Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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^ Now that's a list! Even if it is mostly quotes. Sorry for not stopping by sooner, and welcome to the newest sandle-shippers: mrsxsanders and hui! :D Glad to see the new faces.

I'm in a great mood because I won the signature banners contest (animated) with a sandle banner - What else? ;)
We are slowly growing my friends. People see us as a cute, flirty, positive ship - and while that may be so - their disregard will help us prevail!
<--- *evil laugh*


So, yeah. :p I'm glad you caught the episode jue and I'll have to agree with pretty much everything sabser said earlier.

In closing: From almost kissing each other, to showering together, to hand holding, Sandle is The Ship. That is all, and thanks for choosing our ship, newbies!
AHh, thanks :)

Btw, how old are them now? 30+?
And did they ever hold hands? (refers to the closing line)
I'm a godsend :eek:? Oh, thanks, that's a really sweet thing to say, hui
And I'm happy to have helped :D Gives me a happy feeling inside :lol:

Oh, and you asked if they held hands? Well, in Fannysmackin, Greg tells Sara that he scratched one of the guys that beat him up. Sara grabbed his hand and didn't let go, so I think we can put that under the 'Hand Holding' category ;)

Oh, and Greg was born on the 5th of May 1975, making him 32 this year, and Sara was born on the 16th of September 1971, so she will be 36 this year. You may need a second opinion though because I suck at math :lol:

Oh, and a big well done to Hestia for winning the Banner Contest. How couldn't you win with a Sandle banner?

...i've said 'Oh' four times-wait five now-in this post...I need some help...
haha Sabser thats exactly what she was thinking <.< >.> Who shot sherlock was on last was awesome as usual lol theeeen Burn Out came on, which has the whole "I turned the music on" scene

last night was a sandle night for me hahahha welcome Hui ! i'm a little late but whatever :lol:
Blue Hawaiian for everybody!
Well I don't normally drink coffee... but maybe just a sip. :p

Oh, and a big well done to Hestia for winning the Banner Contest. How couldn't you win with a Sandle banner?
Thank you, Sabser. I figured out how to put my winning banner in my signature. *feels proud*
Plus, the ages you listed sound about right; they're almost five years apart both in real life and in the series.

And I also popped in to link my sandle ficlet. LoveCSI requested it and I figured I'd share it with the thread. :)
OMG, congrats on winning the banner contest, Hestia! *claps hands* Now I can't stop looking at the signature. It's so cute! :D Great job!

I haven't welcomed hui yet! I'm so happy our community is growing. :)
yes, Congratulations on winning the banner contest Hestia I always admire people who do Fan Art

anyway, welcome hui I'm new to the Sandle ship too.

Sara is so light and easy and fun and light-hearted around Greg. She can be his teacher and his mentor and at the same time his lover and his friend.

And Greg can be her friend, her shoulder to cry on, her student and her lover all at the same time

Does that make sense?

Enjoy the Blue Hawaiian everyone :)
^^ they complement each other very well :)

Thanks guys :) and Sabser, you have no idea how hard i have tried to find clips of them! lol.. so the links are very much appreciated ;)

and oops, forgot to congrat Hestia for the awesome banner! :) I'm in need of some fanarts myself! I guess I will get down to making it in MAY (yes, after my exams.. boo >_<) now where can I get screencaps.. hmm? heh.

what is the current episode for you guys? and oh, this is probably an old news and im sure many of you have know (but it wouldn't hurt to refresh our sandle memories), Szmanda is hoping for greg/sara romance too when interview for TV guide (?)! YAY! let's hope he is doing something about it to the producers :) btw, i remember reading somewhere in the forum that someone send fan letters to him about sandle? :confused:
Just thought I'd post this again. Welcome mrsxsanders and hui. :D

There have been lots and lots of newbies to TalkCSI and the Shipper Threads so I thought I would direct everyone to the Shipper Central Rules so those new to Shipper Central, please make sure to read them in their entirety. Thanks

Shipper Central Rules - Please make sure to read these
Shipper Central Welcome & Questions Thread - where you can introduce yourself and ask questions.
Ship Name/Song Thread List - Where you can see if your ship has a thread.
omg congrats Hestia ! I love the banner....*Stares* its so cute lol :D
*sips blue haiwaiin* what a good way to end the weekend :) so i here the new episode of CSI is sara centric, :confused: may have possible Sandle :p*Crosses fingers*
Where's that TV guide? I now want it.
I have the picture on my computer and I uploaded it. It's an article from TV Guide. (There's also a part with Carmine on the page, with the whole article--there's something about Adam Rodriguez too though)

Eric Szmanda: "... He hasn't given up on her yet." (On Greg with his love for Sara".
That's very sweet! I'm so happy that at least an actor supports us too! Now all we have to do is spike Jorja's drink too. (I think we've all discussed this already.)

TV Guide TV Guide 2
kissmesweet said:
Eric Szmanda: "... He hasn't given up on her yet."
So he hasn't given up on her yet huh? Really sweet *wipe off tears*

I guess having Szmanda saying that has more impact than anyone else, plus the fact that the producers are gonna give Greg more story lines in S7, and since CSI Greggo would only meant two things: 1) his worklife and 2) someone named Sara Sidle, meaning? we would be getting: Possible Sandle scenes, Sandle angst, Sandle romance, Sandle friendship, Sandle whatevership... :D

That's definitely a good thing, yeah, definitely. Let us all toast (with our Blue Hawaiian) for more good Sandle seasons to come... :cool:

And Szmanda says "I was somewhat shocked by their (Sara and Gris) affair (jue: then you should have spiked the writer's drinks and burn that 'Way to Go' script, and let it really gooooo :lol: ).... I encourage the writers to explore how Greg's infatuation with Sara is going to be affected...(jue: same here, don't just encourage, we know how stubborn sometimes those writers are, go spiked their drink and write the script yourself, or even better, let us write it, am sure there's a lot of Sandles queuing up to help on it :lol:)

kissmesweet said:
Now all we have to do is spike Jorja's drink too. (I think we've all discussed this already.)
Did we ever discuss to also spike that illusion guy's drink too? :p We really should you know, and make him a real illusion.. wait...he's already an illusion :devil:

and not forgetting Hestia, congrats to you! I couldn't help smiling when I saw that signature...cute!
GregsLabRat said:
so i here the new episode of CSI is sara centric, :confused: may have possible Sandle :p*Crosses fingers*

Really? Is it gonna be Saracentric? :D That's so awesome. Now I hope there will be Sandle scenes too. Like jue said, let's toast to more Sandle scenes. :)

Haha! Yeah, Eric should definitely have spiked the writer's drink and burn the Way to Go script. I'm sure he'd have loved to do that. :lol: Oh, and I was somewhat shocked by their affair too. More than somewhat. :p

I so love that interview! He totally makes clear that he's a Sandle supporter. :D
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