Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Ahhh...the warm happy memories...OH! And I gave myself the customary Sandle Mojo Tattoo today during band...
It's two multi-colored DNA strands tied together surrounded by barbed's my Sandle-luck sign, I had one drawn on me when Fannysmackin' first aired.
I’m new here. I am just a silly girl from south Europe and I have been a huge fan of CSI from the first season. I found this site few days ago and I’ve really liked it. But when I found this thread I was ecstatic. I never thought that there are so many Sandle shippers out there.
I really think that Sara and Greg are meant to be together. Although I noticed some GSR and Snickers moments through the years, I still think that the chemistry between Sara and Greg is the best. They totally balance each other. Only person that can truly make Sara laugh is Greg. I really think that Greg is the best – smart, cute, and sooooo sexy. I was really surprised to read (in other forums) that some people don’t like Sara. I adore her!!!!! She can be so cool and funny, and so sensitive and devoted.
I’m so excited that I have found a place where I can talk and talk and talk about them and not be considered “strange girl obsessed with CSI”. All my friends roll their eyes when I start to talk about CSI and how Greg and Sara are perfect together.
I’m sorry if there is many spelling and a grammatical error here, English is not my first language and I have never actually learned to read or write in English, so this is pretty good… Right? :)
Of course your English is good! I wish my Estonian was that good...
Welcome by the way. I'm not the welcoming commitee, but I thought I'd say hi because I'm trying to hide from my law notes. Gosh, where are Greg and Sara when you need them to help you study the forensics unit for your exam eh? :p
Welcome LoveCSI ! I'm not the welcoming committee either but i'm pretty much here for the same reaon as Lexxia to hide from studying :p you gotta love to be able to talk about Sandle without getting weird looks (And even if you did you can't see them through the computer ;) haha) Tomorrow's thursday guys! *Starts up Sandle party* we'll party till they're dating! Or until a Sandle moment :p
Welcome LoveCSI! I'm so happy new Sandle shippers keep coming in. :D And I know, I can talk about Greg and Sara for hours, too, but usually people get annoyed with me. Luckily we have the Sandle thread. ;) (Oh, and for never having learnt English, your English is sandletastic! So don't worry. :)) I hope you enjoy your stay here, sandleling on and on. :)

Oh and about the 'change a scene' question... I guess I'd change Organ Grinder. Sara so should've gone out with him! And if that's not possible, she shouldn't have walked away when she said she could really kiss him and Greg shouldn't have turned away. :p
Welcome to the thread, LoveCSI :D. I'm so happy for you :lol:. I was ecstatic when I found this site, and I bet you felt the same :D. Hope you like it here...I'm sure you will :D :rolleyes:! And don't even begin to worry about your English, it's better than some people at my school, and they ARE English :lol:!

Thanks for everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday :D! The cake was great, but I seem to have, like, half left :rolleyes:...Hmm, I wonder...*Hands MORE cake out to everyone, and two pieces to LoveCSI since she missed the first*

And look at that, two pieces left...*Drops some truth potion onto one piece* Oh, Sara Sidle, I have some cake for yoooooou! Hehehe...Sandle moments hopefully coming soon :lol:!

Okay, so to answer my own question- :p-I would have changed Organ Grinder like SaraStar and it would go something like this:

Sara:*Leans forward, placing her hand on Greg's chest* I could, really, really just kiss you right now.
Greg:What's stopping ya?
Sara:*Sara leans down, kisses him, and stands up again* My case *She walks off*

Something around that...Oooh, no plot bunny...Wait, better not jinx it :lol:
awesome *Eats cake* just what i need omg guys they were actually TALKING to eachother in this episode! Geez i feel like there relationship is starting all over or something lol, what was with the package from grissom, haha she looked a little annoyed there was no letter or anything haha i was like yeaaaaa be mad lol my defining sandle moment in this episode was the meeting and Greg made Sara LAUGH again with his 'You guys been listening to Hodges?' lol great episode, confusing, but great :)

I'm not sure if this is a spoiler but i'll do it just in case:

What was up with next weeks commercial? That umbrella thing was nasssssty lol But i liked Kepplers line about it. Even though i hate Keppler. :)
*sighs* I watched the episode last night and it's episodes like that which remind me why I still love the show. :rolleyes: I really enjoyed it. I loved watching the 4 of them work together. The thing that pissed me off was Cath said Greg was meeting Sara at the scene but then she didn't even talk to him.

Anyways, I can't believe what Sara's present was. :lol: I was hoping Greg might have seen that Sara was down and asked her what was wrong. It's not like they worked together long enough for him to notice, though. :rolleyes: But I seriously think that if the writers are going to have someone notice Sara is upset, or is going to figure out about GSR it's going to be Greg or Cath. I really hope Greg does. Then there's angst. :devil: Gotta love it. :D

Oh and to add to Eva's Organ Grinder comment, I just about died when he turned away. I wanted to reach into the screen and make them kiss. :lol: She so wanted it. That's why she leaned in so close. She was probably thinking, "If you're smart Greg, you'll kiss me now." :p Sooo close yet so far. *sighs* I wonder how things would be different if he had just freaking kissed her. :rolleyes: Or you know Sara could have kissed him too, she knew he wanted it. :devil:
I wanted to stop by and say too I agree sandersidle
Sara's gift from Grissom was... well.. totally Grissom and I don't think she got that... and it would have been cool to see Greg come by and ask Sara.."What's wrong?" and her try to cover it up OR to have Greg find the branch with the butterfly cocoon and ask "what's this?"

That's me :D
sandersidle said:
Oh and to add to Eva's Organ Grinder comment, I just about died when he turned away. I wanted to reach into the screen and make them kiss. :lol: She so wanted it. That's why she leaned in so close. She was probably thinking, "If you're smart Greg, you'll kiss me now." :p Sooo close yet so far. *sighs* I wonder how things would be different if he had just freaking kissed her. :rolleyes: Or you know Sara could have kissed him too, she knew he wanted it. :devil:

Damnit yeah. It was so close! And I agree, I DO wonder what would've happened if he didn't turn away. Do you think she would've kissed him or he her? :p I know what you want, but what do you think? :lol:
I think they wouldn't have kissed, it would be like, they area about to kiss then someone walks in and interrupts them. That's the story of Sandle ain't it? I was so mad watching sara and gregs crimescene, i'm like how are you not gonna talk at teh same scene?! HOW!?
Hi! I want to thank everybody for such a nice welcome! I wish a happy birthday to Sabser! Thank you for the cake! I loved it!
I just watched season 6 finale and I was so disappointed. I don't like GSR. I will have to wait very long time to see season 7. I read some spoilers and I am very curious to see Fannysmackin episode. And I like that Grissom is not there. More possibilities for Greg and Sara. But I’m curious, what did Grissom send Sara? A bug?
And which scene would I change…. In “Who Shot Sherlock” when Sara asks Greg to celebrate with her …. Instead of Greg zoning out, I would like him to smile and to say “Sure, I’m all yours!” Oooooo! And then we would see them in coffee shop laughing and flirting.
And there’s that unforgettable “almost kiss” in Organ Grinder! I know she wanted to kiss him! I wanted to kiss him! He was just so yummy!
I don’t know how those writers sleep at night?!
:D Well at least we got to see Greg and Sara together last night. Processing the car together then standing next to each other when they had that little group huddle. I liked that scene, once Warrick and Sara agreed to go along with Nick they all looked at Greg. He just shrugs, as if to say "If Sara is in, I'm in." Of course, that's just how I choose to view that scene. ;)
Sabser said:
Sara:*Leans forward, placing her hand on Greg's chest* I could, really, really just kiss you right now.
Greg:What's stopping ya?
Sara:*Sara leans down, kisses him, and stands up again* My case *She walks off*
ya know Jess, I have another version of that Organ Grinder scene *grin*

Sara:*Leans forward, placing her hand on Greg's chest* I could, really, really just kiss you right now.
Greg:*got hold of Sara's hand on his chest* You're wrong, ya know? *move face up to kiss softly on the still surprise Sara lips* I would never ever allow you kissing me for our first, I should be the one kissing you.
Sara:*insert anything that combines shocked, surprised, amazed, delighted emotions*

How about that? :D Seems like I would prefer Greg to be more brave sort in that sense, I guess that's the only way Sara would totally fall for him, recognising he's something more than what she thought he is.

actually, above all, I still find that Fannysmackin' scene very sweet.

(Sara walks over to where Greg is lying and brushes hair out of his face)
Greg: Sara.
Sara: I didn't think you could see me.
Greg: I can't. I know that "Sidle Scent".

tell me tell me, what more can you expect from a guy who knows you by your touch/smell just like that :eek:, especially when he's been beaten up so badly?

Sidle, you better wake up your senses, fast! :lol:
Whee! I love your version of the Organ Grinder, jue! :) They could have a fight about who'll kiss who first. :lol:

God, I soooo wanna see Fannysmackin'. I'm so proud of myself I'm waiting 'til it's on TV here. :p But the longest waiting is over, I hope. Usually we get the new episodes somewhere by the end of February. Compared to the long time I've waited, four weeks is nothing. :lol:
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