Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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^^ Haven't seen it yet. I've been so busy. Love your icon by the way. Jorja is stunning!

after years of waiting, Greg finally muster the courage to say I dare you to kiss me, Sara
Oh my God!! That's the cutest manip ever. Saving to my pictures.
Saw the episode, and even I can't come up with a sandle moment for it. What a rip off :p still a good episode, definetely something sneaky about Keppler...
:( No Sandle scenes last night, but it was an interesting episode. Definitely something fishy about Keppler. Seeing the preview for next weeks episode, looks like it has potential for Sandle scenes. :cool:
No Sandle scenes last night, but it was an interesting episode. Definitely something fishy about Keppler. Seeing the preview for next weeks episode, looks like it has potential for Sandle scenes.

yeah, I think we're going to see the whole team next episode and more of them, with Sara and Greg in close proximeties ;)

(btw I love your icon, it cracks me up, lol)
I'm jealous of the people who get to see Jue's manip :(. My computer brings up this dumb search thing sometimes. I want to see Jue's manip, not search for MP3 players-I already have one, its got lots of Sandle songs on it-Is there any other way I'd be able to see it?
I'll PM it to you. Hopefully you'll be able to see it Sabser. :)

Saw the episode, and even I can't come up with a sandle moment for it. What a rip off :p still a good episode, definetely something sneaky about Keppler...
Agreed. The whole episode had very little of Sara or Greg, and the case was quite slow-paced. I didn't really dislike this episode, but something seemed slower and quieter than usual. I like Keppler, though. Even though he is very mysterious. And sneaky (as GregsLabRat mentioned).
And the preview for next week's episode raised my hopes. I like when the "young Turks" (Sara, Nick, Warrick, and now Greg) band together! Reminds me of the scene in Gumdrops where they're all eating together.
gregslabmouse said:

yeah, I think we're going to see the whole team next episode and more of them, with Sara and Greg in close proximeties ;)

(btw I love your icon, it cracks me up, lol)

I hope we get to see Sara and Greg together soon, we havn't really seen them much since Fannysmackin'. I'm interested to see what happens next episode, the preview really has me intrigued. :cool: I think Sara was a bit wary of Keppler, just the way she looked at him. (I like my icon too :D)
Hey, if anyone's interested, I'm doing a Valentine's Day scrapbook project for Eric Szmanda, and thought maybe some Sandle-themed valentines might look nice in there (especially silhouette's wedding pics--hint, hint). So if you're interested, come check out the "Leggo my Greggo" thread for more info (click on my banner, it will take you directly there).
It says in Keppler's bio on whoiskeppler who Frank is. I can't wait for next weeks episode. I haven't been this excited for an episode since Fannysmackin', I think Greg and Sara work together, then we'll definately see something, They'll at least talk to eachother...
It's like FINALLY! At least we got a chance at some serious Sandl-ing.Ooooohh...that sounded really cool, how it just rolled off my's like a name for a baby bird or sumthin...a baby love-bird, HA!
yea the scenes for next week already guarantee a scene lol i can't wait

Oh, I can't wait either! It'll be great to have another Sandle scene...Not sure, but I think the last one was 'Sara standing up for Greg by telling Grissom she turned on the music'. :rolleyes:
*Crosses fingers and looks around* Anyone know where the nearest wishing well is? :lol:

Oh yeah, thanks to Hestia and jue, I have now seen jue's manip, and I adore it. Thanks so much you two :D!

Okay, I thought of a question-A lame one but a question all the same: If you would be able to change the ending for Fannysmackin-the part where the CSI's are talking in the locker room-or another episode with a Sandle moment, what would it be like?
Would you change it at all?

Yup, I know, lame, but I like finding out what everyone can come up with :D It's cute! :rolleyes:

And who knows, someone may write a fanfic! :D
ok cool definetley gonna go see who frank is lol um, i'd have grissom say something really wrong so when he left vegas Sara would be saying bye, permanetley, see i'm good, i'm not going for an all out break up at the end, just something a break up can build from :)
I would have loved to see a scene with Sara and greg when they vissit him at the hospital (Nick would go out and grab some food or something like that) and Sara and Greg would talk about you know... their undying love :D (or atleast something related to it)
I've just realised, thanks to Moose and the little cake icon that it's my birthday! Thankies! *Hands around Sandle Cake* Here you go, my friends! Cake for being so cool and kind and...*Insert word that is positive here* I'd be here all day if I could say how nice you all are :D!

That sounds like an interesting storyline, GregsLabRat, it would sure make a good fanfic :D And I love the idea of yours, Nami, it sounds so sweet and would be so wonderful to see on the show.

Unfortunately, it seems that the writer's aren't on the same wavelength as we are :lol:

Good job I brought 'THE SPIKER' :devil:...
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