Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Never fear, for now I am here!!! Yay! New thread! And in honor of the new thread I made these, check 'em out.
Sandle Crest
The Sandle Seal of Approval
Yeah! New Sandle thread, the Hogs in the SEC championchips and I'm playing the snare drum in the Christmas parade...ahhh...this is the life!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

:lol: Hestia, I love your rhyme. (I can't spell. For some reason my meds have stopped working... I think my doc's right. I need a higher dosage.
Thank you. *bows* :) I always did like cheers and rhymes. And szmandatogoholic, you seem perfectly fine.

So Roos and I took this photo while we guided Greg and Sara through Amsterdam during their honeymoon. :lol:
But I wanted them to come visit me in New York for their honeymoon. :( *sniff* ...
I guess they'll just have to come here for New Years (who's got the ball drop at midnight and the snow fluttering all around?) :D

Oh, and CSI_Sidle2399, I don't think I've seen you around these parts, so post more often and stick around (don't be shy)! We have coffee, cookies, and pure optimism. ;)
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Sarastar-- I love your icon. I love the way Greg is looking at her! :) It makes me smile...

Oh and I love your manip!
Very nice pics araSgerG like the sandle seal of approval :)

Hmm for their first anniversary as a married couple, i think that they would make a whole day of it. Like i think that Greg would take Sara to the theatre and then for a romantic meal somewhere, and then maybe Sara would take Greg to a game of some sort or whisk him away somewhere for the weekend. :D

And then they'd do the traditional giving paper gifts. I think Greg would give her a special photo album of their wedding day, and then Sara would give him tickets for them to go and see his favourite band or something :D
Hey! They'd come through Arkansas at some point wouldn't they? Oh, how exotic...Arkansas...they'll get back to you on that...oh! They could go to the big waterfall at Petit Jean and eagle watching at Pennicle Mt.! Yeah! Ha! I'm suffering from some slight Sandle withdrawal...need...Sandle...
I'll work on getting the prices for the coffee machine Sabster :lol:

For their 1st aniversary? Hmm, I think that they'd go someplace romantic for dinner (Delmonico's anyone? wait they're famous for steak....nevermind.) and then they'd go see some rock band that Greg likes, and Sara has probably never heard of........ :rolleyes:

Well, actually, there's an idea! He could give her a little booklet on the gods of rock. :D
Thanks for all of the welcome gifts!!! However I'll have to donate the coffe to the writers (I hate the taste of coffee), maybe the stuff you guys spiked it with will inspire them.

For Christmas I can see Sara giving Greg a few music related things and then a gift certificate to an incredibly nice resturant. And Greg would give Sara l;ike nice piece of jewelry or clothing *mind wonders into gutter* *mind out of gutter*, and something really random and off the wall.

Then on New Years they would be in New York for some reason, a confrence maybe?, and go to Time's square to watch the ball drop. Right as the ball starts to fall Greg will propose.

GRAVEYARDINTERN: I defenatly think that we will talk a lot more. OTPs rock!

I've been very busy lately, but I just need to congratulate everyone on the new thread (hope it's not too late :)) Wooohhhoooo thread #9! *throws conffetti* :D Oh and I bring some presents!!


*cough* Yes, me and Hestia were their wedding photographer ;) And this is one of the photos I snapped :p :D

Umm no, actually... Remember that we talked about Sandle weddings in the last thread and I told you guys how you are psychic??? Well because I made these manips around page 23 or something (long BEFORE the wedding talk), thinking "what could I contribute to the new thread?" I was in my cousin's wedding and they remind me of Sandle, hence the idea :) So it's not that you talk about weddings then I made these, but it's before.
Kinda freaked me out that you could somehow 'knew' my secret plan :lol:

Hope it's not too late to say "CONGRATULATIONS" :)


Aren't they cute? :) :D :D :D

- Silhouette
Silhouette I LOVE those manips! They're GREAT!
(did you steal anything from the wedding we can obsess over? No? Ah well, how were the decorations? :D)

So to get this thread off on a kick start, since we've now discussed New Years, Christmas, how they would say I love you, and where their first date would be (I think, right?) let's have a new question.

How do you think Sara is feeling now that she and Grissom are "together" with Greg around? Will she tell him soon enough that Grissom is no more? Or will she keep it bottled up for another season? (let's hope not)

And I believe Grissom is taking a leave of absence after this episode so maybe that will affet Sara and Greg? Who knows......:rolleyes:
Okay, those manipulations = MOST AMAZING THING EVER! People are going to think I'm on something at school now...oh well. Sandle is more amazing than school. Tee hee.

I think Sara's probably feeling a bit contracdicted with the whole "love triangle" thing. (Reminds me of the book I'm reading in English actually). And after the whole "Fannysmackin'" thing she must be realizing that there's something more in her heart for least, I'd hope so.
OMG, Silhouette! Those manips are so superamazing!!! They look just real. Woot, I love love love them. :D Awesome job.

I'm not so sure if Sara'd tell Greg about Grissom. I mean, of course she trusts him and stuff, but she doesn't seem a person that talks about her feelings easily to me.
Anyway, I do hope she's gonna get doubts about her and Grissom after 'Fannysmackin', like Lexxia said.
Silhouette, fantastic pictures! You're so lucky to be their wedding photographer! :lol:

I just read the spoiler... It might happen actually, but we'll see. After all, who knows? TPTB always like to fool us around now, don't they?
:eek: OMG Silhouette!!! The 'wedding photo's :devil:' have got to be the sweetest thing I've seen it my life. They're so realistic!!! *Sighs dreamily* If only we had a wedding video...

In my opinion, Sara will probably keep asking herself if what she has is really what she wants. I mean, there's obviously something special between Greg and Sara, but they both seem as nervous as each other at exploring what could be the relationship they've both dreamed of. I think, since this season has given us Fannysmackin, a Greg centric eppy, they'll probably have Greg discover Grissom and Sara talking together, and find out that they are a couple. He'll be heartbroken, because he thinks he's lost her for good, and he'll probably be kind of angry since they're supposed to be friends and tell each other everything. Then, Sara could ask herself 'Is it really meant to be this way?', and go find Greg to explain the whole thing. Then Greg could be like 'I always thought I'd have a chance, you know, that I'd always be able to persuade you to give it a try...' and Sara thinks a bit and replies 'Do you still wanna give it a try?'. Greg gives her his Greggo smile and...I think I'll let you decide :D! Go on,let your imagination run wild :lol:!!!

Oh my! I really have to catch up here. Still going Sandle strong I see, that's the spirit :D

That sound's so amazing! I really think you are on to something there. I would loove to see that!
And Sara wouldn't be able to decide what she want at first. But after a while (With tention between both her and Greg and her and Grissom) She finally (Like an apiffany, or how it is spelled) opens up her eyes And she just know's that Greg would always be there for her, and always makes her smile! And she goes to tell him! Then you imagine the rest :p
I have pics from my sister's wedding back in June... sadly, I can't do manips worth a crap... and my inbox is WAY full and I am about to spend some time emptying it out... (did I spell "emptying" right? I'm becoming obsessed with minor things like that now!)

And last night on Spike, they showed "Play With Fire..." as one of their four CSI: shows. I instantly thought of Sara and Greg's injury there and his injury now and *WHAM!* I thought of this thread. My mom was online the entire time I wanted to be on. So I just watched 'Twister' and waited on her. (I had an idea on a 'Twister'-based fanfic with CSI-characters. :p Sadly, I don't know how to start it.)
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