Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Seeing as everyone (myself included) is anticipating some nice fics from Sabser, I guess you won't be needing any fics from me. :p *sneaks out, but takes cookies before leaving*

Oh, we do! We need your fics, too! :p Haha, but no pressure.
Anyway, I wrote a oneshot Greg/Sara fic yesterday! It's kinda happy, just Sandlish stuff. :) I'm typing it onto the computer right now, as soon as it's done I'll give you guys the link to it.
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Seing as everyone (myself included) is anticipating some nice fics from Sabser, I guess you won't be needing any fics from me.

Hestia, don't be silly! You're fics are so much better than mine are! We need fics from you! *Starts chanting* Hestia, Hestia, Hestia... :lol: :D

I love the idea of the diner scenario, Kate! It would be so funny.

Sara: Greg, I never ordered alphabet spaggheti...*She moves the letters around with her fork, making the message disappear.
Greg: Doh!

Hehe... :D
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Hey guys, sorry I'm late, but congrats on the new thread, and I love the title. :)

And Hestia -- You should write more fics. :D
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Aww Irma and Hestia those wedding photos are amazing, they both look gorgeous :) I hope that if they do get married they look like that.

Oh, lots of sandle fics floating around yeay! SaraStar that fic was so sweet :)

Hmm well no sandle in the last ep, well never mind, can only mean more to come when Gil is on his break. Aww Ziva_David i bet thats where they were, its the only explanation :)
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

I read a spoiler over at Blacktieaffair:

It said at the end of episode 7x11 Leaving Las Vegas. Grissom leaves a gift for Sara....but the poster read the sides about the gift and said : Be glad you are not Sara"
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Well that's some seriously good news for us yet not so good at the same time Raven04.

Aww cute fic SaraStar! It made me laugh at the beginning. :D

Okay so what should we be discussing while waiting for Sabster's fic? (Oh and Hestia's too, we're not letting you off the hook!)

I'm not sure but I did have a little dream about Sara and Greg last night. It was very short though. They were at a crime scene talking about macaroni and cheese. :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

First, I have to say: Irma, and Hestia, I LOVE your wedding pictures! When I saw them I just about fell over!! :D I saved all of them, too. ;)

Raven04[/b] said]I hope the person is right about the present.. I heard a spoiler about it, but I'm not sure if it's true. I wouldn't be too surprized if Grissom actually gave her a bad present. :rolleyes:

That sucks for Sara. Maybe Greg could comfort her. ;) :D
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Wow, that does suck for Sara. I mean, it must be a strange gift but something Grissom-y-that's not a word :lol:-, like a book, maybe? But whatever it is, it doesn't sound good. But if it means more Sandle moments, then its bad for Sara, good for us!!! Then maybe it gets better for Sara since Greg could cheer her up and...stuff :devil: :p

Guess what! I got my fanfic up, the one with Greg finding out about Sara and Grissom. Do you wanna know why it took so long to get up? No? Well, I'll tell you anways. There was a storm and my dad told me to turn off the computer since he didn't want the eletricity from the lightning to destroy it. So I turned the computer off but forgot to save both my fanfics :rolleyes:. So, I wrote down the plot of the second one, and wrote the first from scratch. i actaully think it turned out better than the original. So, there you have it! Please comment on it if you want to! :D

My Newest CSI Fanfic!!!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Ahh guess where i found this thread, half-way down thread 2! :( Where is everyone?

Well whatever the gift is, i kind of think that it wont be bad, cos thats not very Grissom-y, I hope Sara at least tells Greg what it is. Or if its bad i hope she consoles herself with Greg and then realises that she should be with him :D No offence to GSR shippers. for topic discussion, how about if you had to describe their relationship so far in one word what would it be? Random i know :lol:

*goes off to read Sabser's fic :)
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Nicki said: for topic discussion, how about if you had to describe their relationship so far in one word what would it be? Random i know :lol:

It's not random. It's a good question. ;) *Thinks hard* I know this isn't probably the best word, but I say "fun." Or what about "true".. They have a true love. :D Or how about "everlasting"... Can we describe their relationship in a sentance instead? :lol:

For some reason, I don't think the present will be bad, bad.. As in giving her a toothpick or something. :p But I don't think it will be the best. Someone said something like a book about bugs.. I could see that. Cause instead of giving her a romantic gift, or something she would like, he gives her something work-related and not really of her interest. No effence to anyone here, but it's just more like what I've heard in the spoilers. :)
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

well over at blacktie affair we kept suggesting different gifts especiall the book "He's just not into you" but the poster who read the sides and knows what the present s posted:

he said that would be wayyyyyy better then what he is giving her. He gave a clue saying : if your into prison break might be able to figure it out since it's very similar
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