Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

OMG. I think I might know it. No... wait.. yes. No.

In Prison Break, the main guy keeps sending oragomi paper things to this one girl... Maybe Grissom sends Sara that. :lol: WAIT... Greg is the person who can make oragomi things.. Hmm.. Now I'm confused. :p

That'd be great if Greg gave her the present instead. :p
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Oh, it would be so cute seeing Greg give Sara a present! :D I mean, Grissom can't even do Origami can he? :confused: He seems pretty against origami when Greg is using his crossword puzzles :lol:.

Describe Sandle in one word? Well, I've got two suggestions:

1)Pure-Because they have a pure friendship and understanding. Maybe the have more :) *crosses fingers*

2)Indescribable-Because, no matter how many words we come up with, it isn't enough to fully explain the 'ship that is Sandle. That's why its indescribable...I sound soppy :lol:.
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

*Sigh* Finals week is looming ahead of me... and I know I should be studying BU-U-U-UT I had to read the fics that were posted! :D I really enjoyed reading them both. SaraStar I did not know that thing about putting flowers under your pillow and dreaming about who you'll marry (is it true?) and Sabser the parallel you drew between Sara's behavior around Grissom and Greg's behavior with Sara was spot on! I like those kinds of things. :)

Okay so what should we be discussing while waiting for Sabster's fic? (Oh and Hestia's too, we're not letting you off the hook!)
:eek: The cookies gave me away, didn't they? Oh wait, it was that thing I said about not having to write anymore (I can be so lazy sometimes...) :lol: I didn't think so many of you wanted me to write something (that's so sweet!
A few ideas have been floating around in my mind but not a definite plot. If I get inspired I'll try and post something (or someone could give me a request in my ficlets thread and I'll see what I can do. For some reason I work better with prompts and suggestions. I'm not sure why.)

I think I forgot to thank everyone for the kind words on the "wedding photos". It took me a while, but what can I say, I love sandle enough to get over my photoshop worries! (that, and I've been reading a ton of tutorials!) :p

And last but not least, what word would I use to describe sandle?
Cuteyful. (enough said!) ;)
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

I'm watching the latest episode and would love to see some more new Sandles love. :) I'm still watching it and I'll be posting a little more later. When I first started to watch the three CSI's, I often got Greg mixed up with Wolfe (from Miami), yes-- I know I'm crazy. :lol:

Awesome wedding photos! They're so well done! I'll be looking forward to more.
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

I am sooooo ticked off...every time we have a band concert it gets scheduled for the same time as CSI! And then the next week it won't be a new episode! Good news: I get out of school Thursday until January so I'll have time to post my entire folder of Sandle fictions! Yay!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Ahh, like Hestia I too have exams coming up. Though they're mid-terms not finals. :D So I really should be studying as well, but I had to post before everyone got way too ahead of me. :D

Awesome fic both Sabster and SaraStar! I liked the thing about the flowers SaraStar and I liked how you mentioned me at the top of your ifc Sabster! I'm glad I helped you think of the plot.

Sandle in one word?
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

I love that fic, I just read it, too. Wavelengths! We all must share one!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

^ Thanks for that! It's an amazing story indeed. I've added it to my Favorites list right away. :)

Thanks for nice comments on my fic! Your words mean a lot. I'm happy you liked it. About the flower thingy; I read about that theory in one of my favorite books. I really liked it and I think it fits Sandle. :) So I really don't know if it works or not, but in my story it does. ;) Thanks again for the support.

Oh and Sandle for me in my one word is definitely Cute. It just describes them very well. Or maybe Iiih!, since my sister and I are always going: 'Iiih!' when there has just been a Sandle scene on CSI. :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Yes, that story is absolutely wondeful. It seems, since it's nearing Christmas, that the fanfics keep flowing in! :D

I love your fic too, Sarastar! The thing about the flowers is great for Sandle! Lets hope it happens in the show soon!

Oh, and thanks to everyone who liked my fic and reviewed it. You're so sweet! :D. You can all have cookies for reviewing! *Gives cookies to everyone because they are all so kind!*

So, do you sweet people think that they'll be any Sandle once Grissom has left? If so, what would happen? use your imagination people and give in to plot bunnies like I did! :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Sabser said:
So, do you sweet people think that they'll be any Sandle once Grissom has left? If so, what would happen?

It's at least more likely, since Sara was lately teamed up with Grissom all the time :( so when he leaves there might be space for some SaraGreg teamups and so for possible Sandle. :D
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Yes, I think that Sara will be paired up on a case with Greg and he'll be asking where Grissom is and she'll be like, "How am I supposed to know?" and he'll be like, "I'm not stupid. You two are so obviously together."

Ahh! Sabster! Now you've given me a little plot bunny! I think I'll name him Snuggles. I will give in to Snuggles.
(AHHH! My English exam is tomorrow morning!!!! :( )
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Awwww, I love singingstarryknights. She is a great writer, and I enjoy reading her 'Ducks in a Row' series. :D
Well, Sara was paired up with Greg alot last season, so I can only hope that after Grissom leaves, TPTB will go back to their previous dynamic of Sara and Greg. I expect some interaction between them (good or angsty) and if there is none, I will have to come to the conclusion that TPTB are cruel. (And I'm sure I'm not the first person to ever think this. :rolleyes:)

A plot bunny named snuggles? I think that's possibly the cutest thing I've ever heard!

(Silly question that just popped into my head) If anyone wants to answer, which do you all think is cuter:
a snuggly, plot bunny or our favorite sandle couple?
(I'll mention that the plot bunny is wearing a pair of sandals! :lol:)

PS: Good luck on your exam, Ziva__David :)
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Thanks Hestia! It's my first ever exam so I'm nervous.

It has to be a tie. I mean Snuggles with sandals is just a cutey-ful little image and our Sandle couple is the essence of cute! (essence: 1.the basic element;the identifying characteristic. 2. a substance in concentrated form obtained from a plant or drug. 3. A perfume.)

I think Sandle essence is best described as definition 1. And I'm studying as we speak. That word was a vocab word. :D

Okay so now we move on to the more angsty part of the relationship. How will Sara cope with Grissom's leave of absence? How will Greg confront her about it? (Assuming he knows of course.)
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

:eek: We're on the second page, that's no good. Come on people, we've gotta keep the Sandle love alive. :D Anybody got any suggestions as to what topic we should discuss involving our very favorite ship?
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