Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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Hestia said:
Sorry 1CSIMfan. We'll do our best to stay on topic.

Hey everyone. It's been a while since I was here, hasn't it? At least I'm not the only one who feels her sandle-positivity wavering a bit. New fandoms are part of it, though the fact that I keep missing the beginning of most CSI episodes because of my class schedule hasn't helped. I did manage to catch the last 35 minutes of the most recent "Halloween" episode which was really cool.

It's weird how I was so excited about the Greg/Sara moment we got when it first aired but now I'm getting what Michelle is. Kind of depressed... I don't think we need spoilers for Sara's "confession". For those who don't know, she confided in Greg that she was feeling like what they do isn't enough. Kind of hopeless because crime rates keep increasing. It sure does set the stage for Sara's likely departure.
As a Sara-shipper, primarily sandle-shipper, this is kind of disheartening. Bittersweet moment with the two in the locker room.

I hope none of you mind a spoiler pic! Just one. The others will be links. The newly dubbed: SPOTM.

[/b]Sandle Pic of the Moment[/b]
(from The Chick Chop Flick Shop)


I missed doing these. Maybe this will spark some activity in this thread.
Some more pics for those who'd like to see them: Sara is pondering something. Greg is willing to listen.
And to lighten things up: Because Smiles Don't Lie.

I think I feel a bit better. :) (credit goes to the wonderful Beyond Imagination)

Thank you so much for this, Hes! I needed my Sandle. I've missed them so much! Hopefully this will inspire me to write a new Sandle fic. I have an idea in my head!

Once again this proofs Greg is "a good listener". He's always there for her and obviously, after this scene, Sara confides in. AHHH why don't they see it?! Sandle is so perfect..
Happy birthday, Eva! :D *hugs*

That scene actually made my day. This goes to prove that Greg indeed is the one who can make her smile. I mean, she was pretty upset and he helped to pick her up.

It just sucks what the scene is leading up to. :(
It's Eva's birthday! :D I'm glad you like the pictures. I really wish you the happiest day. Have a wonderful birthday, Eva-star.

So tonight there's gonna be a new episode (that I'll miss half of... *frustrated*). If there are any Greg/Sara scenes please let the rest of us know. Thanks!

And even thought things seem a bit down recently, we must remember who we are! We are sandle-shippers! We are the positivity ship! Optimism is our credo, and Blue Hawaiian is our fuel (along with positivity cookies of course) We won't let a little engagement keep us down.

'From almost kissing each other, to showering together, to hand holding, Sandle is The Ship'.
Aw thanks Katers and Hestia! I really had a wonderful birthday. So many nice presents and so much fun with all the people that came over. I also saw The Fray, they were playing in Amsterdam on my birthday. Can I be any luckier?! :D Of course I thought about Sandle when they played "How To Save a Life". :)

You guys, I'm writing a Sandle fic. I wonder what kind of scene we get for Sara and Greg when Sara leaves, but I want it to be special. And if we don't get that, I'll write it myself. We need some last Sandle love!

And it would be ridiculous if we don't get a Sandle goodbye at all. Come on, they're like the best of friends! We deserve a scene. I demand one! ;)
Happy belated birthday hun , sorry for not being here on ur birthday !!! How is everyone doing ?
on topic :
Yeah , I mean they only gave us a few scenes ,just a few Sandle scenes ... how can those guys think we can live only with a few scenes ???
And the one from The Chick chop flick shop is cute ... but still , I want more ... much more ...
Okay, so I've been over to the spoiler thread for this Thursday's episode and something caught my eye. (Hopefully this will bring some discussion.)

The summary states something along the lines of Sara having an "explosive row" with Greg in the locker room, meaning they have a fight/argument. Now I was confused because many of the posters think Greg and Sara will get into an argument in this coming episode but I thought the summary was referring to last week's episode (where I got the SPOTM). Now I'm thinking: either the person who wrote the summary comepletely misread the Greg/Sara scene last week, or there will actually be some conflict between our favorite pair in Sara's last episode! :eek: I just thought I'd bring it up here and get input from you all, even if it does turn out to be wrong.

If it does happen, I'm not sure how I would take it. On the one hand, this sounds like it could be rife with angst and the fight would most likely be about Greg upset that Sara wants to leave. :) On the other hand, who wants these two to depart on such lousy terms? They might patch things up but still...
Anyway, what do you think?
Ahh! No I'm pretty sure it means they fight in the last episode. I just really can't see that happening! They NEVER fight. BUT. This is good. Greg has something to do with this which means our ship won't be in the background. Now, I might be being too optomistic, but this is GREG, we're talking about. He would never say anything rude to her, and he might think this is one of the last times he's going to see her. What if he confesses his love for her? Or tells her that he loved her for all those years. I can see Sara getting upset over that because he's telling her that THEN. Just think of all the times Greg wanted to tell her that but didn't want things to be awkward bewtween them or ruin their friendship. But now she's leaving.

Or he could be begging her to stay or something. And she gets pissed off. For some reason. I can just see her yelling at him and then breaking down and crying and him walking over and putting his arms around her, holding her while she crys. MY HEART WOULD EXPLODE NO JOKE.

It how it says: Following an explosive row with Greg Sanders in the crime department's locker room, the final straw came for Sara when she was ordered to reopen a case... It looks like they're saying Greg upset her and reopening the case just built on top of that which made it worse. I don't want Greg to have anything to do with her leaving. If they make it that Greg pushed her buttons so much that she left I'd actually be so upset.
I'm not really looking forward to tonight's episode. I've already been all sniffily because of things going on in my RL. I just hate the fact that Sara is leaving. I never thought it would happen. I prayed that it was one of those teasers that turned out not to be true. But, alas, it looks like it might be true.

So, I am going to be writing a Sandle fic. Not my normal ship. It's a final tribute to our wonderful couple. CatNip is still my fave, but Sandle is a special one in it's own right.

I got this sms from Nikki yesterday evening about this and I'm really shocked. Why are they doing this?! Greg and Sara fighting? I mean, I cannot think of a ship for which is it more unlikely that they'd fight. Greg and Sara are like the best of friends! Unless, like you said, it has something to do with her leaving. I can understand Greg gets upset about that (hell, I'd be upset too.) And omg Katie, my heart would explode too. That'd be an awesome scene! I just really hope it isn't something serious that they fight on. But an "explosive row" doesn't sound very good... :eek:
Hey sorry im not being active these days..but im so sad and im not being in any sandle mood...oh man!! :(
I cant believe that sara and greg are gonna fight!! I think its abt greg telling her that he loves her and she will be like WHAT?? but i hope that they are ot gonna fight...oh man!!! why me?
I was right, this did spark some conversation. :) That's always good. So tonight is the night, ladies and gentlemen!

First of all, I'm so sorry about what's been going on in real life Michelle. I really hope things pick up for you, hun, and thanks for the wonderful words about our ship. I always found CatNip to be quite cute, and even if I don't exactly full out ship it (though you never know... they could be my next Vegas OTP! See my sig for explanation ;)), the CatNip shippers I know are terribly sweet - including you.

Second, I'm going to get out of class early to see this, sure to be unbelievable, last episode for Sara. I'll be holding my breath and when it's over I'll try and bring you all the sandle details. *crosses fingers*

As for the spoilers, I'm gonna agree with most of what sandersidle said.

While I don't expect some big declaration of love from Greg (although I might just faint from shock if that happened!) I do strongly believe that if there were some kind of "explosive row" between these two, it would be because he wants her to stay and be strong but Sara snaps and starts an argument. :( I agree that these two are the least likely to fight; come on, they're the ship of smiles! Who makes Sara laugh and smile more than our own Greggo? In any case, dramatic angsty Greg and dramatic angry Sara sounds explosive but intriguing. There's gotta be some meaning behind these two fighting other than Sara lashing out blindly... and hopefully they make up by the end of the episode. No, I'm sure they will because above everthing else, they care for each other and won't let a little fight get between them. Especially not on Sara's last day.
I'm so excited for the episode! Excited and sad... I haven't felt this way in a long time! :cool:
What in the hell was THAT? She just LEFT. She gave that stupid new a girl her vest and Greg gets NOTHING? I'm SO dissapointed. Why the hell would they say they faught in the episode description and then not inlcude it in the episode!? SO. LAME. And this episode was so corny. Sara's little letter. COME ON. Warrick had a scene with Sara. No effence but he isn't half as close to Sara as Greg is. Once again this ship was put in the background.

I wonder how Greg will react when they realize she's gone. But oh wait, he probably won't even realize. Since that's how the writers like to roll.

/pissed off.
I hear ya' sandersidle. :(

Just finished watching it... wow.

Can I just say, well, you know how I said the episode would be unbelievable? It was... for entirely different reasons than previously thought.
First and foremost, the spoilers were misinterpreted... yeah.

How's that for disappointing? But it gets worse:

I had mixed feelings about this thing, but what I didn't like was how Sara just up and leaves without telling anyone. She leaves Grissom a note near the end and it's all dramatic how she's in a cab leaving Vegas while Grissom reads her note. The voice over is sad. The music is sad. It's all very sad. And there's no real interaction between her and Greg (other than case related). Also, even though I'm not anti-GSR, the pure shippiness at the end is probably gonna make the episode discussion thread a war zone...
All in all, the episode, which was already going to make me sad because one of my favorite characters was leaving, just made me even more sad because of the way she makes her exit. The case itself was rather interesting but I guess I should talk about it in the episode thread (but then I remember what I said about the war zone thing).
Oh God, I've been away for far too long... and now Sara's gone?! I admit that I haven't been so much into Sandle for the last weeks since I started watching Supernatural, but I still love this ship! So well, I haven't watched the episode, but I don't like the spoilers at all :( (Do they have to be spoilers anymore?)

This is part of a poem I wrote quite a long time ago, actually it was a Danny/Lindsay poem for "Love run cold", but I think those two parts fit for Greg, too...

Letting Go
There’s nothing I will ask from you
Won’t hold you back
When you feel you cannot stay
Because loving always goes along
With letting go
I won’t stand in your way

Silently I’ll watch you leave
Maybe I’ll wave
And then I’ll turn around
Realizing with each step
That I have lost
The angel I’ve just found
*walks into the thread shamefully*

I should be punished. :( I haven't been here for a long time. I'm really really really sorry you guys. :( Hope you guys still remember me! :)

I can't believe I've let go of Sandle for so long. :( My computer isn't working for weeks and there's been a horrible storm here and all the power was out. :( And there's school. Argh! I miss Sandle so much.

I was just going through the channels and stumbled into ET and the very last thing I wanna see was just the thing I saw - about Jorja leaving. :( I was so shocked, really! Gosh, this is so sad especially for Sandle. *tear* :( I have no idea about the S8 episodes because I haven't read the spoilers (yep, i lasted this long) but at least they gave us some Sandle scenes I'll look forward to when they premiere here. :) The picture you posted, Hes way up there was really sweet! I like the way Greg looked at Sara. :) Even though, Im not really sure on what's going on there.

Gosh, I miss this thread so much! Hes is so right! We must stay positive! :D No matter how small the chance is the chance is still there! And guys, I missed you all so much! *pulls everyone into a warm and tight group hug* And Eva, can't wait for the fic! And sorry I missed your birthday, I know it's been weeks ago but here's a belated gift for you!


You deserve the best cake and I must say this is the best looking cake I have ever seen! Happy Belated Birthday, Eva

Kat, lovely poem as always!

Well, long live Sandle!

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances of meeting somebody like you
Were a million to one
Can't believe it
You're one in a million

Sandle is one in a million
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