Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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:lol: Awesome dialogue people !! :lol: I'm really glad to see our thread living :D

Maybe we could make our own dictionnary with sandle words? i mean you create a word relating to Sandle and gives its definition and when we will have 100 words , someone could make a montage of it :D

Guys i'm so Sandle-excited :D
Yes you are, sissi! lol well, I think the dictionnary is a good idea.

The caption:

Sara: Greg, is that us?
Greg: Yep, the paparazzi just caught us kissing.
Sara: But wait, that one is taken with a photo-camera of the Crime-Lab!
Sara and Greg *looking at eachother*: GRISSOM!

And I'd love to participate in a writing challenge! I may not be that good at writing, but it'd be great to read Sandle-fics!
^ :lol: that caption is so funny Roos could actually see them get cught kissing by paparazzi, they should have done that in the episode in s7 where they have to barge through all the reporters.

Yeay the dictionary idea is a great idea.

Sandlish - as in 'thats very sandlish' - something that reminds you of or pertains to sandle.
Sandlefication - being turned into a sandle shipper :lol:
Sandleology - the study of all things sandle
LOL. That dictionairy idea is awesome! I'm gonna save the all the words we have now in a folder on my computer, together with all the S and G suggestions. :)

I looove Sandlefication. And Sandleology... How I wish that were a subject in school. :D

Whee, I'm very Sandly at the moment. (New word! Being in a Sandle mood = Sandly. :p)
Don't forget about the Sandlematics, guys!

Sandlematics ~ cute x cute = cute², it means cute (Greg) times (Sara) is cute².

I love Sandly, definitely. Woot, a dictionnary. I could design the outside of the book :p
Awesome!! and then every Sandle on Earth will have his own Snadle dictionnary, we will be able to give it to the newbies etc :D

I love your suggestions!!!

Sandleling: when someone can stop talking about Sandle
example: Okay i'm gonna stop Sandleling right now lol
Yeah! I love Sandlematics, Roosy. I wish we could do those during maths... then it would be soooo much more fun, wouldn't it? And do design the front page of our Sandle dictionairy. :)

Ohh and let's not stop Sandleling, Sissi! ;) Haha, awesome idea.
Yaaayyyy!!! A Sandle dictionary! I love this idea!

Oh and you have to add in this : Sandlecheer-the cheer of all Sandle shippers. (Which can be found being yelled by Kate whenever a newbie comes in. :D)

And I really do love the captions you guys came up with.

Sandle fic challenge:
Has to include the following (or make reference to):
-A squirrel
-Papa and Nana Olaf
-A flaming red coffee pot
-Greg being sprayed with PAM!

:devil: I'm so mean. Who's up for this challenge???
Who-ha! (my new Evan-ified catch phrase) PAM!!!! I'll consider your challenge...I'm going to be in Nashville all weekend and that's a LONG ride so I'll bring my notebook, see if inspiration (the lovely Sandle kind) hits me (not too hard, please!) on the skull...and good news, I just found my lucky or (dare I say it?) Sandle-licious pencil, so I'm cool. If it strikes me, I'll write it...who knows...Sandle works in mysterious ways (cue mysterious!)....
Have fun in Nashville arasgerg :)

Cool challenge Kate I'll see what I can come up with. But one question what is Pam?

Oh love the word Sandley, has a nice ring to it :)
CSIangel17 said:
Have fun in Nashville arasgerg :)

Cool challenge Kate I'll see what I can come up with. But one question what is Pam?

Oh love the word Sandley, has a nice ring to it :)

I think Pam is like a cooking spray that you put on pans so stuff doesn't stick to it. ;)

And Sandle dictionary!! :) I love the idea. It should have Sandle moments in it too. <3 All the special little scenes, because after all, they define Sandle just as well as words. Maybe even better :D :cool:
I'll take that challenge Ziva__David! I was hoping for one... ;) And I am glad to see other people are interested in writing something 'sandley'. :)

Have fun on your trip, araSgerG!
CSIangel17, PAM is cooking spray. (like littlesara said.)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who is feeling the sandle love! :D Yay for the sandle dictionary!
Gosh i'm Sandleling today, i don't know what is happening to me lol
Sissi, whatever it is that's making you so 'sandley', I don't mind! I'm glad to see you here more often.
I've added all the Sandle vocabulary and all Geeky, but Soulful options. :) If new things come up, I'll add them, too.

Does anyone know an appropiate title for our Sandle dictionairy? Right now I placed 'VocabSandle' above it, but maybe you guys have better ideas. Let me hear them if you do. :)
**hugs** Hestia,i'm so glad to here too :D

As for the title, it can be a sentence like "how to speak Sandle?" or "How to talk to another Sandle fan?" :lol: okay i'm Sandleout lol
Omg, How to speak Sandle really cracked me up.

What about:

Sandlistics - Statistics about how much the Sandle-love has grown in the past year.
Sandlesize - not size of your sandals, but the size of your Sandle-love.

Those are really lame ^

And for the challenge; I'd love to participate.
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