnt, i would DEFFINATLY be here supporting Sandles. just had to say that bc i feel bad for not loving sandles:p tee hee. good luck, we should join together and take GSR DOOOWN!! THAT'S RIGHT GSR... WE WILL ALL COME BACK, WE WATCH!!!!!
I read other board, it said who will be working together. Grissom, Sara, Nick, Warrick and Greg are working together. Sara will be in the ambalance with the dead girl or something. I think Greg want to go with her, but Grissom won't let him, I'm not sure. Nick is going to be the one that understand her pain, Greg will not understand what is going on around Sara or he will probably will.

I remember the tvguide said about Eric want to work with Jorja. He told the writer that he want Greg and Sara together. Eric is a Sandle fan, Jorja isn't a Sandle fan, Josh is a Sandle fan too, too bad, he is no longer on the show. I don't think the writer will go that way with Eric want, because CM, NS, SF, GE and DR are pro-GSR. CM is the one that said, Greg and Sara are brother and sister and Jorja said the same thing.

sometime I wondering if the Actress and Actor don't get what they want or they have to do what the writer want them to do. And I hope we do get Snickers and Sandle soon. I wondering if CM forgot that Snickers and Sandle are popular too, along with GSR and Grillows. Don't get me wrong, I do like Sara and Greg together as a friend and I also love Sara, Nick and Greg working together, they are so fun working together. They seem to understand each other so well and protect each other. I watch Nick around Greg and Sara, so it Sara, when she around with Nick and Greg.

And don't ask me where I can find the articles, it been so long to find it.

Mod. if you think this should be delete it, you can go ahead and do it. I just said a nice thing, not mean thing. I just explained it to them about the tvguide last years before the 7th season start.
I think the episode is more of Sara/Nick based on the interview from Allen MacDonald, the writer for the episode :) URL:<br />

From the JF interview

CSI Files: What do you think of the idea of the paring of Sara and Greg (Eric Szmanda)?

Fox: That one was a surprise to me! One of the greatest things that happened to me in season five was that I got to work so intimately with Eric Szmanda. We're very good friends after last year and had hung out socially a lot from the beginning of the show, but I feel like I know Greg Sanders so well now. Every day was fun and an honor and a privilege. It was fun to be the teacher for a change. I think Sara having been partnered up with Grissom for so long, she could play chess with him head to head, but at the same time she's unequivocally the student. So it was really awesome to be able to turn around and be the teacher for a year. I really enjoyed it.

I never thought there were really sparks between [Sara and Greg], and a couple of papers got a hold of it and started playing it and then Eric did an interview this summer where he was asked if there would be anything between Greg and Sara and he stated for the record that they would be just friends, that Greg had had a crush on her but that he wasn't interested in her anymore and they were better off as friends. And I yelled at him, "I can’t believe you broke up with me in the paper!" First of all, I didn't even know we were going out, and then you have this horribly public break-up. I was the last to know! It's a big question mark. Every major storyline that I've ever had in this show has been a surprise to me. I never knew it was coming, not even two or three months ahead of time, so I could plan for it. I do think that anything is possible, but I think that there's a slimmer chance for Greg and Sara than there is for Grissom and Sara, especially since Billy hasn't publicly broken up with me in the paper!

I miss working with Eric. We get the odd scene together, but we really haven't worked together the way we did last year. I was lucky enough to [work exclusively] with Billy [early on in the show]. Billy had scenes with a lot of other people, but it seemed that for seasons one and two, mostly when I worked, I worked with him. He was my primary scene partner. There's definitely a chemistry that you get to build when you work with somebody like that, whether it's platonically or not, the way when you work with anybody intimately, even in your real life. You start to get into a rhythm and a flow that's really fun and totally different. I might have had one or two scenes with George and Gary in all of season five and I missed them. So I'll look at the schedule and say, "I'm going to see Gary today, we're going to work together, this is going to be fun." So that's been really nice. But, I don’t think any of the intimacy is built up as well when they're switching scene partners all the time. It's really fun and cool, but you don't get to go to the deep levels that you do when you're with somebody in the trenches for long periods of time.

Hmm, so does Eric want it or not?
Ok so definetely heres what i'm thinking (This'll be fun) :rolleyes:
Eric wants it, but then they had the whole GSR scene so he kinda hesitated because maybe Jorja wanted THAT so he decided to let himself down gently by mentioning the friendship card but then BAM! Jorja is upset that he 'broke up with her' in the paper (Which is very funny :lol:) so now Jorja's decided to be against it but Eric's still for it and how he's probably like "Damn i'm stupid" :D

yep. lmao.

Did we ever discuss to also spike that illusion guy's drink too? We really should you know, and make him a real illusion.. wait...he's already an illusion

haha he'll be a sandle illusion after we spike his drink. I'm gonna laugh so hard if Grissom ever says illusion on CSI again. :devil:
I finally managed to write the fic I've had in my head for a long time. Here you go. I hope you guys enjoy it!Rain.

And yeah, Eric must feel stupid about 'breaking up' with Jorja in a paper. :lol: But we have to find a way to get Jorja back to be being a Sandle supporter. How are we going to do that? :p
omg SaraStar i loved that story! Hopefully there is Sunshine :)

Ok heres my plan (Mwhahahaha :devil:)

We kidnap Jorja....and Eric just for the heck of it :p, and show them EXACTLY what Sandle can do for them....then load them up with coffee spikers and send them for a visit to the writers :cool:

I like the plan. Especially if I get to help kidnap Eric. :D
Thank you very much! And please just call me Eva :). Yeah I really do hope there's sunshine for Sandle. Perhaps we can name our next thread (I know it's still a way to go) Sunshine After The Rain. :lol: I mean we're positive shippers, so. :D *eats more positivity cookies*

And that's a great idea! Let's kidnap Jorja. :lol: All of us Sandlers kick in her front door and take her away. :p Aww we're mean. :lol:
SaraStar said:
And that's a great idea! Let's kidnap Jorja. :lol: All of us Sandlers kick in her front door and take her away. :p Aww we're mean. :lol:

OMG, what happened to this thread since I've been gone?! (Like, literally- when I left we were talking about something else- like what they'd get each other for their birthdays or whatever- and NOW we're talking about kidnapping JF!!)

Y'all know how Jorja Fox always wanted to write an episode?

Maybe we can persuade pro-Sandle Eric Szmanda to write an episode with Sandle!! :D :D

Must go. I'm waiting for my iPod. Luv yall!
Wow, Eva, you are really talented at writing, and that song seems to really fit Greg's emotions and different feelings for Sara through the seasons. I loved it so much, it was completely amazing :D

I like the plan. Especially if I get to help kidnap Eric.

Ditto Ditto Ditto ;). Love the idea. Ya know, this is a little like deja vu because I'm sure we talked about kidnapping the writers and force-feeding them positivity cookies and spiked blue hawaiian in the last thread...

Oh, I loved that plan, but anything that includes kidnapping Eric makes me very happy :lol:

Perhaps we can name our next thread (I know it's still a way to go) Sunshine After The Rain.

Eva, again you have made me smile ;). That is such a cute name for a thread title. I think I would vote for that one if that becomes an option-I know it will though! :)

OMG, what happened to this thread since I've been gone?! (Like, literally- when I left we were talking about something else- like what they'd get each other for their birthdays or whatever- and NOW we're talking about kidnapping JF!!)

Well, my best friend keeps getting high on Dr Pepper, but I don't really think that's the case here. I think we're all a little crazy from the lack of Sandle in recent episodes...Grrr...

...The Plan Will Be Put Into Action...

Then I get a chance to tell him that we're going to be married some day.

I'm so mad that there's no sandle lately. And the Sara Central Episode is Nick/Sara


Jorja needs to be a sandle fan, it's part of the plan!
Hey there Sandles! I've got a little Sandle bone in my body and I just watched the 'shower scene' LOL I loved it. Awwwh they so cute together ;) Just thought i'd show my love for the Sandle!'s all a cover-up. They'll act like 'NO! It's GSR!' and then one day they'll be like, 'Ha ha we fooled you, it's really Sandle' and then we can be like 'Joke's on you we knew it all along, fools!'....yup...I like conspiracies!
Sounds good to me. Greg & Sara are way cute together. I'm hoping one day they'll do that with Cath/Gris too lol. We can hope eh?!
mrs.xsanders, I have to make sure I spell your username right. Sara central episode is going to be 5 people working together. Grissom, Sara, Nick, Warrick and Greg. Nick understand Sara's pain, he been through there too. I can't remember which episode it was.

4x4 is okay, I like it at the end of the show, Nick. I didn't like Sara's attitude when she said, "I saw everything." to Greg. She does that on purpose, she want to make sure Grissom heard that to make him jealous.

I'm not sure about Jorja who she like better, I think she like all three shippers, GSR, Snickers and Sandles.

I don't know how you going to do that to kidnap Jorja and Eric. I'm thinking about kidnap Jorja and George, they seem to enjoy being together off screen. Remember people, they got bodyguard. You have to knocked them out first before you do the kidnap.

Mod. we just playing, we don't plan to kidnap them, right guys.

Please don't turn me into Sandles, I'm multi-shippers, Snickers, Grillows, GSR, Catnip, Greg and Sofia, (I don't know their rhymes) and maybe in the future Sandles.
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