Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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OMG, what happened to this thread since I've been gone?! (Like, literally- when I left we were talking about something else- like what they'd get each other for their birthdays or whatever- and NOW we're talking about kidnapping JF!!)
Agree with you there, szmandatogoholic. :lol: I guess that just means we should come by this thread more often! I'm glad I stopped by because these last few posts really made me smile. (Not that I condone kidnapping... But then again... :devil:)

Everyone who complimented my banner, thank you so much! After about two weeks or so I'm probably going to change it and if anyone wants it, I'll be glad to give it to you. :cool: (Maybe I can give this to someone here as a b-day gift... if it is anyone's birthday between now and two weeks from now.)

Hi csiemily (a bit late on the welcome but still...)! Multi shippers are welcomed here, and don't feel bad for not loving sandles, you've shown plenty of love and enthusiasm in your post! ;)
Also, hi 19ams87! I think I remember you! Glad to see you back.

I'm not sure about Jorja who she like better, I think she like all three shippers, GSR, Snickers and Sandles.
I think she's a big flirt. But then who wouldn't be when working around those handsome men? But actually I like GregsLabRat theory:
Ok so definetely heres what i'm thinking (This'll be fun) :rolleyes:
Eric wants it, but then they had the whole GSR scene so he kinda hesitated because maybe Jorja wanted THAT so he decided to let himself down gently by mentioning the friendship card but then BAM! Jorja is upset that he 'broke up with her' in the paper (Which is very funny :lol:) so now Jorja's decided to be against it but Eric's still for it and how he's probably like "Damn i'm stupid" :D
(I guess I like it because of my sandle bias!)

Please don't turn me into Sandles, I'm multi-shippers, Snickers, Grillows, GSR, Catnip, Greg and Sofia, (I don't know their rhymes) and maybe in the future Sandles.
Well, NicknGrissom, looks like we'll just keep our positivity powers (and cookies) to ourselves. :p
Nah, you can have one positivity cookie. Feel the love... the sandle love... Okay okay, I'll let you to your snickers shipping (and other ships).

*sigh* Now I'm off to read SaraStar's sandle story! (gotta love alliteration! :lol:)
hey ams and cismily :D

HMMM about kidnapping Jorja and Eric. :confused: maybe they should read what fans have to say about their relationship (I'm sure they alredy do)
**sips more Blue Hawaiian** ;)
Sara and Greg are very fun and comfortable around each other. They make each other smile and they are not so similar to each other that they can appreciate each other
does that make sense?
awww...since we are all so keen/lustful for criminal activities now :eek:, wny not we merge those activities together?

We can 1) kidnap Eric :p + 2) kidnap Jorja :p + 3) lock them up in a tiny room and make them write an episode before letting them out about that? make sense for Sandles? :D

but then, I thought it would be really cute to imagine what would happen in that tiny room (nah, I know what all of you out there are thinking, I am *not* thinking about *that* :lol:), what I meant is how they would interact and fight to write that episode, since well, Eric's a pro-Sandle, and Jorja seems few miles/kilometres/steps away from would be fun, isn't it?

Something like this?

E: hey, why did you delete my paragraph?
J: I just don't like it, why make me kiss you after I slap you? You really wish huh?!
E: It's the flow of the story! That's why!
J: It's the flow of your gutter brain, you just wanna throw yourself at me, face it.
E: Such a big ego huh?! Ok, since you like all pairings except Sandles, I would write you kissing every single guy in the lab, including Hodges and Ecklie, happy?
J: What the!
E: You ask for it.
J: Gimmi that laptop.
E: No.
J: Gimmi that.
E: No~no~no.(start humming some unknown song)
J tried to snatch the laptop, but only managed to fall into the arms of E.
E: So, look who's throwing themselves at who now?
J: !!!

Oh...won't it be fun...they could go on and on bickering...don't know why, but I think it's a form of expressing their feelings (whatever that maybe) for each other...we can call it The Sandle Way of Expressing. :lol:

PS: Tonight is the night. Tonight is 4x4. :D
^^ Thanks jue beautiful conversation! So cute.
Oh hmm... I think I might have kidnapped Jorja as well! :) And I'm showing her all of my own SG fanfics and begging her to ask the writers to include them! haha...

Oh and 4x4 is an amazing SG episode!
jue said:

E: hey, why did you delete my paragraph?
J: I just don't like it, why make me kiss you after I slap you? You really wish huh?!
E: It's the flow of the story! That's why!
J: It's the flow of your gutter brain, you just wanna throw yourself at me, face it.
E: Such a big ego huh?! Ok, since you like all pairings except Sandles, I would write you kissing every single guy in the lab, including Hodges and Ecklie, happy?
J: What the!
E: You ask for it.
J: Gimmi that laptop.
E: No.
J: Gimmi that.
E: No~no~no.(start humming some unknown song)
J tried to snatch the laptop, but only managed to fall into the arms of E.
E: So, look who's throwing themselves at who now?
J: !!!

OMG! That made me laugh so much. Woot, great job! :D Now you've totally inspired me to write a fic about that. :lol:

Thanks for the lovely comments on my fic, I'm really happy you liked it! :D If anyone is interested in the song, PM me, I'll be happy to send it. It really does remind me of the way Greg sees Grissom/Sara relationship.
SaraStar said:
OMG! That made me laugh so much. Woot, great job! :D Now you've totally inspired me to write a fic about that. :lol:
Eva, do go ahead and take whatever you need for that write one? *puppy eyes* I am only good at this kind of mushy-cheesy-weirdo conversations, never good at fics, at least not now, I know myself. :lol:

Since you mentioned about fanfics, allow me to add a little bit of drama at the end...

Extended version:

E: hey, why did you delete my paragraph?
J: I just don't like it, why make me kiss you after I slap you? You really wish huh?!
E: It's the flow of the story! That's why!
J: It's the flow of your gutter brain, you just wanna throw yourself at me, face it.
E: Such a big ego huh?! Ok, since you like all pairings except Sandles, I would write you kissing every single guy in the lab, including Hodges and Ecklie, happy?
J: What the!
E: You ask for it.
J: Gimmi that laptop.
E: No.
J: Gimmi that.
E: No~no~no.(start humming some unknown song)
J tried to snatch the laptop, but only managed to fall into the arms of E.
E: So, look who's throwing themselves at who now?
J: !!! *slap*
E: *utter shock*
J: *smirk* you just deserve it.
E: *utter shock, and doesn't move an inch*
J: *beginning to worry* hey...hey...
E: Jorja?
J: *worried* yah?...
E: This is the part where you should give me that kiss.
J: %&!$#(*!

oh...the more I write the more I hope I am in *that* tiny room with them...I sure will laugh till I cry and cry... :devil:

PS:4x4, 4x4, 4x4, 4x4, contamination bath here I come...*gosh I saw everything* here I come... :D
^^^ that is hilarious jue I want to see that too :D

as for kidnapping them, well they are CSI's and they do know how to find missing people (think Grave Danger) but I would love to see that conversation turned into a fic.

and when is 4x4 on? I like that episode too ;)
jue said:
SaraStar said:
OMG! That made me laugh so much. Woot, great job! :D Now you've totally inspired me to write a fic about that. :lol:
Eva, do go ahead and take whatever you need for that write one? *puppy eyes* I am only good at this kind of mushy-cheesy-weirdo conversations, never good at fics, at least not now, I know myself. :lol:[/b]

Aww thank you! I definitely will be writing it. Perhaps I'll even start it today. Haha, Sandle fics always make me happy. :D Any specific title I should give it? :p
Heather, they're showing 4x4 here in sg tonight, at 1 am:D

Actually I have a heavy work schedule these few days, and watching CSI M and CSI LV's becoming my relaxing medicine (sort of), after watching 4x4 at 1am - 2am tonight, will continue my work stuff, maybe till 4 or 5am? So now you all know where my mental disorder for those weirdo Sandles conversation came from? :lol:

Eva Eva, thanks in advance for wanting to make it into a fic...for now I know I would have another chapter of *medicine* awaiting for me later on, to keep me sane/insane :p.

As for the title, meanwhile I don't have anything in mind, and I think it depends largely on the angle/plot of your story...Sandles out there whom's struck by any creative lightning are most welcome to give some ideas. Think we are definitely a hell creative lot, just check out those *spiked drinks* and *kidnapping* ideas. :D

but Eva, do take your time in writing that fic though, good things are worth waiting, always. :cool:

PS: Awww...done with 4x4, I liked how the story was presented in a reversed way, as for those scenes between Greg and Sara, well it's still as fun, still as cute, still as ambiguous (between them in that tent :p), and...still as suspicious+jealous+frustrated (this one's for that illusion guy lol :lol:)
Aw yeah, 4x4 is such an amazing episode indeed, Jue! I love the part where they walk through the corridor and Greg goes 'I didn't see anything' and Sara 'Gosh, I saw everything' :lol:. And then you see Grissom looking at them confused :p. Awesome!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

hey im new here...i am and always a SANDLE shipper...but then i miss alot of the eppy cuz of schooling :mad: i miss alot of SANDLE time here like when greg hugs sara...the shower...the toilet...all*sniff* *cryin* i hope i can rewind the time that so i can watch it...
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Welcome to the Sandles Thread, greg sara love. Don't double post, that was spamming, I know you're new. I just let you know that Mod. don't like it when you double. You can edit 'till 24 hours or 'till the person replied.
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