Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Welcome to the sandle thread LoveCSI *hands positivity cookies and blue hawaiian*

Thanks for the Redrum screencaps Wojo :) I havent seen the episode, but I'm glad that they at least had scenes together. From what I've heard about Sara's gift, she didnt seem too enamoured by it, so hopefully this means that while Gil's away she will realise that he's wrong for her, and Greg is so right for her :D

I also like how, they're both wearing brown in the second pic, and their clothes are of the same kind of style. It just kind of shows, that they are both very similar and co-ordinated with each other :)
CSIangel17 you'll like the episode if you like angst and especially Catherine angst :)

Sara and Greg again worked well together in this episode

and I think if it weren't for Sara getting involved in the plot behind Catherine and Keppler, I don't think Greg would have done it

anyone else?
Whoa, thanks for the photos, Wojo! Those cheered me up so much. I have to mention I totally love Sara's hair style! Curls look so great on her. :) And I love how she's looking at Greg in the first pic. <3
i don't think greg would have joined into the plot if it werent for Sara, he kinda got peer pressured there, poor boy lol love the screen caps, hopefully there will be tons and tons more for next week (Which still looks disgusting)
So we got ourselves a set up coming up
1. Sara wasn't all to impressed with her gift
2. The whole fannysmackin episode has Greg and sara a little closer
3. Grissoms gone. Enough said.
4. We're Sandle shippers that's all we need! :rolleyes:
Thanks hhunter Love angst, especially Cath angst :)

I've seen the promo for this ep on the Keppler website, and it didnt look like Sara or Greg particularly wanted to go against Cath. But I agree, if Sara hadnt said yes, then I dont think Greg would have either.

Does anyone know which episode it is when Greg mentions that he had braces? Because theres a really cute sandle scene where he says "worth every penny dont you think?" and then smiles at Sara, and then she pretends to be annoyed and then smiles back :D
I don't know what episode that one is CSIangel17

but I was thinking of another good Sara/Greg episode and I'm sure all of you agree is ICED

especially when they find the bodies of the college girl and boy

they kind of looked at each other like..'What is going on here?'

same with the 'trophy condoms' :lol:

ohh Bodies in Motion came to mind too..when Greg got some of the human soup.. :eek: in his mouth.. and Sara said that makes you a cannibal, Grissom would be proud, and Greg said Grissom would have tasted it on purpose :)

that goes to show how well they work together :D
Oh yeah gotta love Iced, such a great sandle episode. The trophy condoms bit was hilarious, especially Sara's little smirk after Greg explained what they were.

And when the guy expects that Greg was a jock at college.
Greg: Me?
Sara: Him? :lol: I loved that scene, and how well they know each other :D

BIM is such a great sandle ep too, another example of where Greggo makes her laugh :)
I miss season 5 so much. I wish they would work together like they used to. *Goes into nostalgic mood*

Iced! Explodapotty!! :lol: :lol: I love when they go into the washroom and Sara's like "Guess who should um, start processing." And Greg looks up to the ceiling.

I also love Swap Meet, when Greg is talking to Mia and they were talking about the condoms. "Just like back in college right?" "Sara told me you didn't lose your virginity until you were 22." Now how in the world would she know that? :devil:

Or how about "You know, this is just like a dream I had once, but it wasn't in a garage, and Grissom wasn't watching." I love how he dreams about Sara in a bedroom.

Can't forget about Who Shot Sherlock. "Feel like celebrating after shift?" (...) "I'm buying." So they have both asked eachother out. Oh and Teh Sandle Hug. Maybe... Sara is just going out with Grissom to make Greg jealous. Wouldn't that be a shocker.

I forgot about Down the Drain after Greg had his first autopsy. It was hilarious when Sara walked in and said "So, I heard you finally lost your virginity?" and then he just glares at her. It was so cute how he opened up to her about what Doc Robbins said, and I'm sure she could tell he was a little upset over it. "How was your first time? How did you react?" "I puked." "I didn't puke..." "Way to go tough guy." Then "Doc Robbins said 'that's what we really are.'" "It's what you do with it that counts." *smile* Can I hear an aww?

If Sara and Greg were going out, and Greg went away for a while, what do you think he would send Sara as a gift?
AWWW. I love Doc Robbins :)

I miss season 5 too! Bring back season 5! We should start a campaign :lol:

Totally forgot about Swap Meet. I love that Greg was even able to tell Sara that he didnt lose his virginity til 22. It just shows how close their relationship is and how they can tell each other anything :D

Sara is just going out with Grissom to make Greg jealous. Wouldn't that be a shocker.
That would be great! I so hope that comes true :)

As for what he would send her... Thats hard! I think he'd send a bottle of perfume, the same that she wears and he recognises as the Sidle Scent. And then he'd write her a letter explaining how he feels, and dab his letter with his aftershave :D
haha Sara using Grissom to make Greg jealous...i like that idea lol now if only he KNEW about it hmm...
If greg went away he would send her such corny stuff like maybe a little CSI bear or something, cuz that's just how Greg is, a corny geek :p then again he would probably CALL her to talk because he would miss her so much ;) unlike grissom who looks like he hasn't called at all o.0 the episode when he says he has braces i think is coming of rage, its that one with the boy being beaten to death by some teens or something, i love that part :D
Here ya go, you need some proof we got Sandle a'brewin'? I got 5, that happened to me and appeared as Sandle signs.

1.Jeremiah demands a valium for Sara(h)
2.My friend, Christy's dating a guy named Greg
3.Buster tells Taylor (Who looks like Sara) "Maybe dreams do come true"
4. Had a dream where someone demanded a valium for someone else...maybe I was just dreaming about school again...
5.Nose says the line "Smells like death"

Oh, and I changed my MySpace name to GrisssomGetsBugSprayed&GregGetsTheGirl (ie Sara)
I forgot to welcome LoveCSI, so welcome! Hope you stop by more often, especially since you seem like a really obssessed sandle fan! (nothing wrong with that, though. ;))

Does anyone know which episode it is when Greg mentions that he had braces? Because theres a really cute sandle scene where he says "worth every penny dont you think?" and then smiles at Sara, and then she pretends to be annoyed and then smiles back :D
If no one has already answered, the episode in question is Coming of Rage, CSIangel17. (In that same scene, Grissom mistook orthodontic rubber bands for "Spaghetti-Os". Wow. :eek:)

I was glad to see those scenes in last week's episode. In fact,the whole episode was good.
I also noticed that Greg agreed after Sara did so. (well, that's how I took it) This might be the only time I'd agree with peer pressure!

Heh. I didn't know MySpace names could be so long, araSgerG. But then, I'm not on MySpace, so... yeah. Funny name. :)

Also, glad to see all of you keeping up the sandle love. All those awesome old episodes! I might get screencaps of them. I know we had a list of the top... what was it, 25 sandle scenes? Hmmm... maybe I'll try and get a screencap of each sandle scene. If I have time. :D
So I was just watching No Humans Involved today and after Sara comes to the scene after the shootout who's the first person she asks if their ok? Greg of course! Not Grissom or Sophia (It doesnt even show if she did) thats Sandle love right there :) Oooh if were gonna list foreshadowing reasons of Sandle here we go:
1. My friend Greg wore sandles today (it counts)
2. I asked everyone in my family about it and only my dad disagreed (But really its my dad, he's old and senile)
3. Sara(h) just started going out with a guy named Eric (Eric. Greg. same thing)
4. For some odd reason my TV keeps playing Sandle episodes
It's a sign i tell you! Sandle next week!
*looks around thread* where are all the sandle shippers? I found this thread halfway down page 2! :eek:

Thanks for the episode title Hestia :D That had been bugging me for ages. And i do love that episode.

Oh i never noticed that about NHI, thanks for pointing that out GregsLabRat. I love NHI though, its one of my favourite ever episodes. And i love it when Sara asks Greg if he's okay, it was so sweet :D

And here's another screencap to caption :)
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