Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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We're halfway down page 2?! wow were getting bad :\well tonight is 'babysitting night' and when they say babysitter they mean me, sooo what CSI reruns are on tonight? hopefully sandle ones, i'm a little deprived at the moment. I LOVE NHI when Gregs just innocently standing there and those guys are like "Wassup white boy?" haha he was scared and he knows it. :eek:
Me thinks I'll play my Sandle tape to get me all excited and whatnot...It's a good week, quiz bowl, John Mayer concert, forecast for snow...all it needs is some MAJOR Sandle.
I loved NHI for the Sara/Greg interaction

and one just came to mind was Burn Out
when Sara and Greg are in the lab and Grissom comes in a complains of a head ache when they had the loud music going

I love how Sara immediatly jumps to Greg's defense saying he's had a rough time...
that scene just popped into my mind :D
:) tomorrows half a day, my dads picking me up so i'm up for a good debate about Sandle and GSR with him MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHhAHA yeah...:) the sandle moment in mind right now for me is one i cannot remember :confused: but its when shes dating Hank and she smells like death and Greg's all "A real man could take it..." lol now Sara, when he said this he DID NOT mean Grissom. Ok. Go to Greg. Now. :mad:grrr
Love that scene in Burn Out too :) I thought that the way that she stood up so instantaneously for him, was so sweet and a loyal side of Sara that we hadnt seen for a while. And it shows how strongly she feels for Greg, that she is willing to stick up for him against the guy that she has just started dating :)

And i believe that that quote is from Bully For You, GregsLabRat :)
:D New episode tonight, wonder if we'll get any Sandle scenes. It was good to see them working together last week, hopefully they'll get put on cases together more often. Greg and Sara were great in their scenes last week. ;)
I have been reading some very good Fanfiction about our, one and only, Sara and Greg. I’m sure some of you like to read Fan fiction to so (please help), recommend me some good stories on Thanks!
NOOOOOO Grissoms coming back next week and there were NO sandle scenes. I think i might have to kill the writers! I was writing in highlighter on my arm "Magic highlighter make sandle scenes" and then it shows Grissom writing that note. The marker defies me! :eek: ugh come on Grissom it took you 3 weeks to write it. No. She belongs to Greg now. Just no. *Is angry* :mad:
Hey, I'm new to the boards! And I'd just like to let everyone know that I'm a Sandle shipper! =) .. for some reason, I don't like the idea of Grissom and Sara (I kind of cringe at it).

Once I reach 100 post, I am so putting a sandle icon on.
Woot, another new Sandle shipper. This ship is growing so fast! :D Welcome, LUCKEY008!

No Sandle last night?! And Grissom is coming back next week?! *stamps foot on floor* Noooo. :(

LoveCSI, I've written some Sandle fics. You can find them if you visit my profile -
If you do read them, please let me know your opinion on them. :)
And I highly recommend FanficAddiction's Sandle stories. They're awesome.
Welcome, LUCKEY008!
Thanks for recommendations gregsandersfan.

SaraStar I have already read all your stories! I like them very much! I really like “Faded Away” but you have stopped writing that story … Please continue! I want to read a new chapter! I think that “From Sara With Love” is OK but I don’t like very much stories with death. I’m waiting for more stories from you!
Haha. I have not stopped writing! I just haven't had the time to write on it yet. But I'm working on the next chapter. :p Thanks for reading! :)
Hi again, people :D! How are ya'll? Got a few things to do haven't I. Gonna start...NOW!

Welcome to the thread, LUCKEY008. It's great that you're a Sandle shipper, and I can't wait to see a Sandle Icon from you. I've got one prepared too :D. Hope you like it here ;).

Some fics that I've really enjoyed are written by:

Lexxia-Check out ' Finally Something to be Thankful For' It's great- Lexxia's Page

remoob1513-'The Child's Eyes' is lovely- remoob1513's Page

Dermestidae Masculatus- 'A Marriage of Convenience? ' has to be one of my favourite Sandle fics so I recommend that one- Dermestidae Masculatus's Page

Finally, a little Sandle sign:
At school yesterday, I was walking to my lesson when I spotted this new painting that the teachers had recently put up. The picture was painted by Sara S. and it was a picture of a Sandal/Sandle on a beach :D.

Yup, I have a good eye :lol:

Edit: Darn it, the links don't work. I'll try and sort them out...If it's just me then you can tell me to buy a new computer because it always brings up this damn search thing and...yeah...:lol:
LUCKEY008 welcome! Where is Ziva__David so she can sing the welcome song? Would she mind if I sang it? (Sorry Ziva!)


*cough* Can you believe I cannot carry a tune in a bucket and I'm recovering from a cold so my voice is out of whack? Well it's true. :p

GregsLabRat said
NOOOOOO Grissoms coming back next week and there were NO sandle scenes. I think i might have to kill the writers! I was writing in highlighter on my arm "Magic highlighter make sandle scenes" and then it shows Grissom writing that note. The marker defies me! :eek: ugh come on Grissom it took you 3 weeks to write it. No. She belongs to Greg now. Just no. *Is angry* :mad:
SaraStar said:
No Sandle last night?! And Grissom is coming back next week?! *stamps foot on floor* Noooo. :(
Somebody get those girls some positivity cookies, stat!
Oh and while we're at it, have some Blue Hawaiian LUCKEY008! It's nice and hot. Like Greg and Sara. :D

But I have to agree with you all. No Greg paired with Sara gets me down. Actually no Greg, period, makes me sad! Oh why would you do this to us, Powers That Be (PTB)?
*sad sigh* :(

I would vent in the Eric/Greg thread but I fear the fangirls! :lol:
Not to say that if any of you visit that thread, you're a 'fangirl'. Or even that being a 'fangirl' is bad. I'm as close to a Greg 'fangirl' without slipping into the ole' "OMG HE IS SO HOTT" and "I <3 GREG!" statements. But I do agree with them (He is, and I do). ;)
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